The Great War: Difference between revisions

New States within the former Ottoman Empire
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(New States within the former Ottoman Empire)
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== Legacy and impact ==
==== Political ====
The Great War drastically altered the map of the old world and created many new nations. The war, either directly or indirectly, was also the cause of several revolutions, most notably the Indian and New England independence movements. The war was also capitalized on by several neutral nations, such as [[SIam|Siam]] (which declared war on the British protectorate of Konbaung), and Mexico and New Netherland (which supported a revolution in Cuba ousting the pro-British government, and supporting the New England independence movement).
==== TechnologicalThe Post-War Nations of Europe ====
===== In the former Ottoman Empire =====
* '''Russian Zone of Occupation'''
** The [[Ottoman Empire|Ottoman Sultanate]]: The Ottoman sultanate was territorially reduced.
** [[Rumelia|The National Republic of Rumelia]]: Under the Russian zone of occupation in the Balkans, was established as independent sister republic of the Russian National Republic. Rumelia was a National Republic created by Russia for the Turkish and Muslim population of the Balkans.
** [[Bulgaria|The National Republic of Bulgaria]] ''':''' Bulgaria was carved out of the Russian zone as a national republic for ethnic Bulgars.
** [[The Straits Condomium]]''':''' The straits zone was made into a condominium between Russia and Rumelia.
* '''British Zone of Occupation'''
** [[Hellas]]: A constitutional monarchy set up by the British. Hellas was meant to be the home state of the Greeks. A significant population exchange between Rumelia and Hellas occurred between 1940 to 1950.
** [[Albania]]: A constitutional monarchy. Homeland of the Albanians.
* '''Other'''
** [[Emirate of Ha'il]]: (formerly known as Jebel Shommer). Ha'il is an emirate led by the Rashidi dynasty who rebelled and declared war against the Ottomans. Ha'il allied with the British. They also waged war against the Sauds of Nejd, and subsequently annexing them.
** Emirates of Deir Azzor, Mosul, Kirkuk, Baghdad, and Basrah: Named after their capitals and bases of power, these emirates were led by Arab emirs who rose up in a decentralized revolt against the Ottomans and declaring their own emirates. These emirates allied themselves with the British and were shortly recognized by the Cordial League.
** [[Tunisia]]: The Mamluk dynasty of Tunisia rebelled against the Ottomans and sided with the Cordial League to avoid occupation. After the war, Tunisia was recognized as an independent state.
** [[Tripolitania]]:
** [[Jerusalem]]:
=== Technological ===
Many advancements were made during the Great War, especially in the field of medicine, clothes manufacturing, and military weaponry. One of the hallmarks of the Great War was the heavy use of cryptography by the Tripartite Coalition. In particular, the development of the MC12, a rotor machine developed by French mathematician [[Adelaide de Chantereine]] spearheaded the development of modern cryptography and computing. Chantereine would later be regarded as the founder of modern computer science.
Bureaucrats, rtl-contributors, Administrators
