Talk:2nd Zambezian Wars

From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
  • Name: The name is 2nd Zambezian Wars (plural, with an S), since this encompasses several overlapping civil wars between Zambezian nations.


  • 1960s: First Wave of Zambezian Civil Wars: Nationalist-republican conflicts in Columbemba, Urunda.
  • 1965: Act of Balance: Portuguese territories in Africa gain autonomy within the Kingdom of Portugal.
  • 1970s: Rise of Mozambique: Mozambique becomes a NatRep nation with a conservative government.
  • 1976: Independence: Cape Verde, Biafra Federation, Namibia, Angola, and Mozambique gain independence.

Conflict Proper

  • 1976: Mozambique Supports Revolutionary Movements: Mozambique starts supporting revolutionary movements in Columbemba and Maravi, as well as an anti-settler government movement in Angola.
  • 1978: Angolan Intervention: Angolan clique government intervenes in an attempt to stop the spread of revolutionary governments in the region.

Angolan Intervention (1979-1981) (Bort)

  • 1976: By the time of the Angolan coup there's an already existing nationalists insurgency according to JV's map.
  • 1976-1978: This insurgency then gets weakened by Angolan centralization and offensives but doesn't disappear completely.
  • 1978-1979: New life is breathed into the insurgency as Mozambique/nationalist arms and recruits are funneled into the eastern part of the country linked up with the Zambezi Front.
    • Angola at first is focused on fighting it's internal insurgency but quickly moves to intervention in the Urunda civil war which they believe is fueling the insurgency.

Barotseland Front

  • 1980-1981: Barotseland opens up as a front as insurgents cross the border and Angolan forces move to match them (under an uncomfortable alliance with the Barotseland state).
    • Angolan airstrikes on important Zambezi + Mozambique targets occur in Columbemba, Butua start kicking off in 80/81 as well.


  • Standards of living would obviously fall in the region leading to a large refugee crisis kicking off in the early 80s.
  • Refugee crisis:
    • Rozvi (and allies like Natalia) organises a system of informal and formal refugee camps (with some some ODN or IL support here as well) ;
    • These camps probably would themselves attract some violence and Zambezi infiltrators as well as being subject to poor conditions.
    • Later on several routes being started by desperate migrants wanting to live a normal life potentially are trekked into the Cape & Natalia proper.

