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From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
up to the 1950s
(→‎Brazilian lore: Luso-american countries lore tracker updated to most recent events.)
(up to the 1950s)
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==== ''Silent War'' Era ====
*'''1942''' - President Osmena signs the Military Modernization and Industry act, allowing the Philippine Military to begin buying military equipment from Britain, the Netherlands, and Mexico, as well buying licenses from the British and Dutch to begin manufacturing their own localized weapons. The Tribal Insurgency in the Cordilleras worsens when Igorotes is officially reorganized into the Federal State of La Montanosa. In the 1942 Elections, Manuel Osmena was defeated by Esteban Garcia y Ricarte of the ''"Makapili"'' (Makabayang Katipunan ng mga Pilipino) faction of the Nationalist Party, who promised a stronger Federal Government, a stronger economy as well as a powerful military to finally end an end the Igorot War. His election to the presidency proved to be controversial due to his violent acts against non-cooperative citizens during his time as a Rebel Officer during the rebellion against Spain, as well as his extreme views advocating for a fully Catholic and "Latinized" Southeast Asia under the leadership of Manila. Just a few months into his administration, on December 5, A two-week Civil Rights protest held by the Ibaloi and Ifugao locals ended in bloodshed after they were fired upon by the Constabulary, who justified by saying that the protest was infiltrated by the ALI who fired the first shot. This event will be known as the Baguio Massacre, and would mark the beginning of the Makapili's brutal regime.
*'''1943''' - Balderama Jacinto died from Cholera on February 6 at the age of 74. Ricarte orders that a State Funeral be held in Jacinto’s honor, with the Congress designating February 6 as Jacinto Day, now known as ''Founders’ Day'' as a general celebration of the “Founding Fathers” of the modern Filipino State. ''Arsenal Del Gobierno'' is established by the government as the first local arms manufacturer of the Philippines, producing weapons such as Firearms and Ammunition for the Federal Army. In Mindanao, the Sulu Sultan dies with no heir, effectively bringing an end to the Kiram Dynasty of Sulu.
*'''1943''' -
*'''1944/45''' - The growing authoritarian nature of Ricarte’s administration leads to the creation of radical left-wing political parties, the most notable of which being the ''Partido Colectivista ng Filipinas'', a communard-inspired movement led by Hermenegildo Cuyugan, who is a prominent leader of a Worker’s Union in Ilocos. On the other hand, the war with the ALI makes a turn for the worse for the Army when a coordinated offensive within the state of La Montanosa leads to several towns being captured by the rebels, most prominent being the town of Lagayan near the border of Ilocos. The rebels then proclaimed the establishment of their independent indigenous state, the ''Kalinga Free State'', which would last stay relatively independent from the Federal Government until 1954.
*'''1946''' - The ''Arsenal Del Gobierno'' produces its first local firearm, the ADG Modelo 1 Karbine, a reproduction of the British Lee-Enfield Jungle Carbine. When the Kampuchea fell into a civil war, The Philippine Government expressed support and aid for the Kampuchean Monarchy to show their desire to become a member of the Organization of Democratic Nations. Dutch and Mexican Armored vehicles finally arrived in Manila as part of the modernization of the country’s armored forces.
*'''1947''' - When Viet-nam launched an intervention in Kampuchea, the Philippine Government once again expressed their support. Ricarte signed the Naval Modernization Act, an amendment to the Military Modernization and Industry act which adds a budget and incentive for the Federal Navy to modernize and acquire new assets. In the same year, ''Tamaraw Motors'' was founded by Rogelio Mendoza - De Guzman, later known as the ''Father of the Philippine Motor Industry'' as he would pioneer the production of local vehicles such as Cars and Trucks, and eventually would expand also to the arms industry as the producer of engines for and even armored vehicles. Up north, the ALI launches an offensive deep into Northern Cagayan, almost capturing the capital of Tuguegarao. Fortunately, the Army, the constabulary, and local militias managed to hold the town against the rebels. This battle also marked the first use of the Modelo 1 Karbine in combat. In New Guinea, a plot to overthrow Filipino rule by a group of Papuan Nationalists is uncovered and stopped, ending with the execution of almost 20 Papuans in Soron.
*'''1948''' - Britain forms the ''Pacific Rim Security Treaty'', a collective alliance of British-aligned Asia-Pacific countries with the Philippines agreeing to host the Alliance’s headquarters in Manila. The Philippines began to export the Modelo 1 to neighboring countries such as Viet-Nam and the Kampuchean Monarchists. President Ricarte signed the ''Land Reform Act of 1948'', which provided large re-organizations and the nationalization of the Agricultural Sector through the Department of Agriculture. This caused tensions with the Radical Left as the Reform also meant that farmers effectively lost ownership of their own land as it was carved up and then controlled by powerful national companies. In Mindanao, the reform was even more detrimental to the Moros as it forcibly took muslim lands and hand it over to catholic settlers in Mindanao. Angered by the new reforms, Farmers all over the country began to protest against the government, with several leftist organizations providing support for them. With the output of rice and other important crops shattered by the boycott, the government ordered the army and the constabulary to begin a crackdown against the farmers, culminating in the “Battle” of Cabanatuan wherein Government forces fired against a crowd of protesters, with the farmers forming their own militias to fight back against them, resulting to hundreds of casualties after the Army regain control of the town. In response, President Ricarte and eventually the Congress outlawed hundreds of unions and leftist organizations, with thousands of its members being arrested and tried with charges ranging from economic damages to even treason. Notable leftist figures such as Cuyugan would flee into the wilderness of Central Luzon and other islands, eventually founding several communard guerrilla groups such as Cuyugan’s ''Hukbong Bayan'' in Northern Luzon and the Makabayan Liberacion of Western Visayas.
*'''1950''' - The University of Santo Tomas pioneers the Television Broadcasts. Twenty-three high ranking officials of the ''Hukbong Syndikalista'' and other anarchist guerilla groups in the Southern Tagalog State are captured or killed in a series of raids by the Constabulary, led by ''PC Captain Rodolfo L. Salonga''. The Walled City of Intramuros is turned into a Federal District of the Philippine Government once more, with the Office of the President being moved to the Palacio del Gobernador from the nearby Malacanang Palace. Immediately after, a bomb was detonated in the nearby Fort Santiago, now an office of the Intramuros Constabulary, which resulted to the deaths of ten officers and injured 5 more. President Ricarte would blame the several communard groups and would declare that the privilege of writ of habeas corpus would be suspended in regards to any suspected communards.
== Central and South Asia ==


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