Westerzee Troubles

From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
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West Coast Troubles
Date1948 - 1954
Westerzee, Tussenland
Corean Tussenlanders
The Free State (from 1953)
De Clercq loyalists
Voor National Party
The Free State (to 1953)
Goudpaert loyalists
Casualties and losses
4591 2091

The West Coast Troubles (Amerikaens: Onrust aen de Westkust, Corean: 웨서지폭동 lit. 'Westerzee riots') was a period of unrest and insurgency lasting from 1941 to 1953 in Westerzee, the Free State, and parts of northwestern Mexico. The era is defined by the ethnonationalist insurgencies of the Voor National Party, the genesis of the Association of North American Nations (ANAN) as a major continental organisation, and the rise of Anti-Atlanticism - opposition to European influence in America.

The conflict ebbed to a close with the 1953 Free State coup d'état, when pro NNL, Tussenlander & Mexican forces removed the Goudpaert family from power and installed the De Clercqs, a family that was backed in particular by NNL secret services. Violence generally subsided as the Boer nationalists lost their main supplier, combined with programs that made the fighting become a rarity. A conference that was hosted in Opsdamland, a conference where all involved parties laid their cards on the table. It was there that the treaty of 1954 was signed ending the fighting and starting a new chapter in Tussenlandt her history.


Starting point

Scholarly consensus usually points to the Asiatic Migration Act in 1940 as the first trigger of the conflict. The legislation, supported by federal, provincial, and local authorities, increased the quota for Corean (and more generally Asian) immigration to Westerzee, a province which already had an Asian plurality. It was strongly opposed by the Voor National Party (VNP), which viewed increased Asian-Tussenlander domination of the region as a threat to their cultural and national interests.

In 1941, a VNP Congress decided to embark on a more violent approach to reach their goals. Soon after, Voor commandos and mutineers attacked a garrison in southern Westerzee, seizing weapons and armoured vehicles. This came to be known as the 1941 Waterloo incident and is said to be the origin of the wider conflict.

Voor National Party

See also