Lore Progress Tracker

Revision as of 06:18, 9 November 2023 by Wannabee (talk | contribs) (Add Fula Wars outline (1969-1975))

This is an internal document
This is an internal document meant for RTL contributors. This document might contain spoilers, early plans, and behind-the-scenes stuff not meant for the public audience.

Only include things relevant to the SW and this milestone, but please leave pre-SW context if necessary. List consensuses and to-dos here.

Google Docs list

See List of Google Docs.

Global Events

  • 1970s: 1970s Oil crisis 1970s Global Oil Crisis.
  • Space Race
    • 1978: First ANAN Sputnik-like space launch
    • Early 1981: Quetzacoatl-1 launched, intended as the first geosynchronous satelite but is a failure.
    • Late 1981: Quetzacoatl-2, a more calibrated version, was successfully launched into orbit.
  • 1974-198x: Anglo-Russian practical cooperation

North America

SW Timeline of North America

Put overarching SW timelines/details for North America here. For country specific information, check country-specific section.

Pre-SW Context

  • 1931: NNL & Mexico start winding down their economic and political rivalry in the aftermath of the Floridian revolution.
  • 1935: NNL & Mexico have joint talks about the "European threats".
  • 1937: New England Independence supported by NNL, Mexico & Virginia
  • 1937: Tussenland pulls out of the Great War in fear of the North American alliance forming- American first parties win power
  • 1937: Mexico and NNL supports Cuban rebels

SW Part 1 (1935-1965)

  • 1940: Russia reorganizes Alyeska into a new Autonomous National Republic (protests ensure from Alyeskans who aren't happy with the more direct rule)
  • 1940: New France starts sliding into Anglo sphere.
  • 1941: The Westerzee National Movement starts agitating for a Boer-state in the pacific north-west.
  • 1942: The British start a process of heavy modernization of their Rupertsland & Greenlandic military bases and depots
  • 1943: AFS starts building strong ties with the RNR.
  • 1943: Mexico & NNL become more concerned with Russian and British encroachment on the continent and talks begin in Tussenlandt for closer ties.
  • 1944: Fears of insurgencies in South America and rumors of Russian agents in the ACB islands threatens NNL government.
  • 1945: Tensions continue to rise- (British spy discovered sabotaging Mexican Nuclear program?, or maybe something with the Canal?)
  • 1948: In a united effort, which includes the formation of a so called American security council Tussenland, Mexico, Virginia, NNL and NE meet to discuss a path forward for pushing European influence out of North America (maybe have success in swaying New France)
  • 1949: More formal talks start on the creation of a permanent structure of American cooperation are accelerated when a British bases in Rupertsland is discovered to be outfitted with (Nuclear armed?) long distance bombers (maybe they perform exercises over Tussenland airspace?)
  • 1950: American leaders meet in Tussenland to start the formal negotiations of what would eventually become the ANAN

SW Part 2 (1965-1985)

  • 1970s: Political shift in the ANAN, to a more positive outlook towards having an active global role.



  • 1940: Alyeska was made into an Autonomous National Republic. Unpopular move within Alyeska.
  • 1968: Russian oil tanker disaster in Alyeska.
  • 1978-1979: Alyeskan War of Independence

Amerikaens Free State

Pre-SW context
  • 1938: Goudpaerdt family returns to power, with the election of Goedelt Goudpaerdt as president. Starts sliding in to Russian influence.
  • 1941-1953: Supported Amerikaener rebels in the Westerzee Troubles.
  • 1953: ANAN-backed coup ousted the Goudpaerdt family from power, replaced by De Clercq family (Pro-ANAN)
  • 1953: Treaty of Etersheym ended the Westerzee Troubles
  • 📝❌These are not yet on the wiki


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  • See: Talk:Mexico [section: 20th c. Mex discussion (2023)]

New England

  • 1914: Home-rule Act
  • 1937: Independence

New France

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New Netherland

  • 1947-1963: Guman Bloc, pro-labor reforms
  • 1963: Rise of Zeyven Party (it's just members of the labor party that shifted to middle-class interests).
    • Middle-class growth, ANAN integration support is popular
    • Güman and allies isolated in the bloc due to trade competition concerns
    • Güman expelled from Labor Party after New Netherland Steel Company strike support.
    • People's Party Formation: Güman and Labor Party members establish People's Party in February 1963, a hardliner labor


  • 1958-1962: In the first 4 years of military junta rule, political situation was somewhat stable.
  • 1963-1965: It would not be long however until various pro-democracy groups begin to make noise again, also pleading to ANAN
  • 1966: A huge protest ensues at the Opdamsland capital in 1966, which the Opdamsland government supressed violently.
  • 1966-1968: Several high profile human rights campaigns pop up in NNL and Mexico pop up calling out the undemocratic regime and abuses.
  • 1969-1970: Although technically they could, the ANAN is reluctant to use force to overthrow a fellow ANAN member's government because that might undermine the image of regional cooperation and etc. So instead they impose trade sanctions and diplomatic isolation against Opdamsland
  • 1970: All this internal and external pressure eventually forced the junta to step down and restore the democratic constitution. (edited)
  • 1970-1985: reforms to its social and economic institutoins.
    • The oil industry also expands (thanks to soaring oil prices) and infrastructure,
    • social welfare, and quality of life is improved.
    • But by the 1980s they also suffer the same problems as in Mexico (currency volatility), and the situation could be more dire in Opdamsland where they are heavily dependent on oil.

Rupert's Land

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South Tussenland

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  • 1941-1953: Westerzee Troubles
    • Effects: ANAN's significant shift towards unity, security. Asians become politically dominant in Westerzee.
  • Jacobus Woon becomes first Asian president in 1955
  • More details of electoral history and the list of parties in this Google Doc


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South America


  • 1935-1939: Brasil enters the Great War(1935-1939) on the Cordial League side.
  • 1940s: Brasil has participated in the colonial wars in Portuguese Africa
  • 1944: Equador suffers a National Republican military coup.
  • 1945: Enters the ODN as a founding member.
    • The country plays an effective role in keeping South America a mostly pro-ODN continent
  • 1944-1963: directly supported Peru against the national republican insurrection
  • 1966: became founding member of the OTSC
  • 1976: Brasil became the largest and most populous constituent part of the united kingdom after Portugal let go of African holdings
  • 1980: 1980 referendum
    • Since Brasil became the new “core” of the union, Maneuvers to instigate the population to call for an independence referendum by the Republican Party take place. They managed to succeed in 1980
  • 1981: De facto republican government took office in 1981


  • Pre-SW context: Becomes penal colony of Britain ITTL.


  • Pre-SW context: Lore basics to about 1850 are complete, with the British buy the Rio de la plata territory from the Spanish after the great Silesian war and early British settlement of the region complete. Post 1850 a war between argentine successionists is planned but lore is vague.


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The Netherlands

  • 1985: Federalization vote: they are given the option to (1) remain status quo, (2) federalization or (3) become a dominion
    • YES: NL, NB, Zeylan, Kandy
    • NO: Fiji

Ottoman Sultanate (Turkey)

  • 1966: Turkish Crisis: Britain deploys nuclear weapons in Anatolia, inflaming Anglo-Russian tensions.


  • 1970s: anti-war sentiment and calls for total decolonization had grown. Republicans gain strength in the politics of the kingdom.
  • 1976: Portugal handed over all their colonial possessions remaining in Africa, and Brasil became the largest and most populous constituent part of the united kingdom


  • 1954: Russia gains practical nuclear bombs.
  • 1960-1963: Russo-Persian War
  • Democratization / Russian Power Struggle
    • 1968: (related): Arctic lights oil spill
    • 1971: (related): Kemo nuclear disaster in Corea
    • 1973: Kiselev Arrested, opposition members inducted to CNA
    • 1977: Local ANR elections conducted, to serve as a "pilot" for broader Russian democratization.
    • 1978: First Free elections.
  • 1978-1979: Alyeskan War of Independence. See google doc. (May 1978 to October 1979)
  • 1981: Poejan ANR seeks independence, leaning towards China over Russia, prompting RNR negotiations.
  • 1983: Poejan independence terms set with 1-year transition, including IRC membership, favorable Russia trade, access to Hesamoe (Vladivostok) and Huludao (OTL) bases.

East Asia


  • 1931: The National Reform Party dismantles the Cantonese monarchy. The RNU welcomes this development. Britain and France are alarmed but do not intervene as the event came as a result of a peaceful and democratic process. Country is renamed the Wah-hah Republic (華夏民國, Huaxia/ wah-hah man-kwok)
  • 1931: 2nd Sino-Corean War: A knee-jerk reaction by Corea, pre-emptively invading the Great Qing before it could fall under the hands of Huaxia. This violated the treaty they had with Russia. Kingdom of Haboek is established as a puppet state in Hebei, China.
  • 1932-1935: Russo-Corean War (NL+Corea vs Russia+Japan+Canton)


  • 1981: Poejan ANR seeks independence, leaning towards China over Russia, prompting RNR negotiations.
  • 1983: Poejan independence terms set with 1-year transition, including IRC membership, favorable Russia trade, access to Hesamoe (Vladivostok) and Huludao (OTL) bases.

Middle East

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South East Asia (Indonesia and Indochina)

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The Philippines

Soendanese-Philippine War (1979-1982)

  • See outline of events and outcome on Talk:Soendanese-Philippine War.
    • TLDR: Soenda occupying and annexing Banda arc in 1979 causes the Philippines to be wary and this leads to tensions.
    • Outcome: Soenda annexes North Borneo; Sulu breaks away from the Philippines.

Central Asia

  • Trans-Himalayan War of 1967.

South Asia


The Fula Wars (1969–1975)

  • Fula herdsmen in Masina and Liptako launch raids and capture slaves, sparking conflict with Manden, Songhay, and Guinea
    • Mande people's Nat-Rep revolt in Masina leads to government overthrow, eventually annexed by Manden
    • Liptako annexed by Gurma, uniting Gurma people's land.
    • Link to discord conversation

Oceania and the Pacific Isles

SW Timeline

  • 1932-35 – Georgian involvement in the great war as part of the greater British Commonwealth war effort.
  • 1939 - Union of the crown colony of Parmelia with the Dominion of Georgia.
  • 1943 - Establishment of Commonwealth of Georgia
  • 1944 – Formation of Quamilarai, current Australian capital
  • 1946 - Australian-Russian Treaty of Cooperation and Amity (TARCA)
  • 1952 – Establishment of New Zealand as a French constitutional part, with departments of Rochefort, Jacquesville and Awaroi
  • 1956 – Establishment of Tolongasport, capital of Georgia
  • 1962 – First migration wave from East Indies
  • 1969 – Second migration wave from East Indies
  • 1971 – Civil Rights Act of Georgia, giving full civil rights Chinese, Indians and other ethnic minorities as well as banning public discrimination.
  • 1974 – Establishment of New Batavia as a constituent country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
  • 1976 – Settlement Law of New Batavia and construction of new cities
  • 1981 – Australian Act of Aboriginals


  • Pre-SW context:
    • 1877 - Independence (1st Australien revolt, ends when communard rev ends)
    • 1917 - 2nd Australian revolt, afterwards the more autocratic government cracks down hard and sends in a wave of French settlers to act as a favored group in Australian administration.
    • 1935 - GW starts, the French navy invades British Tasmania, & starts mobilizing for invading Georgia -
    • 1936 - start of the Australia Guerilla war led by anti-French creoles armed by the British
    • 1937 - Australia declares independence, French retreat to New Zealand and firebomb Australian cities as they retreat

South Pacific

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Cold War Timeline

Might contain outdated info: especially re: "Indonesia War" portion (supposed to be EIC)

  • 1938-1940: End of the Great War, the breaking up of Austrian and Ottoman empires and the the dividing up of Europe into various spheres of influence.
  • 1941-1945: Cuban civil war. After joint Mexican-NNL support for Anti British Cuban rebels, the British are kicked out of Cuba. This cooperation leads to the formation of the ANAN in 1951.
  • 1945-1946: Overthrow of the Sultanate of Turkey and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Turkey
  • 1946: Signing of the Antarctic Treaty (1946)
  • 1951-1956: Japanese Civil War. After the end of the great war, Anti-Russian Japanese leader rally start a rebellion against the Japanese state. Their qualms are that Japanese interests were subsumed by Russian ones, they want the return of Japanese land and they didn't get as much land as promised from the Russo-Corean war. After two years of intense fighting between Russian and Japanese forces, and then the other three years of insurgency fighting in the mountains Japan is split between East and West Japan with one side being British backed the other side being Russian backed.
  • 1961-1975: Indonesia War. A major war of decolonization occurs in Indonesia as Dutch rule over the islands start to wane. Leads to a Dutch exodus of the region (but they keep Dutch Australia as a place for Dutch and Indos living in the former colony to move to). In 1975 the Dutch officially pull out and recognize Indonesian independence, leading to the Dutch realigning themselves to the nonaligned block).
  • 1979: Collapse of the Russian Nationalist Regime amidst large scale civilian rebellions.
  • 1980: The end of the cold war leading to the creation of the new Russian State, as well as the start of the British recession.

Urban geography

See: Urban Geography (internal)