Talk:List of languages

From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty

Ioruba orthography

IPA Letter
b b
d d
d͡ʒ j
f f
g g
ɡ͡b q
h h
j i
k k
k͡p p
l l
m m
n n
r r
s s
ʃ x
t t
w u
IPA Letter Nasalized
a a an
e e
ɛ en
i i in
o o
ɔ ô on
u u un
◌́ é én
◌̄ e en
◌̀ è èn


Dialect/language Classification Geographic reach
Kisikongo Southern Kikongo West of the Inkisi river and in metropolitan areas
Kisolongo Soyo province and northern Mbamba
Kizombo East of the Inkisi river
Kiṭandu Eastern Kikongo Eastern Ṣundi, Mpundu, and Ocango
