
History of Tauland: Difference between revisions

From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
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=== A troublesom start ===
With Tauland her victory in the naval battle the so called “Driemaandse oorlog” (three month war) or the stand off as it is sometimes called came to an end. It eventually led not to the peace that was wanted but a understanding. While it was understood that Tauland controlled the islands, the issue of fishery waters, natural resources and area’s of influence was not decided.
At the end of the conflict Tauland thus in its own eyes stood victorious but Van Aerten knew that it was just the beginning. Tauland had showed that it was a new player in a game that had taken place in one form or another for the past centuries. Knowing that his tenure as Readpensionaris was over he wanted to make sure the nation understood that this small victory was not a given.
Tauland experienced a cultural and economic boom during the 1910s, it being the melting pot of western and eastern cultures it leveraged its position to get access to the high in demand chinese products, all the while expanding its own industrial base and exports. By 1918 Tauland was called “The next power of the east” due to its industrial output, financial sector and maritime power, which allowed it to enforce favourable treaties if needed. Yet all came to an end with the European Economic Crisis.
=== A decade of austerity ===
Due to Tauland her reliance on exports it was hit hard by the crisis, as its normal export markets, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Russia the German states, all saw their economies shrink. This led to a loss of some 23% of the gross domestic product of Tauland as many merchants where simply unable to sell their products. This forced the goverment to issue meussures of austerity that where hoped would make sure the key industries; heavy Industries, shipbuilding, aviation and the finance sector would survive. What made matters worse for Tauland was the fact that the region was rapidly destabilising, the fall of the Russian empire its three year long civil war (1925 - 1928) the eventual fall of the South Chinese kingdom and the start of the Corean war.
Tauland tho managed to in general weather the larger storms by focusing on public work projects. It was during this period that the country side was heavily altered with new canals, with farms becoming more mechanised to increase crop yields, while its mountains where in some cases tunneld through, all of this had the goal to have people just work. What made matters worse for the government was that due to the political instability in the region, it was forced to keep its defense spending high, whille later it would show that this mainly throughout the Fleet expansion laws made it possible for moere people to work it was at the time quite an onpopular decision.
=== Participation in the Corean war ===


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