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From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
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* '''1832''' – Establishment of Los Aves by Spain on the south coast of New Guinea
* '''1834''' – Formation of Noordstadt by the Netherlands
* '''1835 - 36''' – Unification of Fiji under French influence
* '''1838''' – Formation of Western Australia as a colony
* '''1839''' – Formation of Rochefort as a Flemish settlement
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*'''1846''' – Signing of the French-Aotearoa treaty which led to an military alliance between the newly formed kingdom and the French, additionally the KoA ceded the southern partially French colonized island of New Zealand to the French. After the coup of the United Tribes, many Maori dissidents and rivals of the Ngāpuhi fled to the southern French controlled island.
* '''1848''' – Annexation of port Wimberly and the formation of Diemensland as a British colony.
* '''1849''' - '''18601865''' – Eastern Georgian Gold Rushes: Migration of many British, Chinese and Indian migrants and settlers around Tongala Basin and in particular the region of New Devon (otl victoria, might need a new name ?).
* '''1852''' - Establishment of Fiji as a French protectorate.
* '''1859''' – The first interior New Guinean expedition by the Spanish.
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*'''1867''' – creation of the dependency of New Guinea under the Viceroy of the Philippines.
* '''1869''' – Formation of British Solomon Islands colonies.
*'''1870 - 1887''' – Western Georgia gold rush, led to immigration from Europe, the British Isles, China, Corea and other British commonwealth nations to western Australia.
* '''1875 - 1877''' – First Australian Independence War, the rebellion forces the French colonial forces out of the country and briefly establishes an independent republic until in 1877 when a joint Anglo-French invasion re-established French rule. This led to the creation of the 'Free Australia' civil and guerilla movement and the 1877 Treaty of Melrose which delineates the Georgian-Australian borders and ends the tension over the Tongala basin.
* '''1881''' – Second New Guinean Expedition
* '''1887 -88 1890''' - Chinese Migration Era: Growth of Chinese population in Georgia
* '''1893''' – Establishment of Dependency of New Batavia as an authority subjected to the Hague
* '''1912-1918''' Balkan Migrations


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