Nations of the World
From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
This is a non-comprehensive list of the nations in RTL, including defunct states. If you would like to learn more about a country not listed here, you can reach us out via the Say/Ask anything thread pinned on the RTL Subreddit.
(†) — Nation extinct
North America
- Alyeska
- Amerikaanse Free State
- Florida
- Mexico
- New England
- New France
- New Netherland
- Opdamsland
- Rupert's Land
- South Tussenland
- Tussenland
- Virginia
Central America & the Caribbean
- Antilles Federation
- Bahamas, Turks, and Caicos Islands
- Boschland
- Blessed Islands
- Cuba
- Jamaica
- Puerto Rico
- Saint-Domingue
- West Indies Union
South America
- Bahia Republic
- Colombia
- Carolina
- Chile
- Equador
- Guiana
- Paraguay
- Pernambuco
- Peru
- Palissandria
- Riograndense Republic
- Albania
- Arpitania
- Austria
- Bohemia
- Bulgaria
- Denmark
- Finland
- France
- Galicia
- Genoa
- Hanover
- Hellas
- Iceland
- Illyria
- Ireland
- Latium
- Lombardy
- Magyaria
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Piedmont
- Poland
- Pomerania
- Portugal
- Rhineland
- Romania
- Rumelia
- Russia
- Sardinia
- Saxony
- Sicily
- Slovakia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Tuscany
- United Kingdom
- Venice
East Asia
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East & Central Asia
- Afghanistan
- Asir
- Basrah
- Deir Azzor
- Egypt
- Ha'il
- Hejaz
- Jerusalem
- Kirkuk
- Lahej
- Mosul
- Oman
- Ottoman Sultanate
- Persia
- Tabarestan
- Tadjikistan
- Turkestan
- United Gulf States
- Yemen
- Abyssinia
- Agadez
- Algeria
- Angola
- Borgu
- Butua
- Cape Republic
- Chaamba
- Congo Federation
- Columbemba
- Dar Runga
- East Africa
- Egypt
- Equatoria
- Gambia
- Gurma
- Guinean Union
- Gimabala
- Iorubaland
- Kirignaga-Loloue
- Kongo
- Liptako
- Malagasy National Republic
- Manden
- Maravi
- Masina
- Morocco
- Natalia
- Nubia
- Numidia
- Rozvi
- Rukwa
- Salvatia
- Sierra Leone
- Songhay
- Somalia
- Tawarеck
- Tripolitania
- Tunisia
- Tuat
- Umongo
- Uruwa
- Urunda