Talk:Great National Republican schism

From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty

In Europe

Green: pro-Russian reformists; Purple: non-aligned reformists; Orange: reactionaries

In Europe, most are reformists, but divided between pro-Russians and those wanting to pursue more independence from Russia. Austria is the only reactionary nation in Europe.

Pro-Russian reformists

  • Magyaria:
    • Loyal to post-reform Russia
    • On the "frontline" of the split countries, like to feel threatened
    • Especially hostile towards Austria
  • Romania
    • Loyal to Russia
    • Supports reforms
    • Very likely to favour opening up of trade with the West thanks to their oil export potential
  • Galicia: Very loyal towards Russia, threatened by Poland
  • Bulgaria: Supports reforms, lore TBD.
  • Rumelia: Stayed loyal to Russia in order to gain favors: eventually leading to the handover of Constantinople
  • Finland: They were the inspiration for Russian reforms, since historically they've been pretty autonomous from Russian control (stemming from the fact that their NatRep movement grew in parallel with Russia, with minimal interference). Friendly towards post-reform Russia.

Non-aligned reformists

  • Poland:
    • Underground unrest for 2-3 decades
    • Uprisings, civil disobedience blow up when Russia is weakened
    • Hostile towards the IRC, especially Russia and Galicia
    • Violently cuts ties
    • Reforms NatRep, but in a different way to the Russia
  • Slovakia
    • Formally splits away from the IRC
    • Attitude of their fate TBD, but likely more peaceful than Poland
    • Despite geopolitically distancing from Russia, probably reforms in a similar way


  • Austria:
    • Refuses democratic reforms
    • Remains hostile towards ODN and becomes hostile towards IRC
    • Despite that, room for Realpolitik

In Asia

  • Corea: After the 1971 disaster, the people have grown a distaste for NatRepism. The incumbent reactionary government would crack down on dissent, but after the Russian Power Struggle, the NatRep government's power wanes, eventually leading to the democratic revolution and the abandonment of NatRepism. They slide to the West.
  • Thaitania: Largely reactionary, still autocratic, but they support Russia due to them seeing China as a threat

In South America

  • Equador and Palissandria could follow the Russian-way of reforming their political system, maybe after a agreement of the ODN ending the embargo over them in exchange for some ✨ political transparency✨ (JV)

In Africa

Ideas of Russian-style reforms wouldn't penetrate in this region. Instead, the Russian power struggle led to civil conflict between the reactionary NatRep governments of Zambezia and the National-Communard rebels supported by K-L (see Talk:2nd Zambezian Wars)