Silent War

From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
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The Silent War refers to a period of geopolitical tension and proxy conflicts between the International Republican Coalition (IRC), led by Russia, and the Organization of Democratic Nations (ODN), led by Great Britain. This era emerged in the aftermath of the Great War (1935-1939) and has shaped the global political landscape, with nations aligning themselves with either the IRC or ODN. Although direct military confrontation between the two superpowers was avoided, the Silent War saw numerous proxy conflicts, such as the Algerian-Numidian War and the East Indies Crisis, where the IRC and ODN supported opposing factions to further their respective interests and ideologies.


The roots of the Silent War can be traced back to the Great War (1935-1939), which led to a reshaping of the world order and the emergence of Russia and Great Britain as the dominant global powers.

The Silent War traces its origins to the aftermath of the Great War (1935-1939), which left Europe divided into pro-Russian and pro-British spheres of influence. The Russian-led International Republican Coalition (IRC) and the British-led Organization of Democratic Nations (ODN) emerged as the two predominant global alliances, each promoting their respective ideologies: national republicanism and liberal democracy.

Russia, and National Republicanism, and the IRC

Russia espouses National Republicanism (also sometimes known as Vosstanism). It is a radical republican ideology that emphasizes civic nationalism, national autarky, and anti-mercantilism. It seeks to promote the interests of a particular nation by opposing corporate and monarchical institutions. The International Republican Coalition, led by Russia, operates on these principles, promoting regional stability, mutual defense, and defending the interests of its member states against perceived external threats, such as western imperialism. The IRC supports authoritarian governments and is associated with a more centralized, state-driven approach to governance.

The Organization of Democratic Nations

The Organization of Democratic Nations (ODN), on the other hand, is composed mainly of liberal democracies, including former colonies and post-colonial states, emphasizing democratic governance, human rights, and individual freedoms, led by Great Britain. It seeks to maintain stability and security in the international community through diplomatic means and military defense when necessary, promoting the idea of collective security and cooperation among member states.

This period of geopolitical rivalry, although not resulting in direct large-scale warfare, has shaped international relations and global politics for decades, with both sides working to advance their interests and undermine those of the other.

Major proxy conflicts