Lore Progress Tracker (pre-SW)

From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty

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This is an internal document meant for RTL contributors. This document might contain spoilers, early plans, and behind-the-scenes stuff not meant for the public audience.

Please make things short and concise. Only pre-SW stuff please, unless relevant!

List of Google Docs

See List of Google docs.

North America


  • 1803: Novo-Arkangelsk (soon-to-be-capital of Alyeska) was founded by the Kurile Island Company.
  • 1815-1816: Explorer A. Kolchak hired by the Russian Pacific company to explore the southernmost parts of Russian claims in Alyeska.
  • 1816: The short-lived Port Alexander company was founded on Kolchak Island (now part of modern-day Westerzee, Tussenland).
  • 1828: Oldest cathedral build in 1828 in Novo-Arkhangelsk.
  • 1832: Kurile Island company becomes bankrupt.
  • Also 1832: Russo-Dutch treaty of 1832. Port Alexander settlement was abandoned and Russia dropped claims in the Pacific Northwest claimed by the Netherlands (event connected with the bankruptcy of the Kurile Island company)
  • 1841: Kurile island company was revived again, and is commonly referred to today as the Second Kurile Island company to distinguish.
  • 1861: 2nd Kurile Island Company becomes bankrupt.
  • 1865: Russian Pacific Company, a state-sponsored company, was founded. 1870: Charter granted to the Russian Pacific company to administer Alyeska.
  • 1890: Alyeskan gold rush: influx of immigrants from Russia to Alyeska.

Amerikaens Free State

  • 1840: Treaty of Santa Maria, Voortrekker republics subjugated by Spain.
  • 1846: Gold Rush, Tussenlanders, Frenchpeople, Englishfolk migrate, mostly in the southern Boer regions.
  • 1903: Amerikaens Free State was created out of Kimoeenim and Westerzee.
20th century
  • 1904: AFS adopts a constitution.
  • 1910-1915: Policies unite Catholics and Protestants but alienate Native Americans.
  • 1914: Philippus Goudpaerdt takes office, imposing strict laws.
  • 1921: Corruption allegations emerge, Barent Ubincks flees to Tussenland (member of the opposition and a known critic of the Goudpaerdt administration).
  • 1923: Gertruydt Ubincks, wife of Barent Ubincks, was kidnapped, leading to public outrage and protests.
  • 1926: Electoral fraud sparks violent protests, Goudpaerdt exiled.
  • 1932: Gerald Ubincks (opposition) wins the presidency. His term ends 1934.
  • 1934-1938: Stagnation period. Weak presidents: Joris Emontsz (1934-1938), Lodewÿck Buys (1938-1942)
  • 1938: Goudpaerdt family returns to power, with the election of Goedelt Goudpaerdt as president. Starts sliding in to Russian influence.


Early Florida and Pirate Age

  • 1565: San Agustin was established (soon to be capital)
  • 1690s: Conflicting claims between the Dutch and the Spanish on the norther side of Florida
  • 1700s-1730: Small wars between indigenous groups on the outskirts of Florida, proxy war between Dutch and SPanish.
  • 1708: Spanish offered land grants to settlers, these settlers imported indentured servants, mostly minor criminals from northern Spain (Galicia, Basque county, Asturias, Leon).
  • 1720-1750: the Spanish fought a series of wars to rid of Florida of these pirates (who now fashioned themselves as 'The 2nd Pirate Republic' in the southern regions).
  • 1726-1735: Spanish moved 2000 Canary Islanders (known as Isleños) to settle the gulf coast.
  • 1750: Spain negotiated with the four infamous "Pirate Lords": Jim "King Andrew" Briggs, Catherine Kelly, One-eye Ned Jacobszoon, "El Lobo" Bortholomew Jones, hired the pirates in exchange for clemency for their crimes.
  • Late 1700s: the SPanish imported Filipino fishermen and army deserters to the western border with Tussenland.

19th century

  • 1800-1840: sugar and cotton plantations increased. Florida was starting to return a profit.
  • 1810: the Spanish undertook the last of the Muscogee or Creek wars to pacify the natives in the interior of the colony
  • 1813: the pacification of natives led to the 1813 Treaty of San Agustin in which the Spanish gave the Muscogee & Creek rights to part of their historic land in the interior of the colony in exchange for becoming citizens and adopting Catholicism.
  • 1819: Due to Florida's success, it turned Florida from a captaincy general to direct control of the crown.
  • 1842: Slavery is made illegal in Florida.
  • 1850-1855: 2nd Dutch-Spanish War: Florida expanded, they gain eastern florida.
  • 1855-1890: Florida instituted sharecropping in the new eastern territories.
  • 1872-1878: Communard Wars in Spain. Lots of spanish elites flee to Florida, leading to a surge of wealth.
  • 1883: Florida granted popular sovreignity as Royal Dominions (due to fears of losing one of the most profitable colonies left). Along with Cuba and Puerto Rico. This benefited the elite of Florida more, though.

20th century

  • Everglades War and Floridan Independence
  • 1923: Rebels committee known as El Comité de Campesino Pobre de Florida demaded reforms and a new constitution for Florida. Governor Fernando Macías rejected this. Spain sent troops to supress the rebellion.
  • 1924: Mexico and South Tussenland supported the rebels and the rebel ideoology shifted to republicanism.
  • 1925: New Netherland supported Spain (fearing a Mexican puppet forming in Florida).
  • 1927: Historic port of Santa Cruz fell to the rebels. On April 12, the Spanish withdrew from Florida.
  • 1927: Florida becomes independent.


  • 1840: Treaty of Santa Maria, all boer republics subjugated as autonomous provinces
  • 1846: Gold rush in southern Westerzee Republic. The south broke off as Goudlandt, a new boer republic.
  • 1850-1855: 2nd Dutch-Spanish War
  • 1881: Independence and formation of the Mexican Empire
  • 1903: Mexico defeated at the Dutch-Mexican War
  • late 1903: Emperor forced to accept a new constitution and a parliament, the autonomous status of the boers are once again secured and confirmed by the new constitution.
  • 1903-1906: Republican unrest starts to grow as the new constitution was inadequate
  • 1906: Juan Guillermo the wonder general is removed from the army, catalyzes the revolution.
  • 1909: Republicans seize Mexico city, old government flees to Monterrey This would be the official start of Republican Mexico but perhaps the brief two-government period would last until 1911.
  • 1911: Juan Guillermo elected as first president of Mexico

New England

  • 1840: Treaty of Santa Maria, all boer republics subjugated as autonomous provinces
  • 1846: Gold rush in southern Westerzee Republic. The south broke off as Goudlandt, a new boer republic.
  • 1850-1855: 2nd Dutch-Spanish War
  • 1881: Independence and formation of the Mexican Empire
  • 1903: Mexico defeated at the Dutch-Mexican War
  • late 1903: Emperor forced to accept a new constitution and a parliament, the autonomous status of the boers are once again secured and confirmed by the new constitution.
  • 1903-1906: Republican unrest starts to grow as the new constitution was inadequate
  • 1906: Juan Guillermo the wonder general is removed from the army, catalyzes the revolution.
  • 1909: Republicans seize Mexico city, old government flees to Monterrey This would be the official start of Republican Mexico but perhaps the brief two-government period would last until 1911.
  • 1911: Juan Guillermo elected as first president of Mexico

New France

  • ✔️ Becomes kingdom after monarch of France flees to New France (detailed lore for monarch's flight to New France is still on the Google doc, needs to be migrated to the Wiki)
  • ❌ Figure out if they have a role in the Meerenland revolt arc. Would they have been involved?
  • ✔️ We have some revolution in the 1870s that reduces the king to simply a figurehead See Talk:New France.
  • ❌ Post revolution new France still blank. Figure out how they would fit in the cold war arc.

New Netherland

  • 1795-1796: Autumn War (against the British)
  • 1796: Independence
  • 1861: NNL gets the ACB Islands from the Dutch in exchange for help during the Tussenland Upheavals
  • 1850-1855: 2nd Dutch-Spanish War
  • 1870: Second Patroon Constitution
  • 1903: Republican Revolution, Mees van Haerst from the Unity Party becomes Raedspensionaris
  • 1906-1910: Quasi-War between NNL and the Dutch Republic.
  • (Needs more fleshing out) Involvement in the Florida Civil War.
  • (Needs more fleshing out) Involvement in the Cuba War and Role as one of the founding nations of the ANAN).


  • ✅ Lore is written down on the wikie, including:
    • Native Relocation, Spanish-Dutch War, Independence, Tribal Council Period, Opdamsland under John White Owl (Oukonunaka) and his rise to power (and failure of the ANAN to intervene), Military Junta.
  • (Needs more fleshing out) Lore about how the different tribes got there in the first place. So far we have got the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Shawnee, etc who were pushed out of their homeland by the Iroquois.
  • (Needs more fleshing out) Their entry and role in the ANAN..
  • (Needs more fleshing out, and write-up on wiki page) Return to democracy lore is still blank (when/how/why?).

South Tussenland

  • 1812-1813: Republic of Anahuac existed in west South Tussenland. Eventually annexed into South Tussenland in exchange for territory in the plains (Sabine swap).
  • 1817: Colonial charter given to Royal Tussenland Company
  • 1849: South Tussenland slave insurrection started
  • 1851: Anahuac Massacre: September 12, 1851, a group of fringe radical Zoekerists ambushed a caravan of Suyderlings who were trying to escape to Dutch controlled Tussenland in the north.
  • 1855: South Tussenland becomes independent.
  • 1856: Church of the Second Ascension (Zoekerist Church) officially founded
  • April 1, 1864: Tegbesoe, first Protector of S. Tuss, dies. Kodjo de Heylig elected as successor.
  • October 1867: Church of Holy Salvation, a breakaway church (salvationists) in October 1867.


  • 1850-1855: Dutch-Mexican War. In 1855, the Dutch lose North, South Mizoerie, & Opdamsland.
  • 1859-1861: Tussenland Upheavals.
  • 1861: Tussenland becomes a federation.
  • 1901-1903: Dutch-Mexican War. Dutch victory.
  • 1905: Independence declared by Tussenland.
  • 1905-1917: Wars on the Great Plains.
  • 1911: Crÿnssenlandt becomes a province.
  • 1912: Ruyterslandt becomes a province.



  • ✅ Very early history.
  • ✔️ (Needs writeup on wiki page) Sells a huge land area west of the Nelson river to Tussenland in 1871. The rump Rupert's Land is a british dominion until modern day and is heavily reliant on their neighbors.

South America


  • Mid-1835: Bahian revolt starts, motivated by the illuminist ideals, self determination and anti-monarchism. The rebels have an initial success in defeating the local forces and take the province, the Bahia Republic is proclaimed in Salvador.
  • 1836: Portuguese reinforcements arrive in Brazil. The imperial forces take control of the coastline, and the rebels are forced to flee to the interior.
  • 1836-1843: Guerilla warfare in Bahia.
  • 1843: the province of Rio Grande de São Pedro, in southern Brazil, also started a rebellion, due to taxation, lack of representation of whites in Portugal. They ally with the Bahians. They are supported by Carolinos (Hispanic gauchos from Carolina).
  • 1845: Portugal recognized Bahian independence.
  • 1846: Portugal recognized Riograndense Republic's indepnedence
  • 1847: Portuguese abolish slavery
  • 1875-1879: Equadorian revolt, as a reaction to Portuguese outlawing slavery. Portuguese recognize independence in 1879. The equadorian government is shaky and unstable, leading to a Pernambucan slave revolt in 1877.
  • 1877-1882: Pernambucan revolt and independence war. Supported by some Zoekerists.
  • 1878: Brasil becomes an autonomous territory under the Kingdom of Portugal. Thus ending colonial rule.
  • 1884 to 1927: Bahia is controlled by a military junta. The military is supported by the rural aristocracy.
  • 1916: Pernambuco and Britian signs the Recife-London Partnership Deal.
  • 1917: Equador invades Colombia alongside Peru.
  • 1919: Equador leaves the conflict. Later on the year, the country signs the Treaty of Leonabelle.
  • 1920: Equadorian president renouces his term. Equadorian politic-economic downfall begins.
  • 1922: Brasil becomes an united kingdom with Portugal.
  • 1924-1927: Bahia faces a civil war. The military junta government falls. Bahian Democratic Party's (BDP) rule begin.
  • 1928-xxxx: Bahian politics are heavily controlled by the BDP interests.


  • Independence lore is written in the form of discord messages abd needs to be edited and reformatted for the wiki. Involved in the race to the specific but lore is vague post independence.


  • A race of building settlements occured in the 1600s-1700s between Tuscany and France. France eventually gets axed by Tuscany indirectly, with the help of the aggressive natives who Tuscany had somehow managed to get on their side.


  • Gains independence from viceroy of Perú when Perú gains independence but lore needs work.


  • Independence basics exists as does vague lore for a Colombian-Peruvian war (or 2). Existing lore needs to be reformatted for the wiki.


TO-DO: Might need to write these on History of Europe.


  • 1814: End of the Augustine Wars. After the End of the War of the fourth coalition (1810-1814) In the Treaty of Vienna (1814) the Kingdom of the Netherlands was formed (with same borders as OTL Congress of Vienna),Turkey retains Crimea (and gains Malta) and gains some land from Austria, France is contained to its natural borders, Brandenburg is punished and their entire territory gets partitioned between the restored duchies of Hanover, Pomerania, and Saxony, An independent Confederation of minor German states is formed as a buffer between France and Austria, Russia forced to return territories gained from Poland. Austria, Russia, and the Ottomans become large powers after the war.
  • 1830's: Spring of Nations originating in Spain and spreads throughout central and southern Europe. Eventually spreads to Latin America resulting in the independence of Colombia, Paraguay, Bahia & the Riograndense Republic and failed revolutions in Mexico & Puerto Rico. After the revolution is put down, many revolutionaries are shipped to the Americas and the Spanish empire abolishes slavery.
  • 1840's: Reform of Spanish colonial administration- After the spring of nations and the successful independence of Colombia & Paraguay the Spanish crown decided that in order to maintain power in Latin America the colonies needed to be reformed. This led to a series of policy changes whereas each colonial viceroy was given the task of creating a council of stakeholders for the region that were to act as a pseudo-legislative body drafting policies to confirm to the specific needs of the colony. During this time, there was additionally a reordering of the colonial administration of viceroys and captaincy generals and a general redrawing of colonial borders. Additionally in order to win over the lower classes of the colonies, the crown created a program that reduced the tax burden on the lower classes in exchange for military service.
  • 1830's: Partial Partition of Poland; with Russia, Pomerania, Saxony and Austria gaining territory.
  • 1840: Beginning of the Great Game between Russia and Britain over influence in Central Asia
  • 1840's: In the aftermath of several rebellions in Portuguese Brasil, Portugal starts rebuilding a stronger relationship to native allies in Angola & the Kongo in an attempt to dominate south-central African trade.
  • 1850-1853: Spanish victory in the Dutch-Spanish War, led to the independence of South Tussenland and reinforced Spanish suzerainship of the Boer republics.
  • 1850-1857: Anglo- French victory in the Canton War, creates the Kingdom of Canton in Southern China; dramatically weakens the Qing and gives France and Britain a series of treaty ports in China.
  • 1864-1866: Swedish victory in the Scandinavian Wars which leads to the rise of Sweden as a regional power in the Baltic Sea. Sweden takes part of Sealand from Denmark to control the trade, Swedish-allied Hannover takes southern portion of Denmark and Norway becomes independent.
  • 1872-1874: Anglo-Pomeranian victory in the Saxony-Pomeranian War. Saxony, who is landlocked through history, wants Pomeranian coast. They are backed by Sweden, who believe that having more German naval powers meant that no single German power would dominate the Baltic. Sweden-Saxony has great success in the war initially, but in a turn of surprise Britain, who is scared of the growing Swedish naval power, assists Pomerania. Pomerania-British alliance wins, and Pomerania takes a little land from Saxony.
  • 1872-1878: Communard revolution in France ignites, and spreads to Spain. Spain is ruled by communards and results in the independence of the Mexican Empire and Peru. A separate Belgique communard revolution occurs and leads to unification with France (in 1874). The Communard attempts to spread to central Europe and the Italian states but is stopped by an alliance of European powers led by Austria and Britain. Eventually the radical Communard faction is kicked out of power by a moderate Communard faction that sought peaceful coexistence with the British and other European powers. This leads to a mending of relations between the British and France.
  • 1878: (Spain) After the communard government fell in Spain, a new constitution was adopted. Spain became a constitutional monarchy with the establishment of a new Cortes-Generales as the legislature and the appointment of a Prime Minister.
  • 1870s-1880s: Russia strengthens its colonial efforts on the Pacific, leading to a more settled Pacific, and Alaska. There is also a short arc of a Dutch king in Russia, which could help them have a more extensive naval outlook on the pacific.
  • 1880's: In the aftermath of the Portuguese Empire abolishing slavery, a restitution plan was put in effort to resettle many freed slaves to Portuguese African holdings.
  • 1877: Russia becomes suzerain of the Kingdom of Hawaii
  • 1884-1885: Russian victory in the Russo-Ottoman War (also known as the Balkan Wars). During the late 19th century Russia slowly strengthen it's economic and military power and after a series of revolts in the Balkans were put down harshly by Ottoman forces, Russia pledged support for independence movements in Serbia and Romania. This led to Russia retaking Crimea, Wallachia, Moldavia, Serbia gaining independence. Austria, who joined the war late, also annexes the upper left tip of the ottoman territory (but were promised more but didn't receive it from Russia).
  • 1884: Portuguese discover large diamond and gold deposits in Angola. Following this, a flood of investment and settlement to the region occurs.
  • 1885: Anglo-Turkish War: To connect their possessions in Arabia, Britain attacks the Ottomans in the midst of the Russo-Ottoman War and takes Egypt.
  • 1890: Start of the Ottoman reform period (whereas the Ottoman Empire modernized it's political, economic and military systems).
  • 1893: End of the Great Game between Russia and Britain in Central Asia, with the creation of Serindia, a buffer state between Russia and the British Raj.
  • 1895: Treaty of Amsterdam divides up Africa between colonial powers.


  • 1901-1903: Joint Dutch-NNL victory in the Mexican-Dutch Boer War. Led to the creation of Opdamslandt and Dutch gains in western North America.
  • 1903: Latial Famine Revolts
  • 1905: Kingdom of Egypt becomes independent from Britain, but the Suez canal is jointly controlled.
  • 1908: Venetian Invasion of Papal Adriatic, Declaration of the Roman Republic. The Pope attempted to flee but is killed by the mob.
  • Also 1908: The Tulip Uprising: A failed anti-colonialism uprising in the Netherlands caused by the stubborn refusal of the Dutch to stop the blockade on America and exhausting their resources.
  • 1911-1912: The Alps War (also known as the Austro-Venetian War). In 1911 Austria declares war on Venice, in order to protect its territories in southern Italy. In mid 1911 Calabria is taken, and a temporary puppet state is set up in Naples. In response to this Sicily joins Venice's side. In mid 1912 after being stuck for a year and an half in the Venetian Alps (and after losing a series of naval wars in the Adriatic) Austria signs for peace. In the peace treaty Venice gains all Austrian Territories in continental Italy and adds Sicily, the Roman Republic and Pontecorvo in its sphere of Influence.
  • 1920: Start of instability in the German Confederation. This was caused by popular unrest and support for a unified Rhineland.
  • 1922-1928: European economic crisis. Partially a result of a series of crop failures leading to cascading effects on European stock markets.
  • 1910: (Spain) Anti-colonialism and Republicanism started to take root within the circles Spanish intellectuals. This was inspired by the failed Tulip Uprising a decade ago in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Eventually, by the 1920s, the need for the Spanish Monarchy became a point of national debate.
  • 1926: German confederacy government was toppled. Establishment of the Republic on the Rhine (Rhenia).
  • 1925-1928: Nationalist-Republican victory in the Russian Revolution and Russian Civil War. Famines and mass unemployment led to the Czar being deposed in 1925 and the formation of the 1st Russian Republic. In 1926 ideological differences led to a spilt in republican forces in 1926 and the start of a 2 year civil war between the Liberal and Nationalist Republican factions.
  • 1928: Independence of Finland from the Russian Empire, becomes and independent ally of the RNU.
  • 1927: (Spain) The defeat of the Spanish in the Floridan War of Independence tanked the legitimacy and prestige of the Spanish Monarchy. Increasing pressures from the monarchy to reform.
  • 1929: (Spain) Republican and anti-colonial reformers pressure their government to a Republic. Referendums were held in the colonies for or against independence.
    • Most colonies and protectorates elected for complete independence. A five-year transitional commonwealth period was allotted to them before fully becoming independent. In Asia, they were the Philippines, Viet Nam, Papua, Timor, and the muslim-majority Bangsamoro; In the Americas, there was Puerto Rico.
    • Several smaller territories elected to become semi-autonomous "dependent" territories of Spain. These were the colonies that deemed their status to be too weak to defend or sustain themselves (especially in India and the Maritime Southeast Asia where the British and Dutch had dominated). They were Pondicherry, Chandenagar, and the Spanish Guinea.
  • except for the few port cities of Pondicherry, Chandenagar, and Spanish African Guinea which elected to have a "dependent A five-year transitional commonwealth period is allotted for the colonies before fully becoming independent.
  • 1932: Start of the Russo-Korean War. Korea, seeing that Russian government is fresh and fragile, invades the Qing remnant. Korea hoped that the instability in Russia would lead them to take no action against this; unexpected to them the new government of Russia honors the treaty and declares war on Korea. Japan also joins Russia. This led to a war between Russo-Japanese Alliance vs a Korean-Dutch alliance.
  • 1933: With a distracted Russia, Austria invades and annexes Kingdom of Saxony. Britain does nothing. Russia also does nothing, obviously as they were busy in the east. In the same year, With a distracted Russia again, the Ottomans decide to declare war on Russia hoping to take more land.
  • 1934: Dutch drop out of the Russo-Korean War. The Russians were winning great successes in Korea. However, the European front doesn't look to good. Fortunately, some visionary Russian military tactician already saw that victory was inevitable, and so in the past year, he ordered a bulk of the army to be sent over to the European front, unbeknownst to the Ottomans.
  • 1935: Official start of the Great Eurasian War (otherwise known as the Great War) with Great Britain and France declaring war on Austria and the Ottoman empire after Austria invades Pomerania.
  • 1935: Russia defeats Korea, End of the Russo-Korean War. Additionally Russia joins the British-French alliance and starts moving troops to the west.
  • 1938: Triple Alliance victory in the Great War. Austria and the Ottoman Empire is divided up between Russian and British aligned successor states (with France trying to mediate between the two powers). Russia continues to occupy Constantinople and the straits zone.
  • 1940: Start of the Cold War between the Russian and Anglo Spheres.
  • 1980: End of the Cold War, collapse of the Russian Nationalist Regime and the start of the British recession.

Royals of the U.K

  • 1667-1692: Queen Henrietta
  • 1692-1712: William III of the Dutch Republic becomes monarch
  • 1712-????: William III dies heirless, Anne becomes Queen. She married someone different ITTL, spawning an entirely new line of succession different from OTL.
  • ????
  • 1750: There is a Charles (Because Rio de la Plata colony is named Carolina)
  • ????
  • 1830s: Imperolo's Charles?

East Asia


  • 1847: Unrest in Canton starts to brew.
  • 1850-1857: The Canton War (Anglo-French-Cantonese Coalition vs Dutch-Qing)
  • 1883: Sjakwang Coup in Corea; Joseon dynasty overthrown
  • 1886-1888: First Sino-Corean War; the Dutch abandon their Qing allies in favor of Corea.
  • 1888: Treaty of Peking; Russia and Corea agree to partition Manchuria between them. Corea establishes the puppet state Poeja Kingdom in Manchuria.
  • 1892: Great Game ends with the creation of Serindia as a buffer state.
  • 1889: Corean Empire proclaimed.


  • 1895-1910s: Multiple loosely related secret societies form throughout Canton, espousing republican ideals.
  • 1912: The secret societies form a united society/party called the National Reform Society (Kaikehui). They start to demand more democracy in Canton.
  • 1920: On the brink of rebellion, Canton ratifies a new constitution and the creation of the Tianchow Parliament. The Parliament was dominated by the National Reform Party.
  • 1927: The Parliament enacts the National Reform Movement, promoting the abandonment of old classical ideas in favor of western ideals. Cosmopolitanism in religion and language/culture is promoted, while antagonizing remnants of the classical past (notably the Qing). Some secret societies spill over to Great Qing, but not as entrenched as in Canton.

Middle East

  • 1818: Due to threats from the Ottomans and Persia, the Emirate of Al-Hasa accepted protectorateship status from Great Britain.
  • 1822: Other smaller emirates southeast of Al-Hasa were protectoratized (known as the Trucial States [region known as the Trucial Coast]).
  • 1834: Britain obtains a 99-year lease on Aden from the Sultanate of Lahej. Lahej was propped up by the British and consolidated power over the smaller Yemeni states west.
  • 1837: A Zaidi rebellion in the Yemeni Eyalet led by the Qasimi branch erupted, to "liberate Yemen from the Ottoman occupiers). The British clandestinely supported the rebellion. The rebellion was successful, and the new state aligned itself with Great Britain.
  • 1839: Emirate of Yemen becomes a protectorate of the British.
  • 1881-1882: British-Omani War: Britain demands the Omani state to curb the slavery in Zanzibar/Tanganyika, and gives an ultimatum (with unreasonable terms). Afro-Arab slave traders still remain at large in Tanganyuka/Zanzibar. With the Omani sultan failing to comply, the British and French (now allied since this is post-Communard Wars) use this as a pretext to invade. The Omani state had already prepared for the inevitable war, but was ultimately defeated by the British-French coalition. The Sultanate of Oman is dismantled and replaced with a colonial government. Tanganyika is then divided into two, north (around Mombasa) goes to France and is integrated into the French East Africa (a parallel to the OTL French West Africa). South (around Dar es salaam) goes to Britain, and is established as a separate colony called British East Africa.
  • 1882: The Sultan of Oman and the Royal Family flees to the Ottoman Empire, and continue their anti-British propaganda there.
  • 1885: In parallel to the Russo-Ottoman War (1884-1885), the British also attack the Ottoman Empire to take Egypt, to serve as a waypoint to their South arabian protectorates and possessions.

Tomar's mesopotamian lore


The last Ma'an dynasty emir of Lebanon, Ahmed bin Mulhim (r. 1659-1704), would die in 1704. After that, a civil war between the Qaysite and Yemenite factions of the Druze would ensue, and the Qaysite leaders, the Kurdish-Druze Dschanbolats (IOTL Jumblatts/Janbulats), would emerge victorious at the Battle of Sughbin (1714). They would buy their way back into the Ottomans' good graces, since Ali Pascha Dschanbolat (executed 1610) was the Governor of Aleppo who allied with the Medicis to overthrow the Ottomans. There would be a total of 9 emirs from 1714 to 1868. Over time, 3 of these would convert to Sunni Islam to gain the favor of the Ottomans. The family would eventually be deposed in 1868 after the Mount Lebanon Civil War (where the Druze eventually won against the Maronites) as part of an Ottoman centralization program. Into the 20th century, the Dschanbolats and other Lebanese political dynasties would still dominate the politics of the area, and would amass more wealth and power after the Great War, during the military clique period.


Also for the Basra/Muntafiq state, I'm thinking that maybe this could happen: Traditionally, the ruling family of the majority-Shi'a Muntafiq confederacy was the Sadun family, who are Sunni. During the early 20th century, perhaps a large number of Muntafiq tribes try and overthrow the Sadun, based on the Sadun 1.) increasing taxes, 2.) appearing to be more loyal to Constantinople than their own confederacy, and 3.) instigating conflict with Shi'i clerics in Karbala and Najaf. The Kashif al-Ghita family, a Muntafiq clan which migrated to Najaf in the early 18th century and became Shi'i clerics, could start a coup d'etat along with other clans like the Rumeid. In the 1930s, the Emirate of the Muntafiq is formed with its capital in Basrah. This Emirate would kind of be structured like Iran IOTL, with the highest-ranking al-Ghita being the Grand Ayatollah, the head of state and highest Shi'i religious authority in the Emirate, and Mesopotamia in general. The position of Prime Minister, the head of government, would be occupied by families like the Rumeidh.

Babans of Kirkuk

They originally ruled a Kurdish principality. ITTL, they would be suppressed by the Ottomans in the 19th century as part of centralization efforts. After that, they would most likely stay on the down-low until the discovery of the Kirkuk oil field in 1924 by an Austrian oil baron. In 1927, the Austrians and Ottomans would build a pipeline from Kirkuk to Haifa in Palestine, so that the oil could be easily exported to Austria. During the GW, the Babans would begin a rebellion and try to sabotage the pipeline. After the Congress of Amsterdam, they re-established their principality with their capital in Kirkuk. They would be the most tense of the Mesopotamian states, as they are the only majority-Kurdish one and have the largest oil reserves.

Jarba Shammars of Deira Zor

A Shammar (same tribe that the Al Rashidis of Ha'il come from) clan that migrated to the north in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. They are of sharifian descent and are considered to be 'full Shammaris'. During Ottoman rule, they would have had a lot of conflicts with them, especially with the Kurdish tribes (like the Milan) that the Ottomans tried to move into Shammar/Anizzah territories. After the GW, the Jarba clan would expel the sedentary Kurds from the area and defeat the Anizzah and other minor tribes with the help of the Rashidis.

Jalilis of Mosul

Descendants of Abd al-Jalili, an Arab/Assyrian merchant from Amid. His son Ismail Pasha. After [a war in the early 1700s, against the Persians or some tribes or smth], Ismail's son Yunus Pasha was made wali of Mosul in 1751. They soon eroded the power of the Umari family, which eventually became their rivals. Struggles for power within the Jalili family occured in 1769, 1785, and 1818. They were dismissed from power in 1890 by the Ottomans, who feared their growth. In 1938, in exile in Aleppo, Salih Pasha Jalili joined the Jarba Shammar rebellion, and with their support would reconquer Mosul and establish an independent principality.

Keylanis of Baghdad

Their family has held the position of naqib-al ashraf ('leader of the descendants of Prophet Muhammad' since the 1550s. They're affiliated with the Sufi Qadiri Order, which was founded by their ancestor Abdul Qadir Keylani (they are also custodians of his mausoleum). The holder of this office during the POD was Shaikh Nūr al-Dīn ibn Walī al-Dīn ibn Shams al-Dīn al-Gailani (died 1664). They are kind of the obvious choice for leadership if Baghdad becomes independent, IOTL the naqib also became Prime Minister of Iraq. They would be supported by other aristocratic Baghdadi families like the Alusi, Haydari, Jamil, etc.

Southeast Asia

Indochina and Soenda


  • 1760: Failed Burmese incursion towards Ayutthaya (Siamese-Burmese War)


  • 1820: The Sultanate of Johor allies with the Dutch East India Company and soon becomes a protectorate.
  • 1849: Burmese-Lannathai War. Burma invades and annexes the Lannathai Kingdom, and becomes part of the Burmese Empire.
  • 1853: Fearing the expansion of Burma, Ramathibodi IV of Ayutthaya/Siam signs the Treaty of Alliance and Trade with Great Britain. In exchange, Great Britain is granted a 99-year lease on the Ayutthayan/Siamese port of Petbury (Phetchaburi, to be returned in 1952).
  • 1854: Anglo-Burmese War and collapse of the Burmese Empire: Cross-border raids by the Burmese in the British territory of Aracan vexed Britain. Britain used this as a pretext for the war, and invaded Burma. After the war, the entirety of Burma was annexed by Britain. Burma was split up into three new provinces under the British Raj: Burmah, Pegu, and Lan Na. This is would be furthest extent of British control on the Malay Peninsula in the 19th century.
  • 1860: Port of Santa Maria in Tonquin is leased by the Nguyen dynasty to Spain.
  • 1869: France invades and protectorizes the Kingdom of Kampuchea (Cambodge).
  • 1870: Siamese annexation of Lan Xang
  • 1873: British-Acehnese War. In the midst of the Communard forces rising to power in France, Britain invades and secures Aceh to prevent it from falling to French Influence.
  • 1880: Fearing British expansion, the Vietnamese kingdom seeks protection from the Spanish. Tonquin and Annam become protectorates of Spain.
  • 1884: Nguyễn Phúc Mạnh, ruler of Tonquin converts to Catholicism, and was baptized as Don Carlos. During the reign of Phúc Mạnh, the Spanish built churches and conducted missionary activity, leading to the sizeable Catholic minority in the northern parts of Vietnam in the modern day.

The Philippines

  • Too long, Mahar's notes moved to Philippines discussion page. See: Talk:Philippines

Central Asia

  • Because Britain has less properties elsewhere, they are deeply cemented into India/South Asia.
  • A "Great Game" arc between Russia and Britain occurs after the fall of the Qing. Britain push northward and take Tibet as a protectorate, while Russia could puppet Mongolia.
  • In 1890, and agreement is reached to create an independent buffer nation called 'Serindia' in between Russia and Britain. It is mostly of Uyghur culture.

South Asia

  • blank

Oceania and the Pacific Isles

Colonization Info

  • Spanish colony of Nueva Guinea: The name was coined by the Spanish explorer Yñigo Ortiz de Retez in 1545 during a stop in which he claimed the island for Spain. During the Augustine wars the Spanish empire avoided the wars that wrecked Europe and wanted to expand their colonially holdings in Asia. In 1811 they seized west Papua from the VOC aligned Sultanate of Tidore during the occupation of the Netherlands by French forces. Between 1811 and 1860 they slowly expanded their holdings on the North side of the island of New Guinea. The Spanish didn't really attempt to establish control on the interior of the island but instead used a series of coastal forts and ports to trade luxury goods with friendly natives tribes. Additionally starting in the 1830's the Jesuit Order was given a mandate to the Christianize the island's inhabitants by the Spanish crown; the Jesuits built a number of missions, churches and catholic schools in the interior of the island. The in the late 1880's after the Communard wars and fearing British encroachment on their colony the Spanish started to intensify colonization and control of the island and build settlements on the southern coast of the island.
  • Las Islas del Espíritu Santo (OTL Vanuatu): Discovered and claimed by the Spainish in OTL, came back in the 19th century during their 'turn towards Asia'. Spanish set up cash crop plantations and brought in laborers from their other Asian colonies.
  • New Sardinia: Similar history to OTL, French come by pre communard wars for sandlewood and other trade but ittl no penal colony on the island which means the Kanak people are the dominate population.
  • Fiji Protectorate (French): Pre Communard wars French stopped by and traded and eventually allied with the natives and entered into a protectorate relationship. A lot of trade between French Australia and Fiji, early on French sailors and settlers visited often to obtain wives

Pre-SW Timeline

  • 1775 – Captain Zachary Hicks under orders from the British crown lands in Western Australia and claims western portion of Australia for the British (this claim goes unrecognized internationally).
  • 1810 – The General-Director of revolutionary France Augustine Spiga sends out the famous Freycient expedition to determine the suitability of Australia for French colonization and settlement. The expedition lands on the south-eastern coast of Australia and maps parts of the region.
  • 1812 – Founding of the failed bay colony in eastern Australia by the French, after 6 months food supplies were exhausted and the a series of interpersonal rivalries led to bloodshed and finally colonial abandonment.
  • 1817 – Formation of French penal colony around modern day Augustine.
  • 1818 – Establishment of Puerto de Oro as Spanish base on the north coast of New Guinea.
  • 1821 – The new French government decided to settle veterans of revolutionary war in Australia after riots in Paris by former soldiers angry at the government and general unrest by former revolutionary soldiers.
  • 1823 – First failed attempt at colonizing the Mijnclara island by the French, the colony was abandoned after most of the colonists decided to leave to Rochefort and Augustine and pursue work in the whaling industry.
  • 1824 – Formation of Fort Hicks in current Port Williams along the Black-swan in what is modern day Parmelia.
  • 1828 – Formation of Terre-Australe as a proper colony.
  • 1832 – Establishment of Los Aves by Spain on the south coast of New Guinea
  • 1834 – Formation of Noordstadt by the Netherlands
  • 1835 - 36 – Unification of Fiji under French influence
  • 1838 – Formation of Parmelia as a colony
  • 1839 – Formation of Rochefort as a Flemish settlement
  • 1840 – Establishment of San Francisco by Spanish
  • 1842 – End of the Musket Wars and the creation of the United Tribes of Aotearoa
  • 1843 – Establishment of the Diemensland free-port of Wimberly by independent Irish whalers.
  • 1844 – The coup of the United Tribes government by the Ngāpuhi (supported by the French) and the beginning of the Kingdom of Aotearoa.
  • 1846 – Signing of the French-Aotearoa treaty which led to an military alliance between the newly formed kingdom and the French, additionally the KoA ceded the southern partially French colonized island of New Zealand to the French. After the coup of the United Tribes, many Maori dissidents and rivals of the Ngāpuhi fled to the southern French controlled island.
  • 1848 – Annexation of port Wimberly and the formation of Diemensland as a British colony.
  • 1849 - 1865 – Eastern Georgian Gold Rushes: Migration of many British, Chinese and Indian migrants and settlers around Tongala Basin and in particular the region of New Devon (otl victoria, might need a new name ?).
  • 1852 - Establishment of Fiji as a French protectorate.
  • 1859 – The first interior New Guinean expedition by the Spanish.
  • 1860 – Annexation of Espiritu Santo by Spanish
  • 1862 – French guarantee of defense in Aotearoa which turned the Kingdom into a de facto French client state.
  • 1863 – Formation of new Georgian colonies of Tongala and New Devon in the Tongala basin.
  • 1867 – creation of the dependency of New Guinea under the Viceroy of the Philippines.
  • 1869 – Formation of British Solomon Islands colonies.
  • 1870 - 1887 – Western Georgia gold rush, led to immigration from Europe, the British Isles, China, Corea and other British commonwealth nations to Parmelia.
  • 1875 - 1877 – First Australian Independence War, the rebellion forces the French colonial forces out of the country and briefly establishes an independent republic until in 1877 when a joint Anglo-French invasion re-established French rule. This led to the creation of the 'Free Australia' civil and guerilla movement and the 1877 Treaty of Melrose which delineates the Georgian-Australian borders and ends the tension over the Tongala basin.
  • 1881 – Second New Guinean Expedition
  • 1887 - 1890 - Chinese Migration Era: Growth of Chinese population in Georgia
  • 1893 – Establishment of Dependency of New Batavia as an authority subjected to the Hague
  • 1912-1918 Balkan Migrations
  • 1917 – Second Australian Independence revolt, which is brutally put down, inflames the political movement towards independence and leads to the French government importing French settlers to the colony
  • 1918 – Establishment of Dominion of Georgia with the colonies in Australia except Parmelia.
  • 1919 - Formation of Nieuw-Philadelphie by local Greeks, the most populated city of New Batavia.


  • 1875-1877 - 1st Australian war for independence, ends when the communard revolution does
  • 1890s - Australian liberation front starts operating in the blue mountains and northern tip of the colony
  • 1917 - second Australian revolt, afterwards the more autocratic government cracks down hard and sends in a wave of French settlers to act as a favored group in Australian administration -
  • 1935 - GW starts, the French navy invades British Tasmania, & starts mobilizing for invading Georgia -
  • 1936 - start of the Australia Guerilla war led by anti-French creoles armed by the British
  • 1937 - Australia declares independence, French retreat to New Zealand and firebomb Australian cities as they retreat

South Pacific

  • British: in the late 18th century Hicks along with other British explorers/ sailors and whalers visit the south pacific, name some islands and make contact. Much like in OTL the British empire starts to see Tahiti as "a sailors paradise" and starts building good relationships with natives in Tahiti and in Bora-bora (at this point no real colonialism happens yet just a relatively equal (sometimes) trade relationship and the British putting their thumbs on the scale when it comes to island conflicts sometimes). Later when colonization of Western Oceania kicks off the British (along with the French of course) shift their regional focus to the western pacific (which might allow the Genoans time to start building relationships / annexing islands in the region) . In the late 1800's after Genoa, Spain and maybe some other minor powers start sizing up the south pacific, this leads to the British returning attention to the South Pacific and start annexing islands where they can and creating protectorates out of friendly kingdoms. During this time British private enterprise would be investing in the islands and starting copra plantions, phosphorus mines, sandlewood operations, sea cucumbers harvesting etc.
  • Genoa: Basically what I said earlier, Genoa uses their base in Panama city to expand into the Pacific starting with buying islands from Colombia and Spain (Galapagos y Rapa Nui) , finding uninhabited islands (in the case of Pitcairns) and then,slipping under the nose of the British, getting Tonga to become a protectorate of theirs while other powers were busy elsewhere.
  • the Netherlands: So we talked a bit about the idea of a Dutch Norfolk but I think I came up with some lore (also maybe re-purposing BigSchwartz Mijnclara name) for the island. Basically the French colonize the islands (which would be uninhabited at the time) first while they set up their first colony in Australia but abandon the island soon after and focus on Australia and then New Zealand. Then shortly after Dutch sailors (some from NL proper, others from east indies and Taulandt) start using the island as a whaling base and in late 1850s after the loss in the Spanish-Dutch war decide to annex the island (as kinda of a PR move to show "hey things aren't that bad", maybe also it's a personal project of the Crown to regain some popularity amongst the people).