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{{Infobox country|conventional_long_name=Russian National Republic|common_name=Russia|image_flag=RTL Flag Russia.png|native_name=Российская Национальная Республика|image_map=RTL_Locator_Russia.png|map_width=325px|flag_width=200px|capital=Moscow|official_languages=Russian|regional_languages=Tatar </br> Bashkir </br> Estonian </br> Lettish </br> Lithuanian </br> Circassian </br> Buryat </br> Yakut </br> Several others|government_type=Federation of national republics|ethnic_groups={{unbulleted list | 84% Slavs </br> 5% Turkic peoples </br> 1% Balts </br> 10% Others}}|ethnic_groups_year=1960}}
|flag=Russian flag small.png
|capital= Moscow

'''Russia''' (Russian: Россия, ''Rossiya'') is a transcontinental county spanning from Eastern Europe to Northern Asia. It is one of the largest countries in the world by area.
'''Russia''' (Cyrillic: ''Россия''), officially the '''Russian National Republic''' (Russian: ''Российская Национальная Республика''), is a transcontinental county spanning from Eastern Europe to Northern Asia. It is one of the largest countries in the world by area and has one of the largest populations. It borders several countries including [[Mongolia]], [[Turkestan]], [[Persia]], & [[Poland]].

{{Main|History of Russia}}
===Kievan Rus and the Grand Duchy of Moscow===
In the early 17th century, the Romanov dynasty took control of the Russian state, with [ Michael I] being crowned Tsar. Russia began expanding east at an unprecedented rate. During the [[History of Europe#Great Silesian War|Silesian War]], Russia indirectly cooperated with the Anglo-Austrian coalition against Prussia, being awarded the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia in the treaty of 1755.
The East Slavs emerged as a recognisable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. The medieval state of Rus' arose in the 9th century. In 988, it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus' ultimately disintegrated until it was finally reunified by the Grand Duchy of Moscow in the 15th century.

In the late 18th century, Russia began expanding further into the Pacific, forming the Kurile Island Company in 1788 and establishing dominance of what would become [[Alyeska]]. In 1832, the Russo-Dutch Treaty established the border between Russian and Dutch colonies in North America. During the [[Augustine Wars]] of the 1810s, Russia expanded into Circassia and began a new wave of invasions against [[Persia]].
===Tsardom of Russia===
In development of the Third Rome ideas, the Grand Duke Ivan IV "the Terrible" was officially crowned first ''Tsar'' of Russia in 1547. The ''Tsar'' promulgated a new code of laws, established the first Russian feudal representative body, curbed the influence of the clergy, and introduced local self-management in rural regions. During his long reign, Ivan the Terrible nearly doubled the already large Russian territory by annexing the three Tatar khanates (parts of the disintegrated Golden Horde): Kazan and Astrakhan along the Volga, and the Siberian Khanate in southwestern Siberia. Thus, by the end of the 16th century, Russia expanded east of the Ural Mountains, thus east of Europe, and into Asia, being transformed into a transcontinental state. In the east, the rapid Russian exploration and colonization of the huge territories of Siberia was led mostly by Cossacks hunting for valuable furs and ivory. Russian explorers pushed eastward primarily along the Siberian River Routes, and by the mid-17th century, there were Russian settlements in Eastern Siberia, on the Chukchi Peninsula, along the Amur River, and on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

Russia participated in the 1832-1834 partition of [[Poland]], gaining Baltic territories and subsequently increasing their ability to exert influence in Europe. After many failed attempts to further exert their influence eastwards, the Pacific Company was established in 1861 and maintained a steady hold on Russian America for decades to come. Russia also came to rival the [[Britain|British empire]] in Asia, resulting in the eventual formation of buffer states like [[Mongolia]] and [[Serindia]].
=== Imperial Russia ===

In the 1860s, the fragile Tsar Alexander III and his Romanov dynasty was steadily overshadowed by his [[Netherlands|Dutch]] nephew, Alexander Fyodorovich, better known by his birth name Henry-William. The death of Alexander III in 1867 provoked a crisis of succession, leading to Henry-Williams triumphing over the ill and unpopular heir presumptive, Prince Ivan. Co-ruling with his Romanov wife [[Anna Petrovna, Tsarevna of Russia|Anna Petrovna]], they founded the House of Orange-Romanov, which would come to rule the empire for six decades. They became known as the [ Orthodox Monarchs of Russia] and would revitalize Russia through a series of reforms and wars. The Trans-Siberian Railway was soon constructed in order to rapidly advance the industrialization and militarization of the Siberian provinces. In 1868, the Russian empire annexed [[Ainu Mosir]], an anti-Japanese revolutionary client state which Russia backed in the 1830s.
==== Russian Colonization of Alyeska ====
Russia was the first European power to explore and settle the far northeast of North America. In 1788, the private Kurile Island Company, originally founded to explore the business opportunities in the Kurile Islands, was given by the Russian Czar a permission to explore the region of what is now modern-day Alaska. A few years later, the czar proclaimed the Ukase of 1790, which detailed the initial claims of Russia on the American continent. The Kurile Island Company was given a charter to the Aleutian Islands and eventually other parts of Alaska.

The new regime focused on expansion south and east rather than expansion west. The Russo-Ottoman War of 1884 pushed the [[Ottoman Empire]] out of Russia's sphere of influence, confining their European territories to those of modern [[Rumelia]] and expelling them from the Khanate of Crimea. The viceroyalties of [[Transpruthenia]] and [[Crimea]] were created soon after, finalizing Russia's penetration south towards the Ottomans. Russia's relationship with [[Austria]] deteriorated after the war due to false promises of territories, which would eventually manifest in violence in the 20th century.
Russians tried, unsuccessfully, the settle Kolchak island in the south of their claimed land with the Port Alexander colony (1816 - 1832). Eventually the Russians relinquished much of their claimed land in North America in the the Russo-Dutch Treaty of 1832. The rest of their claimed Alyeskan land was a mostly forgotten about colony and a backwaters for much of the 19th century with a revolving door of colonization companies trying to find a way to make profit from the region. Then in the 1870s, after realizing the geopolitical importance of Alyeska to Russian interests, the Tsar granted a monopolistic charter to the Russian Pacific Company to oversee the colonization and management of the territory. Since the company was state-funded, the Russian Pacific Company was able to pour more development into Alyeska than its private company predecessors. In the 1890s, gold was discovered in the Alyeskan territory. This resulted in an influx of immigrants from Russia and East Asia to Alyeska.

In the 1920s, the [[European Economic Crisis]] triggered an economic depression, foreshadowed by decades of failing policies and cultural upheaval. Several nationalist and republican political factions which formed prior to the Crisis became immensely popular with the Russian public; the main organ of this revolution was the Republican Congress. Orkhonist rebels declared independence from Russia in 1924. In 1925, the Orange-Romanov monarchy was toppled, making way for internal divides within the revolutionaries. The liberal Republican Parliament and the Vosstanist National Congress rose to oppose each other, leading to a two-year civil war. By 1928, the Vosstanists defeated the Tricolour Army of the Parliament, firmly establishing [[National republicanism|national republican]] control over Russia and making history as the first successful national republic. The Vosstanist government rapidly initiated a series of administrative reforms, abolishing the old imperials state and creating a novel republican system of government. [[Ozero Murmsky|Anastaze 'Ozero' Murmsky]], a firebrand revolutionary, and first Chairman of the Republic, oversaw many of these projects and is subsequently recognized as the father of modern Russia.
==== Russo-Ottoman War (1850) ====

In 1932, Russia, along with [[Japan]] and [[China]], [[Russo-Corean War|declared war]] against the burgeoning empire of Corea. Ending in 1935, the war resulted in the annexation of [[Poeja]] and an assertion of Russian influence in northeast Asia. The same year, Russia entered the [[Great War]] in the spring of 1935 when the [[Ottoman Empire]] declared war against them. Russia joined the [[United Kingdom]], [[Portugal]], and others in forming the [[Factions of the Great War#Cordial League|Cordial League]]. In 1936, Tripartite League forces laid siege to the city of Kiev for months. Chairman Ozero was forced to sign the Treaty of Akmolinsk in 1937, granting independence to the new Orkhonist state of [[Turkestan]]. Also in 1937, the Russo-Ottoman Compromise created the [[Rumelia|Rumelian National Republic]] and made Constantinople a Russo-Rumelian condominium. Russia's claims were formally acknowledged in the [[The Great War#Aftermath|Congress of Amsterdam]].
==== The Dutch Czar & the Russian Modernization period ====

In 1942, Russia founded the [[International Republican Coalition]] (IRC) along with 13 other National Republican nations.
==== The Great Game ====

Ozero, leader of the country for nearly two decades, dies in 1943 and is temporarily succeeded by pragmatist [[Mikhail Orlov]]. [[Semyon Kiselev]] becomes Chairman in 1958.
====Russian Colonization of Oceania====
===The Russian Revolution & Republican Civil War===
In the 1920's the European Economic Crisis and it's lead up hit Russia especially hard. In 1922 a series of crop failures along with poor financial decisions made by the Russian imperial authorities caused a financial crisis known as the Russian depression (part of the extended European economic crisis of 1922 - 1928). During the depression massive famines in the Ukraine and the Don Kuban region sent thousands of refugees north towards urban centers such as Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev which led to food riots, strikes and crackdowns by imperial authorities. Around every large city in Russia large shanty towns informally known as "Czartowns" started popping up; these shantytowns were overcrowded and disease outbreaks were common in them. During this time period anti-elite, anti-czar and pro-republican sentiments started to grow throughout the Russian empire. In 1923 the Russian Republican Congress (the largest republican organization in Russia at the time, also known as the R.R.C.) had over a million members in the Muscovite region alone. By the winter of 1925 the situation in Russia rapidly deteriorated with most citizens believing that the Czar mishandled the economic crisis and exacerbated the famines in the rural south through poor economic policy. Additionally there was an outrage at the continued opulence of the Czar, Czarina and nobilities lifestyles while so many of the lower classes starved.

== Government and Politics ==
==== Storming of the Winter Palace & the Birth of Republican Russia ====
{{Infobox government|government_name=National Government of Russia|government_form=Federal national republic|date=1928|legislature=National Congress|country=[[Russia]]|leader_type=Leader|leader_title=Chairman|main_body=Committee of National Affairs|headquarters=Moscow}}
On December 3rd the winter palace was surrounded by a bread riot that swept through Moscow and after 6 hours of rioting the Winter palace was stormed by the protestors. The nobility left the previous day to St. Petersburg (but after hearing of the storming of the palace left to Britain). After 2 days of further agitation and the break down of imperial civil control in Russia the Russian Republican Congress declared the first Russian Republic and the end of imperial rule. The imperial military after a week of tension with the new government reluctantly agreed to back the new government.

=== National Government ===
For the first month of it's existence the new Republic was struck in deadlock between the two major factions in government, the liberal republicans and the nationalist republicans. Additionally after the Czar fled many non Russian regions of the empire declared independence, while the Russian military acted mostly autonomously from the Republics congress. In February of 1926 after the first wave of elections was marred with controversy the Nationalist Republicans walked out of congress and started to conspire to overthrow the liberal-republican dominated congress. The next week after a series of negotiations with the military (led by General Mikhail Orlov) and the leaders of the Cossacks, the newly reformed Nationalist Republican faction now known as the 'Russian National Congress' declared the Russian Republican Congress illegitimate.
The '''National Government of Russia''' (Russian: Национальное правительство России) is the central government of Russia, headquarted in the capital city of Moscow.

==== Russian Civil War ====
==== <big>Executive</big> ====
The '''Chairman''' is the supreme head of government of Russia and the head of the National Republican Party, from which the Chairman derives their legitimacy and political support from.
The Russian Republican Congress reacted harshly to the National Congresses declaration and started to raise militias from loyalist cities and regions. By March of 1926 the country was spilt between the Liberal Russian Republic would relied on a decentralized system of militias with dubious loyalties and often recruited from rebellious national interest groups who feared that the Russian Nationalists would destroy the local autonomy given to them by the Czar's Viceroy system. This faction was often known collectively on the battlefield as the Tricolor army due to their use of the Russian white, blue & red tricolor flag. Initially the Tricolor army was able to hold on to the southern Russian viceroys as well as regions in Northern Russia.

The main executive organ of the state is the '''Committee of National Affairs''' (CNA), a body consisting of ten members appointed by the Party and approved by the Chairman. The CNA is responsible for creating national laws and enact decrees.
In contrast the Nationalists were able to take control quite rapidly of the core of Russian ethnic and industrial land in the Muscovite region and from there consolidate rule with a variety of social and work programs which alleviated the worst of the effects of the famines and economic crisis as well as the use of harsh authoritarian crackdowns on dissenters. The Russian Nationalists were able to push the Tricolor Republic army out of North Russia by the summer of 1926 and then slowly turn their attention to their core region of support in south Russia. Throughout 1927 the Liberal Republic would try desperately to gain a foreign backer, first from the British and then the Ottomans but as the European Economic Crisis raged and the tensions in the continent grew their was little desire of the powers of Europe to get involved in a civil war that seemed to be already lost and by the winter of 1927 the Liberal Republic realized their plight was doomed and so used their resources to provide an a exodus route for the leaders, military and businesspeople of the ill-fated republic. By February of 1928 there was only pockets of isolated fighting as the Nationalists swept in to Southern Russia and gain control and by March the last battle of the Russian Civil War was over.

=== Russian National Union ===
===== '''Committee of National Affairs (CNA)''' =====
The CNA is composed of 10 members appointed by the party and approved by the chairman. Members of the CNA write the laws and enact decrees along with the chairman.

==== Reforming the State ====
==== <big>Judiciary and legislature</big> ====

===== '''National Congress''' =====
The National Congress is a body of representatives from the governorates and autonomous national republics that meet infrequently. The representatives voice out concerns before the CNA, as well as other subnational affairs. They only serve an advisory role and does not directly influence the national government. They do not have a regular period of convention, and is only convened at the behest of the CNA and the chairman.

==== <big>Administrative divisions</big> ====
In the 1920s, the new National Republican government led a sweeping administrative reorganization campaign. Most viceroyalties, and other similar autonomies of the Russian Empire were transformed into autonomous national republics (ANR), internal nation-states dependent on the central administration.

===== Governorates =====
A '''Governorate''' is the first-level subnational administrative divisions of Russia. Governorates are led by '''Governor-Generals''', which are appointed by the Committee of National Affairs (CNA). The Governor-Generals are the representatives to the National Congress. A governorate is further divided into '''Uezds'''.

===== Autonomous National Republics =====
ANRs were semi-autonomous federal subjects of the RNR modeled after the Russian National Republic and meant to act as 'national homelands' for many of Russia's ethnic minorities. ANRs were not sovereign and independent nations, and therefore had no international representation and recognition, and were instead a constituent part of the Russian National Republic. Examples of ANRs were The Circassian and Transcaucasian National Republics.

The chief executive of Autonomous National Republics were the '''Chairman,''' a position which functioned similarly to the national government, and who is supported in their duties by a '''Committee of Internal Affairs (CIA).''' The CIA is the equivalent of the Committee of National Affairs for the ANRs. They can pass local laws, but have to be approved by the CNA. Its members are also selected by the local national republican party, but has to be approved by the CNA.

=== Sister Republics ===
Sister republics were independent and sovereign states politically & economically tied to the Russian National Republic. They have their own government modeled after the Russian National Republic. However, unlike ANRs, they were not politically bound to the Russian National Republic. Most of the SRs created maintained close economic, military, and diplomatic ties with the Russian Nationalist Government. Examples of SRs include the Ainu National Republic.

Outside of the former Russian Empire's territories, the definition of a "Sister Republic" was loosely defined. Some states that describe themselves as Nationalist-Republican consider themselves as sister republics of Russia, while others refrained the use of the term as it implies Russian suzerainty

== List of leaders ==

==== List of monarchs ====
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
! colspan="2" |Reign
|[[Alexis I|Alexis I]]
|Son of Mikhail I and Eudoxia Streshneva
| [[Fyodor III|Fyodor III]]
| 1676
| 1682
| Romanov
|Son of Alexis and Maria Miloslavskaya
| [[Ivan V|Ivan V]]
|Son of Alexis and Maria Miloslavskaya. Younger brother of Feodor III and Sophia. Elder half-brother of Peter I, who he was Co-Monarch with until his death
| [[Peter I| Peter I]]
|Son of Alexis and Natalya Naryshkina. Co-Monarch with his brother Ivan V until his death in 1696. First Russian monarch to use the title of "Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias"
| [[Alexis II|Alexis II]]
|Son of Peter I and Eudoxia Lopukhina
| [[Peter II|Peter II]]
| 1737
| 1741
| Romanov
|Son of Alexis II and his first wife Charlotte Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
| [[Alexander I|Alexander I]]
| 1741
| 1782
| Romanov
| Son of Alexis II and his second wife Sophia Fyodorovna (born Maria Anna of Austria). Younger half-brother of Peter II
| [[Alexander II|Alexander II]]
| 1782
| 1804
| Romanov
|Son of Alexander I and Elizabeth Alexeievna (Louise of Württemberg)
| [[Anna I|Anna I]]
| 1804
| 1808
| Romanov
| Daughter of Alexander II and his first wife Maria Fyodorovna (Eleanor of Sweden). Father chanced succession laws to male preference primogeniture so that women could inherit the throne with their spouses serving as Tsar ''Jure uxoris''
| [[Sophia I|Sophia I]]
| 1809
| 1844
| Romanov
| Daughter of Alexander II and his second wife Yekaterina Petronva (Frederike Auguste of Saxony). Younger half-sister of Anna I. Co-Monarch with her husband Vasily V
| [[Vasily V|Vasily V]]
| 1809
| 1840
| Romanov
| Son of Grand Duke Cyril Mikhailovich, a grandson of Alexis II, and Militza Nikolaevna (Pauline of Baden). Co-Monarch with wife Sophia I
|[[Alexander III of Russia|Alexander III]]
| 1844
| 1867
| Romanov
|Son of Vasily V and Sophia II
| [[Ivan VI|Ivan VI]]
| 1867
| 1867
| Romanov
| Son of Alexander III and Natalia Alexandrovna (Dagmar of Denmark). Willingly abdicated after ruling for two months due to him being impotent and in failing health favor of his cousins Anna II and Alexander IV
| [[Anna II|Anna II]]
| 1867
| 1897
| Romanov
|Daughter of Grand Duke Peter Vasilievich. Co-Monarch with husband Alexander IV until her death in 1897
|[[Alexander IV|Alexander IV]]
|[[House of Orange-Nassau|Orange-Nassau]]
|Son of Grand Duchess Solomonia Vasilievna and Prince Henry-Maurice of the Netherlands. Originally known as Prince Henry-William of the Netherlands but was baptized as ''Alexander Fyodorovich.'' Co-Monarch with wife Anna II
|[[Peter III of Russia|Peter III]]
|[[House of Orange-Romanov|Orange-Romanov]]
|Son of Alexander IV and Anna II. Deposed in the Russian Civil War and fled for Great Britain
! colspan="5" |''<small>Pretenders</small>''
|[[Peter III of Russia|Peter III]]
| rowspan="4" |[[House of Orange-Romanov|Orange-Romanov]]
|Continued to claim the throne of Russia after his deposition until his death in 1939
|Mikhail II
|Son of Peter III and Victoria Feodorovna (Victoria Melita of Saxony), unmarried, no issue
|Alexander V
|Son of Peter III and Victoria Feodorovna (Victoria Melita of Saxony), younger brother of Mikhail II
|Alexis III
|Son of Alexander V and Maria Pavlovna (Josephine of Illyria)

==== Chairmen of the National Republic ====
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! colspan="2" |Term of office
|[[Ozero Murmsky|Anastaze 'Ozero' Murmsky]]
|17 years
|''[[Mikhail Orlov]]''
|4 years
|Interim leadership
|[[Semyon Kiselev|Semyon Sigizmundovich Kiselev]]
|11 years
|[[Ilya Kiselev|Ilya Semyonovich Kiselev]]
|15 years
|Ilya Kiselev was the son of Semyon Kiselev. He was arrested and deposted during the [[Russian Lustrum]]
|Committee of National Affairs (''de facto Yevgeny Petrov'')
|5 years
|Interim leadership
|Sergey Gromov
|First democratically elected chairman of the national

==== Russo-Corean War ====
{{Nations of the World}}
{{Nations of the World}}

Latest revision as of 04:39, 16 June 2024

Russia (Cyrillic: Россия), officially the Russian National Republic (Russian: Российская Национальная Республика), is a transcontinental county spanning from Eastern Europe to Northern Asia. It is one of the largest countries in the world by area and has one of the largest populations. It borders several countries including Mongolia, Turkestan, Persia, & Poland.

Russian National Republic

Российская Национальная Республика
Flag of Russia
Location of Russia
Official languagesRussian
Recognised regional languagesTatar
Several others
Ethnic groups
  • 84% Slavs
    5% Turkic peoples
    1% Balts
    10% Others
GovernmentFederation of national republics


In the early 17th century, the Romanov dynasty took control of the Russian state, with Michael I being crowned Tsar. Russia began expanding east at an unprecedented rate. During the Silesian War, Russia indirectly cooperated with the Anglo-Austrian coalition against Prussia, being awarded the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia in the treaty of 1755.

In the late 18th century, Russia began expanding further into the Pacific, forming the Kurile Island Company in 1788 and establishing dominance of what would become Alyeska. In 1832, the Russo-Dutch Treaty established the border between Russian and Dutch colonies in North America. During the Augustine Wars of the 1810s, Russia expanded into Circassia and began a new wave of invasions against Persia.

Russia participated in the 1832-1834 partition of Poland, gaining Baltic territories and subsequently increasing their ability to exert influence in Europe. After many failed attempts to further exert their influence eastwards, the Pacific Company was established in 1861 and maintained a steady hold on Russian America for decades to come. Russia also came to rival the British empire in Asia, resulting in the eventual formation of buffer states like Mongolia and Serindia.

In the 1860s, the fragile Tsar Alexander III and his Romanov dynasty was steadily overshadowed by his Dutch nephew, Alexander Fyodorovich, better known by his birth name Henry-William. The death of Alexander III in 1867 provoked a crisis of succession, leading to Henry-Williams triumphing over the ill and unpopular heir presumptive, Prince Ivan. Co-ruling with his Romanov wife Anna Petrovna, they founded the House of Orange-Romanov, which would come to rule the empire for six decades. They became known as the Orthodox Monarchs of Russia and would revitalize Russia through a series of reforms and wars. The Trans-Siberian Railway was soon constructed in order to rapidly advance the industrialization and militarization of the Siberian provinces. In 1868, the Russian empire annexed Ainu Mosir, an anti-Japanese revolutionary client state which Russia backed in the 1830s.

The new regime focused on expansion south and east rather than expansion west. The Russo-Ottoman War of 1884 pushed the Ottoman Empire out of Russia's sphere of influence, confining their European territories to those of modern Rumelia and expelling them from the Khanate of Crimea. The viceroyalties of Transpruthenia and Crimea were created soon after, finalizing Russia's penetration south towards the Ottomans. Russia's relationship with Austria deteriorated after the war due to false promises of territories, which would eventually manifest in violence in the 20th century.

In the 1920s, the European Economic Crisis triggered an economic depression, foreshadowed by decades of failing policies and cultural upheaval. Several nationalist and republican political factions which formed prior to the Crisis became immensely popular with the Russian public; the main organ of this revolution was the Republican Congress. Orkhonist rebels declared independence from Russia in 1924. In 1925, the Orange-Romanov monarchy was toppled, making way for internal divides within the revolutionaries. The liberal Republican Parliament and the Vosstanist National Congress rose to oppose each other, leading to a two-year civil war. By 1928, the Vosstanists defeated the Tricolour Army of the Parliament, firmly establishing national republican control over Russia and making history as the first successful national republic. The Vosstanist government rapidly initiated a series of administrative reforms, abolishing the old imperials state and creating a novel republican system of government. Anastaze 'Ozero' Murmsky, a firebrand revolutionary, and first Chairman of the Republic, oversaw many of these projects and is subsequently recognized as the father of modern Russia.

In 1932, Russia, along with Japan and China, declared war against the burgeoning empire of Corea. Ending in 1935, the war resulted in the annexation of Poeja and an assertion of Russian influence in northeast Asia. The same year, Russia entered the Great War in the spring of 1935 when the Ottoman Empire declared war against them. Russia joined the United Kingdom, Portugal, and others in forming the Cordial League. In 1936, Tripartite League forces laid siege to the city of Kiev for months. Chairman Ozero was forced to sign the Treaty of Akmolinsk in 1937, granting independence to the new Orkhonist state of Turkestan. Also in 1937, the Russo-Ottoman Compromise created the Rumelian National Republic and made Constantinople a Russo-Rumelian condominium. Russia's claims were formally acknowledged in the Congress of Amsterdam.

In 1942, Russia founded the International Republican Coalition (IRC) along with 13 other National Republican nations.

Ozero, leader of the country for nearly two decades, dies in 1943 and is temporarily succeeded by pragmatist Mikhail Orlov. Semyon Kiselev becomes Chairman in 1958.

Government and Politics

National Government of Russia
Federal national republic
Legislative branch
LegislatureNational Congress
Executive branch
Main bodyCommittee of National Affairs

National Government

The National Government of Russia (Russian: Национальное правительство России) is the central government of Russia, headquarted in the capital city of Moscow.


The Chairman is the supreme head of government of Russia and the head of the National Republican Party, from which the Chairman derives their legitimacy and political support from.

The main executive organ of the state is the Committee of National Affairs (CNA), a body consisting of ten members appointed by the Party and approved by the Chairman. The CNA is responsible for creating national laws and enact decrees.

Committee of National Affairs (CNA)

The CNA is composed of 10 members appointed by the party and approved by the chairman. Members of the CNA write the laws and enact decrees along with the chairman.

Judiciary and legislature

National Congress

The National Congress is a body of representatives from the governorates and autonomous national republics that meet infrequently. The representatives voice out concerns before the CNA, as well as other subnational affairs. They only serve an advisory role and does not directly influence the national government. They do not have a regular period of convention, and is only convened at the behest of the CNA and the chairman.

Administrative divisions

In the 1920s, the new National Republican government led a sweeping administrative reorganization campaign. Most viceroyalties, and other similar autonomies of the Russian Empire were transformed into autonomous national republics (ANR), internal nation-states dependent on the central administration.


A Governorate is the first-level subnational administrative divisions of Russia. Governorates are led by Governor-Generals, which are appointed by the Committee of National Affairs (CNA). The Governor-Generals are the representatives to the National Congress. A governorate is further divided into Uezds.

Autonomous National Republics

ANRs were semi-autonomous federal subjects of the RNR modeled after the Russian National Republic and meant to act as 'national homelands' for many of Russia's ethnic minorities. ANRs were not sovereign and independent nations, and therefore had no international representation and recognition, and were instead a constituent part of the Russian National Republic. Examples of ANRs were The Circassian and Transcaucasian National Republics.

The chief executive of Autonomous National Republics were the Chairman, a position which functioned similarly to the national government, and who is supported in their duties by a Committee of Internal Affairs (CIA). The CIA is the equivalent of the Committee of National Affairs for the ANRs. They can pass local laws, but have to be approved by the CNA. Its members are also selected by the local national republican party, but has to be approved by the CNA.

Sister Republics

Sister republics were independent and sovereign states politically & economically tied to the Russian National Republic. They have their own government modeled after the Russian National Republic. However, unlike ANRs, they were not politically bound to the Russian National Republic. Most of the SRs created maintained close economic, military, and diplomatic ties with the Russian Nationalist Government. Examples of SRs include the Ainu National Republic.

Outside of the former Russian Empire's territories, the definition of a "Sister Republic" was loosely defined. Some states that describe themselves as Nationalist-Republican consider themselves as sister republics of Russia, while others refrained the use of the term as it implies Russian suzerainty

List of leaders

List of monarchs

Name Reign Dynasty Notes
Alexis I 1645 1676 Romanov Son of Mikhail I and Eudoxia Streshneva
Fyodor III 1676 1682 Romanov Son of Alexis and Maria Miloslavskaya
Ivan V 1682 1696 Romanov Son of Alexis and Maria Miloslavskaya. Younger brother of Feodor III and Sophia. Elder half-brother of Peter I, who he was Co-Monarch with until his death
Peter I 1682 1721 Romanov Son of Alexis and Natalya Naryshkina. Co-Monarch with his brother Ivan V until his death in 1696. First Russian monarch to use the title of "Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias"
Alexis II 1721 1737 Romanov Son of Peter I and Eudoxia Lopukhina
Peter II 1737 1741 Romanov Son of Alexis II and his first wife Charlotte Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Alexander I 1741 1782 Romanov Son of Alexis II and his second wife Sophia Fyodorovna (born Maria Anna of Austria). Younger half-brother of Peter II
Alexander II 1782 1804 Romanov Son of Alexander I and Elizabeth Alexeievna (Louise of Württemberg)
Anna I 1804 1808 Romanov Daughter of Alexander II and his first wife Maria Fyodorovna (Eleanor of Sweden). Father chanced succession laws to male preference primogeniture so that women could inherit the throne with their spouses serving as Tsar Jure uxoris
Sophia I 1809 1844 Romanov Daughter of Alexander II and his second wife Yekaterina Petronva (Frederike Auguste of Saxony). Younger half-sister of Anna I. Co-Monarch with her husband Vasily V
Vasily V 1809 1840 Romanov Son of Grand Duke Cyril Mikhailovich, a grandson of Alexis II, and Militza Nikolaevna (Pauline of Baden). Co-Monarch with wife Sophia I
Alexander III 1844 1867 Romanov Son of Vasily V and Sophia II
Ivan VI 1867 1867 Romanov Son of Alexander III and Natalia Alexandrovna (Dagmar of Denmark). Willingly abdicated after ruling for two months due to him being impotent and in failing health favor of his cousins Anna II and Alexander IV
Anna II 1867 1897 Romanov Daughter of Grand Duke Peter Vasilievich. Co-Monarch with husband Alexander IV until her death in 1897
Alexander IV 1867 1903 Orange-Nassau Son of Grand Duchess Solomonia Vasilievna and Prince Henry-Maurice of the Netherlands. Originally known as Prince Henry-William of the Netherlands but was baptized as Alexander Fyodorovich. Co-Monarch with wife Anna II
Peter III 1903 1925 Orange-Romanov Son of Alexander IV and Anna II. Deposed in the Russian Civil War and fled for Great Britain
Peter III 1925 1939 Orange-Romanov Continued to claim the throne of Russia after his deposition until his death in 1939
Mikhail II 1939 1952 Son of Peter III and Victoria Feodorovna (Victoria Melita of Saxony), unmarried, no issue
Alexander V 1952 1953 Son of Peter III and Victoria Feodorovna (Victoria Melita of Saxony), younger brother of Mikhail II
Alexis III 1953 1977 Son of Alexander V and Maria Pavlovna (Josephine of Illyria)

Chairmen of the National Republic

Name Term of office Duration Notes
Anastaze 'Ozero' Murmsky 1926 1943 17 years
Mikhail Orlov 1943 1947 4 years Interim leadership
Semyon Sigizmundovich Kiselev 1947 1958 11 years
Ilya Semyonovich Kiselev 1958 1973 15 years Ilya Kiselev was the son of Semyon Kiselev. He was arrested and deposted during the Russian Lustrum
Committee of National Affairs (de facto Yevgeny Petrov) 1973 1978 5 years Interim leadership
Sergey Gromov 1978 19xx First democratically elected chairman of the national