
History of Russia: Difference between revisions

From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
Added orlov era (1943-1947)
(Added Ozero Murmsky administration)
(Added orlov era (1943-1947))
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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In 1932, Russia, along with [[Japan]] and [[China]], [[Russo-Corean War|declared war]] against the burgeoning empire of Corea. Ending in 1935, the war resulted in the annexation of [[Poeja]] and an assertion of Russian influence in northeast Asia. The same year, Russia entered the [[Great War]] in the spring of 1935 when the [[Ottoman Empire]] declared war against them. Russia joined the [[United Kingdom]], [[Portugal]], and others in forming the [[Factions of the Great War#Cordial%20League|Cordial League]]. In 1936, Tripartite League forces laid siege to the city of Kiev for months. Chairman Ozero was forced to sign the Treaty of Akmolinsk in 1937, granting independence to the new Orkhonist state of [[Turkestan]]. Also in 1937, the Russo-Ottoman Compromise created the [[Rumelia|Rumelian National Republic]] and made Constantinople a Russo-Rumelian condominium. Russia's claims were formally acknowledged in the [[The Great War#Aftermath|Congress of Amsterdam]].
==== Ozero MurmskyMuromsky administrationera (1926-1943) ====
During Ozero MurmskyMuromsky's tenure as chairman, the National Republic of Russia was governed based on a power-sharing agreement between the political Vosstanist class and the military, led by the Supreme Commander of the All-Russian Forces, Mikhail Orlov. MurmskyMuromsky's primary focus was on reforming and building the institutions of national republicanism within Russia, while Orlov ensured the enforcement of these reforms and the suppression of any resistance. Throughout the 1930s, MurmskyMuromsky successfully established National Republican control, effectively bringing the nation under Moscow's dominance by 1940, with numerous autonomous national republics and nominally-independent sister republics being established.
The era was dominated by revolutionary zeal and intense nationalism. While the political system allowed for a degree of democracy, it was strictly within nationalist parameters, limiting political freedom and ensuring that the National Republican agenda remained unchallenged. The period was also characterized by widespread conflict, marked by numerous wars and internal strife. The era was rife with racism and anti-Semitism, with discriminatory policies being systematically enforced against various minority groups.
===== MurmskyMuromsky's economic reforms =====
Economically, MurmskyMuromsky was heavily influenced by his close associate, [[Aleksandr Kuznetsov]], who developed the [[Kuznetsovian economics|Kuznetsovian economic school of thought]]. This economic philosophy shaped MurmskyMuromsky's policies, which included trade restrictions through tariffs, protectionist measures, and a strong emphasis on self-sufficiency. One of the most significant economic measures taken during this period was the nationalization of key industries. The government assumed control of vital sectors such as steel, coal, and oil, aiming to centralize economic power and increase production efficiency. Under state control, these industries experienced a significant ramp-up in production, which contributed to the nation’s rapid industrial growth and self-reliance.
===== Founding of the International Republican Coalition (1941) =====
{{Main|International Republican Coalition}}
Muromsky had long envisioned the establishment of a coalition among allied national republican nations, dating back to the early days of the civil war, with the goals of promoting regional stability, mutual defense, and safeguarding member states from external threats such as western imperialism. However, it was not until the 1940s, following Russia's victory in the [[Great War]] and Muromsky's consolidation of power throughout the nation, that he acquired the authority and legitimacy to pursue this vision.
Muromsky personally engaged with leaders from several national republican nations to garner support for the coalition. In 1941, the [[International Republican Coalition|International Republican Coalition (IRC)]] was formally founded, comprising 15 founding members spanning Eurasia. The creation of the IRC prompted a response from Britain and other Western nations, leading to the establishment of the [[Organization of Democratic Nations]], intended as a counterbalance to the growing influence of the national republican bloc.
===== Death and power struggle =====
MurmskyMuromsky ruled the nation for 17 years until his unexpected death from a stroke in 1943. His demise led to a brief political power struggle, which was quickly resolved by Mikhail Orlov. Leveraging his popularity from the Great War and his ability to consolidate support, Orlov emerged victorious in the power struggle and assumed control of the nation.
==== Mikhail Orlov administrationera (1943-1947) ====
===== The Summer of Blood (1943) =====
Upon becoming chairman, Orlov enacted a brutal purge of his rivals, a campaign known as ''The Summer of Blood'' (Russian: Лето крови). Widespread executions and arrests of his political rivals occurred throughout the mid-1940s, effectively eliminating opposition and solidified Orlov's dominance in the government.
===== Leadership =====
Orlov ruled as an authoritarian leader with a strong personality cult. He projected himself as "the embodiment of the nation's strength and stability", fostering widespread public support.
Despite his dictatorial leadership, Orlov allowed for more freedom in private enterprise and granted the autonomous national republics (ANRs) greater leeway, provided they remained loyal, a stark contrast to Muromsky's policies. He loosened some of the strict trade controls, promoting a slightly more open economic environment without fully abandoning Kuznetsovian economic principles. This approach facilitated a degree of economic liberalization while retaining overall state control.
==== Mikhail Orlov administration (1943-1947) ====
Orlov’s rule, though marked by purges and authoritarianism, was popular among the common people. Minorities, in particular, flourished under his regime due to the greater autonomy and rights granted to them, contrasting with the more repressive policies of the Muromsky era.
==== Semyon Kiselev administration (1947-1958) ====
===== Demise =====
==== Ilya Kiselev administration (1958-1973) ====
Mikhail Orlov's rule ended abruptly with his death in 1947, only ruling for 4 years. The party, seeking to move away from the intense personality cult of Orlov’s era, selected Semyon Kiselev as the new chairman. Kiselev was seen as the perfect candidate to succeed Orlov because of his more moderate and less controlling approach. His demise sparked controversies, with some alleging that he was assassinated by more moderate members of the National Republican Party to prevent them from being sidelined from power, but no evidence to support this was ever found.
== Imperialism ==
Bureaucrats, rtl-contributors, Administrators


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