The Great War: Difference between revisions

Relocated Asian section to Russo-Corean War page. Reorganised into Three Phases of the War. Corrected capitalisations
mNo edit summary
(Relocated Asian section to Russo-Corean War page. Reorganised into Three Phases of the War. Corrected capitalisations)
Line 3:
| image = TheGreatWarHeaderPhoto.jpg
| date = 1935 - 1939
| place = Europe, Atlantic ocean, Indian ocean, Pacific ocean, Asia, Africa, Oceania
| combatant1 = the [[The_Great_War#Tripartite_Coalition|Tripartite Coalition]] (France, Austria, Ottoman Empire)
| combatant2 = the [[The_Great_War#Cordial_League|Cordial League]]
Line 9:
| casualties2 = 9,190,000 combatant deaths </br> 11,070,000 civilian deaths
| width = 375px
| result = Cordial League victory, and the subsequent [[The_Great_War#Congress_of_Amsterdam|Congress of Amsterdam (1939)]]
| image_size = 375px
| territory = • Formation of new nations in Central Europe and the Near East <br/>• Dissolution of the [[Austria#The_Crises_During_20th_Century:_Alpine_Wars_And_Rise_Of_Neostabilists_(1900-1935)|Austrian Empire]] <br/>• Occupation of [[France]] <br/>• Independence of several French protectorates and colonies <br/>• Territorial changes in [[China]] and [[Corea]] <br/>• The subsequent [[Colonial_India#British_India|Indian Revolution<br/>]]
| caption = Partition and occupation of [[France]], the [[Ottoman Empire]] and [[Austria]] at the end of the War
The '''Great War''' (French: ''La Grande Guerre''; Dutch: ''de Groote Oorlog''; Russian: ''Европейское кровопролитие''; [[Corean]]: 대거세함낙; German: ''Der Kontinentalkrieg''; Ottoman Turkish: بزرگ روسیه چنگ, ''Bozorg Rosja Tšeng''; Arabic: الحرب الأوروبية الكبرى; Portuguese: ''O Grande Choque Europeu''), also known as the '''Great European War''' and often abbreviated as '''GW,''' was a global war originating in Europe that startedbegan in 1935. It was fought between the [[Thesecond Greattrimester War#Tripartiteof Coalition|Tripartite Coalition]] - led by [[France]], the [[Ottoman Empire]], and the [[Austria|Austrian Empire]] - and the [[The Great War#Cordial League|Cordial League]], led by the [[United Kingdom]] and [[Russia]]1935. Consequential atrocities and humanitarian crises of this war caused an estimated 100 million deaths worldwide.
It was fought between the [[The Great War#Tripartite Coalition|Tripartite Coalition]] - led by [[France]], the [[Ottoman Empire]], and the [[Austria|Austrian Empire]] - and the [[The Great War#Cordial League|Cordial League]], led by the [[United Kingdom]] and [[Russia]]. Consequential atrocities and humanitarian crises of this war caused an estimated 100 million deaths worldwide.
== Context ==
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====Growing British influence in Europe====
Meanwhile, at the beginning of the 20th century, the threat of Russian and British influence over Europe loomed largely. The [[Venice#Invasion of the Papal Adriatic (1908), and the Alps against Austria (1911-1912)|Venetian invasion of the Papal Adriatic in 1908]], primarily sponsored by the British, angered France and Austria. They saw this as another act of Venetian and, by extension, British aggression. Both France and Austria issued diplomatic protests against the British to restore the papal holdings occupied by Venice, but nothing came out of it. Rising diplomatic tensions eventually led to the Alps War in 1911, when Austria declared war on Venice. Austria called on the French to join the war but refused due to the communard government's instability at the time. The war ended in ''status quo ante bellum'', and Austria was forced to recognize Venice's acquisition of territory in the Marche. This fueled even greater French and Austrian resentment against Britain.
==== Faramundism in Austria and the German realmrealms ====
[[File:Emmerich Stefanov.jpg|thumb|200x200px|[[Emmerich Stefanov]], Austrian Chancellor]]
The neostabilists of Austria saw Faramundism, or the ideology of German unification, as a threat to Austrian hegemony in Central Europe. As such, Emmerich Stefanov worked on suppressing any German nationalism inside and on the peripheries of the Austrian Empire. By the 1920s, the neostabilists began to grow concerned about the affairs in the Kingdom of Saxony, where Faramundism and other ideologies deemed by the Austrians as radical (such as National-Republicanism) were allowed to flourish freely. A British intelligence report in early 1935 reported a military presence building upon the Austrian-Saxon border. As such, the British were on high alert but wanted to avoid resorting to military intervention at all costs should an Austrian-Saxon conflict happen.
===Rise of authoritarianism & the Tripartite Coalition===
[[File:RTLCamille Laframboise.jpg|left|thumb|198x198px227x227px|French Grand Marshal of France, [[Camille Laframboise]]]]
The ongoing political tensions drew the nations of France, Austria, and the Ottoman Empire towards authoritarian rule. On September 2, 1919, French president Herve Saunier was overthrown by Grand Marshal François Desmarais, who then abolished the position and ruled as a military dictator under his authoritarian-communard party, L'Avantgarde. After his death, his successor, Camille Laframboise (mockingly known in the Anglosphere as "the ''Raspberry General''") continued authoritarian rule and made diplomatic ties with the Ottomans and Austria.
In Austria, the authoritarian conservative Neostabilist faction rose as the dominant political force in Austria, after its leader, Emmerich Stefanov, became Austrian chancellor in 1914. At the threat of being diplomatic pariahs, Stefanov rekindled Austria's diplomatic relationship with the Ottoman Emprire. In the Ottoman Empire, the rule of the Orkhonists meant a heavy hand on political and diplomatic policies. Later combined with the socio-economic pressures of the [[European Economic Crisis]] in 1922-1928, the three nations eventually signed the Treaty of Agreement in 1929 in Vienna, Austria, forming a military and economic alliance. This alliance would be known as the Tripartite Coalition.
The Tripartite pact was composed of polities of widely different political orientations. France was a Communard Republic, Austria was a neo-autocratic multi-national empire, and the Ottoman state was an empire led by a military government promoting [[Orkhonism (or Pan-Turkism)]], with a sultan who served as a figurehead. What allowed these nations to exist harmoniously as allies was the threat of Anglo-Russian domination of Europe and these nations' rejection of the growing economic world order based upon liberal-democratic capitalism in the west. Additionally, the ideology of National-republicanism championed by Russia posed an extensional threat to the Austrian & Ottoman empires.
Later combined with the socio-economic pressures of the [[European Economic Crisis]] in 1922-1928, the three nations eventually signed the Treaty of Agreement in 1929 in Vienna, Austria, forming a military and economic alliance. This alliance would be known as the Tripartite Coalition.
== Phases of the War ==
The Tripartite pact was composed of polities of widely different political orientations. France was a Communard Republic, Austria was a neo-autocratic multi-national empire, and the Ottoman state was an empire led by a military government promoting Orkhonism (or Pan-Turkism), with a sultan who served as a figurehead. What allowed these nations to exist harmoniously as allies was the threat of Anglo-Russian domination of Europe and these nations' rejection of the growing economic world order based upon liberal-democratic capitalism in the west. Additionally, the ideology of National-republicanism championed by Russia posed an extensional threat to the Austrian & Ottoman empires.
=== TheFirst WarPhase (1935) ===
=== Early War ===
==== Ottoman attack on Russia (May 1935) ====
Line 48 ⟶ 49:
Not long after, by the next week, on July 1, 1935, British intelligence once again reported a large buildup of the Austrian military, this time on the Pomeranian border. This shifted the attitude of Britain towards Austria. On July 5, Britain declared a guarantee of Pomeranian independence, warning Austria of a war should they invade Pomerania.
==== French Communard intervention and invasion of Savoy-Piedmont (July-August 1935) ====
===== Background =====
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Throughout 1935-1936, various nations in Europe and Asia joined the war on either side. The Federation of [[Tussenland]] joined the war in 3 September 1935, after a Tussenlander ship, PWHS Potouwatomie, was allegedly sunk by French torpedoes (although this claim is widely contested). The Corean Empire joined on the side of the French and the Tripartite Coalition in October 1935, with the French promising the Coreans aid against the Russian and Japanese "invaders." Sicily joined the war in December 1935, after Austria and France promised them territory in Naples.
==== The War inby Christmas, 1935 ====
By the end of 1935, the Tripartite Coalition was able to make significant gains in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Ottoman troops were able to occupy huge swathes of territory in Crimea and in the steppes, while the Austrians pushed south and invaded Naples with the help of Sicily A joint Ottoman and French force was also able to take control of the Suez Canal and parts of the Sultanate of Egypt, hampering the naval power of Britain and her allies. On the colonial front, France launched invasions into British territory, and was able to occupy Portuguese Guinea and parts of British East Africa. The French were also able to capture the island of Vandiemensland in Oceania.
[[File:THEGREATWAR1935.jpg|center|frameless|1048x1048px|The great war at the end of 1935. Full resolution [ here].]]
==== The WarAsian in Asiatheatre ====
{{Main|Russo-Corean War}}
In Asia, the Russo-Corean War melded itself into the larger Great War. The war initially started as a localized conflict between Corea and Russia, contesting over Corea's control over the provinces of Chihlih and Shantung, originally part of the Qing state. Shortly after the Corean Empire's traditional ally, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, backed out of the Russo-Corean war in September 1935, a memorandum of understanding was signed by Corean Minister of Foreign Affairs Ri Mjang and French diplomat Jacques-Yves Lavigne, recognizing both nations' shared interest and goals in terms of security in Asia. This led to Corea's decision to join the war in October 1935, after Lavigne promised that the French would aid them against Russia, Japan, and the Wahhah Republic (China).
=== TripartiteSecond Coalition GainsPhase (1936-1937) ===
However, no aid from the French came, and Russian and Chinese forces continued to march in [[Poeja]] (a puppet kingdom in Corean Manchuria). In November 1935, Russia and China forces captured the Poejan capital of Kirim and continued to march south towards peninsular Corea, but was stalled by [ Tsjangbek Mountains], well defended by the Coreans.
==== Early WarTimeline ====
In December 1935, Russian forces were able to land in the formerly Dutch-controlled port of Poesjan located in the south of Corea. During this time, reports of defection within the Corean army was rampant, and morale was low. As Russian and Chinese troops continue to march within Corea, Corean strategy shifted from active fighting to stalling their enemies and hoping that their alliance with France and the rest of the Tripartite Coalition would pay off. Corea had hoped of French reinforcements, but was very unlikely due to the blockade of the Corean Sea by joint Sino-Japanese ships. By the summer of 1936, with morale & supplies running low, the Corean royal family fled the country in the dead of night during a storm (in a hope to run the blockade). They are successful and eventually end up in Viet-Nam using their connections to the Nguyen dynasty to seek refuge. The Corean royal family was smuggled out of Corea by a group of Viet-Namese sympathizers which posed as a humanitarian organization providing relief and aid.
==== The Treaty of Hansjang ====
[[File:Aftermath of the russo corean war innismaps.jpg|thumb|316x316px|Aftermath of the Russo-Corean War (1936)]]The Coreans finally surrendered on April 1936 with the publication of the Treaty of Hansjang. Under the treaty, Corea ceded [[Poeja]] to Russia and Haboek to China. Corea was reduced to its core territories, and a nominally independent National Republican government was established. The monarchy of Corea was abolished and its royal family expelled. Poeja was integrated into Russia as an Autonomous National Republic.
=== Tripartite Coalition Gains (1936-1937) ===
Despite the Coreans out of the war, the Tripartite Coalition was steadily making gains throughout late 1936 to early 1937.
==== 1936 Great War Timeline ====
* '''January 1936'''
Line 115 ⟶ 108:
** Peak of Tripartite Coalition territorial gains.
==== MapThe ofWar by July, 1937 ====
[[File:Tripartite Gains 1937.jpg|center|thumb|1132x1132px1061x1061px|The Peak of the Tripartite Coalition's territorial gains in July 1937. Art by u/JVFreitas. Full resolution on [ Reddit].]]
=== FallThird of the Tripartite CoalitionPhase (late 1937-1938) ===
After July 1937, the Tripartite Coalition struggled to keep their new territorial gains. In August 1937, Norway formally enters the war on the Tripartite Coalition's side. A joint Anglo-Norwegian invasion of Tripartite-occupied Pomerania is launched on the 3rd week of August, and liberated a significant portion of western and central Pomerania. Subsequently, the British launched a naval invasion into French-controlled Niger.
==== French delegationembassy to New Netherland & Mexico ====
On the same month (August 1937), New Amsterdam and Mexico City had correspondence with the French diplomatic delegation. Édouard Boissonade, French ambassador to America, invited New Netherland and Mexico to join the war on the Tripartite Coalition's side. In the case of a French victory, Boissonade promised Mexico City the return of Tussenlander territory formerly part of the Mexican Empire (the Misuri provinces), and promised New Amsterdam territory in Irokesenland and Meerenland.
Line 137 ⟶ 130:
France had hoped that the Netherlands would easily capitulate, considering that they recently [[Russo-Corean War|came out of a war in East Asia]], while also expecting Rhineland to respond poorly to coordinated Austrian attacks on their eastern border. However, the plan did not do well as anticipated. The French were able to capture Antwerp by the end of September, but the Dutch were able to put up a significant resistance and prevented the French army from moving northward. Instrumental to the defense was Dutch admiral Louw Verduijn, who was vehemently anti-French and a close ally of the King of the Netherlands. By the end of the year, with British reinforcement, the Dutch were able to push back the advancing French and forced a retreat. In Rhineland, the Austrians were able to capture Erfurt and Goettingen, but were forced to retreat after being defeated by an Anglo-Rhenish force in the Battle of Alsfield.
== Conclusion of the War ==
==== Further Tripartite Coalition Losses ====
===== Liberation inof Arabia and Mesopotamia =====
In the Mesopotamia, several factions rose up in decentralized revolts and formed multiple emirates, some of which were recognized by Great Britain. Most notable of these emirates were Mosul, Deir Azzor, Baghdad, Basrah, and Kirkuk. Meanwhile, in Central Arabia, Muḥammad bin Mutaib of the Rashidi dynasty entered an alliance with Great Britain, and declared the independence of the Emirate of Ha'il (also known as Jebel Shommer) from the Ottomans. Ha'il soon found themselves in a conflict with the Sauds of Nejd, known as the Saudi-Rashidi War. The brief war ended in the annexation of Nejd into Ha'il. An joint Anglo-Rashidi force liberated Southern Arabia in 1937.
===== Ottoman Defeat =of the Tripartite Coalition ====
By December 1937, Britain regained control of the Suez Canal with the help of the Rashids and forces from British India, Although successful, the offensives in the Ottomans had an adverse effect in the predominantly Muslim parts of British India, who were sympathetic to the Ottoman Empire. Muslim Indian nationalists allied with Hindu nationalists and started plotting for their independence, which was at first downplayed by Britain. Nationalism in India soon swelled by mid-1938, with Balochis starting their own independence movement, and with the Hindu and Muslim Indian nationalists meeting in Delhi and formed a single front. This caused Britain to withdraw some of their forces from the Ottoman front to quell the situation in India.
===== AustrianOttoman DefeatEmpire =====
At the same time, the Russians also launched a grand offensive towards Constantinople, known as Operation Big Bear (''Operacii Bolʹšaja Medvedica'') in January 1938. The operation was a huge success for the Russian military. By April 1938, they captured the city of Constantinople. These string of defeats forced the Ottoman Sultan and Grand Vizier to immediately surrender to the Cordial League, in exchange for lighter terms in the peace treaty.
By December 1937, Britain regained control of the Suez Canal with the help of the Rashids and forces from British India, Although successful, the offensives in the Ottomans had an adverse effect in the predominantly Muslim parts of British India, who were sympathetic to the Ottoman Empire. Muslim Indian nationalists allied with Hindu nationalists and started plotting for their independence, which was at first downplayed by Britain. Nationalism in India soon swelled by mid-1938, with Balochis starting their own independence movement, and with the Hindu and Muslim Indian nationalists meeting in Delhi and formed a single front. This caused Britain to withdraw some of their forces from the Ottoman front to quell the situation in India.
At the same time, the Russians also launched a grand offensive towards Constantinople, known as Operation Big Bear (''Operacii Bolʹšaja Medvedica'') in January 1938. The operation was a huge success for the Russian military. By April 1938, they captured the city of Constantinople. These string of defeats forced the Ottoman Sultan and Grand Vizier to immediately surrender to the Cordial League, in exchange for lighter terms in the peace treaty. [[File:RTL Claudia Maddalena.png|thumb|217x217px|Claudia Magdalena, last monarch of Austria]]
===== Austrian Defeat =====
===== Austrian Empire =====
[[File:RTL Claudia Maddalena.png|thumb|217x217px|Claudia Magdalena, last monarch of Austria]]
The failure of Operation ''Vendémiaire'' contributed to Austria's decision to surrender to the Cordial League. Despite the failures, Austrian Empress Claudia Maddalena relentlessly campaigned for Austria to continue the fight. She personally spoke in public radio to boost the morale of Austrian soldiers and subjects, and prodded Chancellor Emmerich Stefanov to secure victory. However, the Russian capture of Budapest and British capture of Munich pressured the chancellor to declare surrender in September 1938. Shortly after, the Congress of Amsterdam was held in the Netherlands, discussing the terms of peace for Austria and the Ottoman Empire, all the while still fighting France.
===== FrenchRepublic Defeatof France =====
Among the three members of the Tripartite Coalition, France was the most defiant, and refused to surrender even at the face of its allies surrendering. The final offensive came in December 1938, and ended in the occupation of France, and the death of dictator Camille Laframboise.
Line 190 ⟶ 183:
*[[Corea|Corean Empire (1936)]]
* [[Turkestan|Republic of Turkestan (1935)]]
[[File:Typical French soldier 1935.jpg|thumb|Model of a French soldier during the Great warWar. The French army was one of the best-trained in Europe at the time. |281x281px]]
=== Cordial League ===
Line 215 ⟶ 208:
*Emirates of Mesopotamia (Mosul, Kirkuk, Deir Azzor, Baghdad, and Basrah)
*Emirate of Ha'il
*Republic of [[Kirignaga-Loloue (formerly the French colony of Kirignaga and Loloue, French East Africa)]]
== Legacy and impact ==
==== Political ====
The Great War drastically altered the map of the old world and created many new nations. The war, either directly or indirectly, was also the cause of several revolutions, most notably the Indian and New England independence movements. The war was also capitalized on by several neutral nations, such as [[SIam|Siam]] (which declared war on the British protectorate of Konbaung), and Mexico and New Netherland (which supported a revolution in Cuba ousting the pro-British government, and supporting the New England independence movement).
==== Technological ====
Many advancements were made during the Great War, especially in the field of medicine, clothes manufacturing, and military weaponry. One of the hallmarks of the Great War was the heavy use of cryptography by the Tripartite Coalition. In particular, the development of the MC12, a rotor machine developed by French mathematician [[Adelaide de Chantereine]] spearheaded the development of modern cryptography and computing. Chantereine would later be regarded as the founder of modern computer science.
