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(write the history of westerzee)
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{{Nation|common_name=Westerzee|full_name=Province of Westerzee|local_name=Westerzee|capital=Melenssel|largest_city=Melenssel|languages=[[Amerikaens]] (official) </br> [[Corean]] </br> [[Mandarin]] </br> Russian </br> Others|established=1861|map=Locator_Westerzee.png|flag=RTL_Flag_Westerzee.png}}
'''Westerzee''' is a province located on the Pacific coast of the [[Tussenland|Federation of Tussenland]]. With a rich and diverse history involving Spanish, Dutch, and Russian claims, Westerzee was established as a semi-autonomous province of Tussenland following the [[Tussenland Upheavals]] in 1861. The region has experienced significant immigration from [[China]] and [[Corea]], particularly during the 19th and 20th centuries, resulting in a unique cultural blend that is evident in its customs, celebrations, and cuisine. Westerzee's development was further propelled by the construction of the Tussenland Railroad, with its largest city, Melenssel, serving as a bustling trade hub and premier Pacific port.
'''Westerzee''' is a province of the [[Tussenland|Federation of Tussenland]].
== Etymology ==
Westerzee means '''western sea''<nowiki/>' in Dutch, referring to its position on the Pacific coast. The term was coined by a companion of Dutch explorer [[Jacobus Corneliszoon|Jacob Corneliszoon]], [[Simon de Rascon y Tasman]] in 1797. It was first used in an official capacity in 1834 in the charter of town of Oranjehaven;. "''deIt Konnklÿckis Tussenlandcalled Companiedifferent stemmnames in metdifferent delanguages, oprichtincksuch vanas de''Вестерзи'' Kolonie(''vesterzi'') Oranjehavenin op 51e nörderbrîdtRussian, de웨서지 kust van de westerstî(''wesjadji'') in deCorean, jurisdictieand Westerzee韋瑟齊 (''"weisechi'') in Chinese.
It is called different names in different languages, such as ''Вестерзи'' (''vesterzi'') in Russian, 웨서지 (''wesjadji'') in Corean, and 韋瑟齊 (''weisechi'') in Chinese.
== History ==
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==== City of Melenssel and the Tussenland railroad ====
[[File:Tussenland railroad lowquality.jpg|thumb|Tussenland railroad pamphlet from 1895. [https://www.deviantart.com/wannabeecartographie/art/RTL-The-Tussenland-Railroad-English-Amerikaans-883133132 Full resolution map].]]
In 1836, the coastal settlement of Melenssel was founded. The construction of the Tussenland Railroad further contributed to the development of Westerzee, with Melenssel being the final destination of this ambitious infrastructure project. The completion of the railroad transformed Melenssel into a bustling trade city and premier port, which attracted even more immigrants to the region, including many Chinese and Corean laborers who contributed to the workforce during its construction. This influx of workers further cemented the influence of Asian culture within Westerzee, which continues to be evident in the present day.
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== Government and Politics ==
[[File:1915 Westerzee.jpg|thumb|426x426px|Administrative regions of Westerzee on a 1915 map]]
==== Administrative divisions ====
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== Culture ==
The culture of Westerzee province is a vibrant blend of various influences, owing to its rich history and diverse population. The significant influx of Chinese and Corean immigrants in the 19th century has left an mark on the region's customs, celebrations, and cuisine. Westerzee is renowned for its lively Lunar New Year festivities, which are celebrated by its residents with great enthusiasm. The province's cuisine is a unique fusion of local and Asian flavors, reflecting the harmonious coexistence of different culinary traditions. Additionally, the arts and architecture in Westerzee showcase a blend of European and Asian influences, creating a distinct and diverse cultural landscape that sets it apart from other provinces in the Federation of Tussenland.
== Demographics ==
Westerzee has a diverse population composed of various ethnicities and cultures. The province has experienced significant demographic shifts throughout its history due to migration, particularly from Corea and China following the Canton Wars and industrialization in Corea. This influx of immigrants transformed Westerzee into a vibrant and multicultural region
== See also ==
Bureaucrats, rtl-contributors, Administrators
