Talk:Natalia-Cislikwa History
From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
The dagger (†) marked on the years means I've spontaneously decided to put dates on them (lore already exists in convos but no exact dates were decided before).
19th century
- 1843†: Farewell, a trading post (OTL Durban/Port Natal), was established, to serve as a waystation for India and to trade with the Zulu.
- 1850: Canton War starts.
- 1851†: Anglo-Zulu War: Resource competition and incidents of provocations between natives and settlers escalated into a war, with Britain involved.
- Related to the Canton War, where the Zulu was friendly to the Dutch. The British justified their war because of this.
- This resulted to British victory, which led the Zulu to migrate northeast.
- This also culminated in the creation of Natal colony, expedite the development of the Natal area amidst growing Dutch and Portuguese influence.
- 1862†: Treaty of Lawrence: The settlement of Lourenço Marques and its environs were ceded to Britain, in exchange for recognition of Portuguese claims in Zambezia, effectively expanding the Natalia colony north.'
- 1860s: British influence grows in Cislikwa (Transvaal). At the same time, Afrikaaner settlers from the newly independent Cape Republic start to settle there. War ensues; Britain wins, and the Cape Republic relinquishes claims over Cislikwa.
- 1870s-1890s: More British influence in Cislikwa. Protectorates were established, but are functionally mostly sovereign and populated almost entirely by natives.
- Kweneng (south of Johannnesburg) is the largest population center of the Tswana people and the seat of the southeastern-most Tswana chiefdom, a city of about 10-20k inhabitants and a center of trade in ivory and gold.
- 1890: British prospectors, tracing Tswana traders' gold sources, find large deposits in Kweneng, sparking a gold rush. Initially, mainly Tswana locals are involved, but as news spreads, increasing British settlers arrive in the region.
- Newcomers settle on the outskirts of Kweneng in a rapidly growing "wild west" town named Gauteng/Gowteng by the Tswana and Goldtown by the British.
20th century
- 1900s: As European population in Goldtown grew, settlers push for the region to be annexed into the Natal Colony, but Britain rejected it due to concerns with the Tswana allying with the Cape.
- Settlers in Goldtown/Gowteng become resentful for being under Tswana administration.
- 1920†: Natal Colony given responsible government as "Natalia."
- 1942: Independence: Natalia designated as a dominion via a Home Rule Act. In exchange, they were forced to the Paramaribo Accords, banning them from explicit racialist policies (with a few special exceptions negotiated). (Natalia would then soon circumvent this, de facto discrimination would still be at large).
- They inherit a mandate over the Cislikwa protectorates, to the object of the Tswana natives.
- 1945: Becomes a founding member of the ODN
- 1945-1950s: Renewed calls for reducing autonomy of Cislikwa polities.
- 1946†: Natalia adds qualifications to their now "officially non-segregated" franchise.
- 1947†: National Elections: Black-majority turnout in elections barely reaches 10% for the first time since independence.
- 1948†: The new government reduces the autonomy of the Cislikwan polities, all under the technical paramterers of the Paramaribo accords, under the guise of a corrupted interpretation of the provisions.
- 1948†: These factors cause a rise in anti-government radical militancy with a low level insurgency breaking out in Cislikwa. This insurgency spills into the Cape as rebels would cross the border to avoid Natalian retaliation.
- 1948: Natalian armed forces chase the Cislikwan insurgents across the border, violating Cape sovereignty and this is what starts the Cape-Natalian War.
- Cape-Natalian War. Outcomes? No border changes though, since the map is already set in stone.
- When? Duration.