
History of Russia: Difference between revisions

From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
Added founding of IRC (1941)
m (Fix Murmsky->Muromsky misspelling)
(Added founding of IRC (1941))
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===== Muromsky's economic reforms =====
Economically, Muromsky was heavily influenced by his close associate, [[Aleksandr Kuznetsov]], who developed the [[Kuznetsovian economics|Kuznetsovian economic school of thought]]. This economic philosophy shaped Muromsky's policies, which included trade restrictions through tariffs, protectionist measures, and a strong emphasis on self-sufficiency. One of the most significant economic measures taken during this period was the nationalization of key industries. The government assumed control of vital sectors such as steel, coal, and oil, aiming to centralize economic power and increase production efficiency. Under state control, these industries experienced a significant ramp-up in production, which contributed to the nation’s rapid industrial growth and self-reliance.
===== Founding of the International Republican Coalition (1941) =====
{{Main|International Republican Coalition}}
Muromsky had long envisioned the establishment of a coalition among allied national republican nations, dating back to the early days of the civil war, with the goals of promoting regional stability, mutual defense, and safeguarding member states from external threats such as western imperialism. However, it was not until the 1940s, following Russia's victory in the [[Great War]] and Muromsky's consolidation of power throughout the nation, that he acquired the authority and legitimacy to pursue this vision.
Muromsky personally engaged with leaders from several national republican nations to garner support for the coalition. In 1941, the [[International Republican Coalition|International Republican Coalition (IRC)]] was formally founded, comprising 15 founding members spanning Eurasia. The creation of the IRC prompted a response from Britain and other Western nations, leading to the establishment of the [[Organization of Democratic Nations]], intended as a counterbalance to the growing influence of the national republican bloc.
===== Death and power struggle =====
Bureaucrats, rtl-contributors, Administrators


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