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== Final Period of the War (the blooding) ==
The 9th of March 1972 marked the start of the final and most brutal phase of the war. Through the 5 years lull, the rebels had infiltrated and expanded their networks on Java the bastion of Dutch colonial control. That only had some small uprisings, in the beginning, some 9 years ago but since then had not seen one uprising or revolt. Yet on the 9th of march outside of the major urban area’s they rose up. Across the Java countryside Dutch Colonial officials, Eurasians, and everyone who looked a bit European were slaughtered as the countryside sprung into open revolt. At the same time, the rebels launched proper conventional attacks upon the Dutch positions in Sumatra and across the Malayan peninsula. This caught the Dutch off guard but unlike before they now responded rapidly and with a brutally so far unseen in the war. The conventional attacks upon the Dutch positions in Malaya and Sumatra were halted due to overwhelming air power and counter armored thrusts, fighting was brutal and lasted 2 months but the Dutch were able to secure their footholds and even regain parts of central Malaya and regained full control of southern Sumatra. The java uprising opened up a new front that of Java which was isolated and thus between July 1972 and January 1973 became the most deadly front for the rebels. In that period it’s estimated that 6//7 million men died directly of actions undertaken by the Dutch and another 4 million indirectly, this was out of a population of 76,086,320. On the other islands mainly celebs the fighting became more and more intense and large parts of its jungle were burned down and casualties continued to rise for the rebels but also for the Dutch. This was also the final years of the war as the fighting became more and more brutal and savage on both sides, and the Dutch increased their firebombing campaign of rebel positions.
[[File:Troops under fire.jpg|thumb|A soldier watching air support drop its payload upon the enemy her positions, somewhere around Malakka.]]
Despite the enormous amount of enemies killed, the general notion was that for every rebel killed 2 would take its place. Despite the kill ratio of 1 in 7 the numbers began to increase and increase. Russian support in the last years of the wars even came in air power and thus the first real air battles were fought above Sumatra. It was this period of fighting the sheer amount of brutality on both sides but mainly in the eyes of the world and more importantly the home front the Dutch that changed it all. An entire generation of young men in their prime did not go to college but fought in the Indies witnessed atrocities brutality and the death of their brothers in arms. The general mood in the Netherlands had since 1974 turned sower, the older generation began to be outnumbered as more and more veterans became able to vote. Eventually, in March 1975, after a vote of no confidence was given to the ruling party, a new party backed by Veterans and the mothers and fathers of the sons that were fighting, many of these newest conscripts their own fathers had fought in the war it had in fact become a multigenerational thing. It becomes so unpopular that even the military, knew that it would not survive if it went against the will of the government.
From May 1975 the new government led by <u>Prime Minister [[Koen Haverman]]</u>, himself a veteran of the war, began what it called a “Scale down”. This scale-down was however not peaceful it was a scorched earth campaign. Malakka at that moment knowing what was to come declared itself independent on July 8th, 1975, this was the first sign of what the last months of the war were to be like. The Dutch began a scale down which came down to a withdrawal, the KNIL in these last months were to be the crack forces that held the line fighting as at the same time the Rebels began a grand offensive which was held back and repelled but the rebels now gave it they’re all. From November 1975 all the way up to February 1976 Dutch & KNIL forces withdrew but held the rebels off giving time and space for Dutch, Taulanders, Amerikaeners, Afrikaners, Eurasians, and others to flee from Sumatra Borneo and Celebs, and eventually, they held only to the ports and like the rest of the cities and infrastructure has bombed the ground once the last boat left. What followed in the cities on the islands once the rebels got their hands on it was pure slaughter and mass killings were started.
Eventually, by October 1976 the Dutch forces all across Java were centered around Batavia. Operation “Thuiskomst” or homecoming was launched by the navy to get all the civilians and loyalists out as the remainder of Java fell to the rebels and it was one big bloodbath. Dutch forces held the line against repeated Rebel assaults, rescue operations across the islands were launched by the navy and remainder army units to get all Dutch loyalists out. For despite scaling down the navy in the area still had supremacy. In total in these last months of fighting 67.000 rebels, regulars died fighting, and across the island of Java millions, more died in purges, and the chaos that ensued entire KNIL units went rogue and killed hundreds of thousands in revenge. Eventually, by the 11th of November at 23:48, the last boat the destroyer “Blauwe Maan” left filled to the brim with civilians as the port finally fell to the rebels. This marked the end of 370 years of the Dutch presence in the east indies
