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From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
Change New Corse to New Sardinia
(Change New Corse to New Sardinia)
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*Spanish colony of Nueva Guinea: The name was coined by the Spanish explorer Yñigo Ortiz de Retez in 1545 during a stop in which he claimed the island for Spain. During the Augustine wars the Spanish empire avoided the wars that wrecked Europe and wanted to expand their colonially holdings in Asia. In 1811 they seized west Papua from the VOC aligned Sultanate of Tidore during the occupation of the Netherlands by French forces. Between 1811 and 1860 they slowly expanded their holdings on the North side of the island of New Guinea. The Spanish didn't really attempt to establish control on the interior of the island but instead used a series of coastal forts and ports to trade luxury goods with friendly natives tribes. Additionally starting in the 1830's the Jesuit Order was given a mandate to the Christianize the island's inhabitants by the Spanish crown; the Jesuits built a number of missions, churches and catholic schools in the interior of the island. The in the late 1880's after the Communard wars and fearing British encroachment on their colony the Spanish started to intensify colonization and control of the island and build settlements on the southern coast of the island.
*Las Islas del Espíritu Santo (OTL Vanuatu): Discovered and claimed by the Spainish in OTL, came back in the 19th century during their 'turn towards Asia'. Spanish set up cash crop plantations and brought in laborers from their other Asian colonies.
*New CorsicaSardinia: Similar history to OTL, French come by pre communard wars for sandlewood and other trade but ittl no penal colony on the island which means the Kanak people are the dominate population.
*Fiji Protectorate (French): Pre Communard wars French stopped by and traded and eventually allied with the natives and entered into a protectorate relationship. A lot of trade between French Australia and Fiji, early on French sailors and settlers visited often to obtain wives
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