
(Old page) East Indies Crisis - do not edit: Difference between revisions

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He thus ordered the commanders of the military to come up with a plan to pull the Dutch forces out in such a manner that they would not be attacked from the rear. The immediate answer by that time Commander of the Armed Forces <u>Generaal Cornelis van Langen</u>, was that it would be hard bloody, and require a lot of time. Yet Haverman was determined he wanted the Dutch their forces out of the war. Thus van Langen despite his own involvement in the creation of Dutch strategy started with his team to work on a plan to pull the Netherlands out of the war. He worked tirelessly and by November 1974 some 4 months after the initial order was given they had a plan. In those 4 months, however, the fighting continued across the East Indies and the Dutch forces seemed to show less and less mercy. van Langen dubbed the plan “'''Operatie vertrek-I'''” or leaving one, it was a detailed set of objectives that would see the pullout in phases of Dutch forces while also taking into account civilians. It would take roughly 1.6 years to complete as nothing was to be left behind, it would be done in phases and it would continuously require the Dutch forces to keep on fighting with a higher degree of intensity as to not give off any idea to the enemy. He proposed the plan to the cabinet of Haverman and on the 1st of December 1974, it was accepted and made official military policy.[[File:Troops under fire.jpg|thumb|A soldier watching air support drop its payload upon the enemy her positions, somewhere around Malakka.]]
== The fall of Batavia ==
The fall of Batavia is the name given to a period that starts on the 1st of December and ended on the 11th of November 1976 the day the last Dutch ship with the last Dutch soldier left Batavia during the taking of the city by the EILF. It started when Prime minister Haverman excepted the plan called Vertrek-I. This would see the slow withdrawal of Dutch forces, both European Dutch and KNIL forces to key strategic area’s and from there a withdrawal would take place towards safe zones and from there they would be transported to the Netherlands. The plan on paper was good however in practice it became a messy affair that was chaotic and bloody, as many did not accept the KNIL in the last months of the war to go, rogue.
The plan was carried out in phases that were decided by high command and it was planned that it would be a slow but steady withdrawal, starting with the pull out of Celebs then Borneo, then Malakka, then Sumatra, and eventually a full and complete withdrawal from Java.
==== Withdrawal from Celebs ====
== Aftermath ==


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