
Alyeskan Independence War: Difference between revisions

From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
completed essential details
(Novo Arkhangelsk coup, and Alyeska's entry into ANAN)
(completed essential details)
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== Course of the War ==
==== EscalationLiberation andof initialAlyeska ANAN Advancement (May 1978)proper ====
In a strategic maneuver that caught Russia off guard, ANAN forces commenced an incursion into Alyeska from [[Tussenland]] in the southwest. The operation quickly overwhelmed Russian defenses due to their unpreparedness, and ANAN troops successfully eventually joined forces with the Alyeskan National Militia. ANAN forces utilized the expertise of indigenous American scouts, allowing them to swiftly gain control of key territories, including the capital city, Novo-Arkhangelsk.
By the end of the first month of hostilities, ANAN forces hadsuccessfully secured the entireeastern southwesternand regionnorthern regions of Alyeska. The only area that remained under Russian control, inwith the southwestexception wasof the heavily- fortified Shishkov Island, remaining under Russian control.
By July 1978, Russian forces found themselves pushed westward to coastal areas, yielding strategic positions in the Alyeskan interior, including Jakovlevsk, to advancing ANAN forces. By September 1978, ANAN had established dominance over the majority of Alyeskan territories, but encountered difficulty in controlling the Aleutian Islands, leading both ANAN and Russian forces to spend subsequent months fortifying their positions.
==== Battle for Novo-Arkhangelsk (February 1979) and island-hopping campaigns (June-July 1979) ====
In February 1979, Russia initiated an unsuccessful invasion of Novo-Arkhangelsk to reclaim the city, resulting in a significant battle culminating in an ANAN victory. In the following months, from June to July 1979, ANAN executed an island-hopping campaign, gaining control of strategically important islands within the chain and positioning themselves favorably for an invasion of Kamchatka.
==== Invasion of Kamchatka Harbor (July 1979) ====
ANAN Military Committee internally deliberated the potential strain of a mainland invasion, but was able to come to a consensus. An invasion of Kamchatka Harbor commenced in late July 1979, resulting in a two-month occupation before ANAN forces retreated in anticipation of a Russian counteroffensive. While the recapture of Kamchatka Harbor by incoming Russian led to a retreat, it shattered the perception of Russia as invulnerable. This event marked the first instance of an American force invading and landing in the Far East.
Hostilities ceased when the [[International League]] intervened, exerting pressure on both parties to reluctantly accept a ceasefire.
== Aftermath ==
=== Global geopolitics ===
A definitive peace deal remained hard to secure, leaving the conflict without a formal conclusion. [[International League]] mediation between Russia and ANAN faced continuous hurdles, resulting in a stalled negotiation process with limited progress.
The war also left relations strained between the American nations and Russia, with lingering animosity fueling post-war geopolitics, and negative sentiments toward Amerikaeners, Mexicans, and New Englanders escalated in Russia. The ANAN, emboldened by their victory, entered an era of increased interventionism, positioning itself as a dominant force on the global stage.
=== Post-war Alyeska ===
==== Military junta (1979-1985) ====
A Military Junta assumed control of Alyeska from 1979 to 1985, presenting its rule as provisional with a commitment to transitioning into a democratic governance structure. In 1981, amidst junta rule, the Democratic Party of Alyeska emerged as the first political entity, advocating for civic identity, emphasizing creoleness, and expressing support for the existing junta.
By 1982, Alyeskan administrative divisions were established, laying the groundwork for the subsequent democratic transition. In 1983, a referendum for a new democratic constitution was successfully passed.
The years 1983 to 1984 saw the formation of additional political parties. Finally, in July 1985, Alyeska held its first free elections, culminating in the Democratic Party of Alyeska securing the presidency. The post-war political climate emphasized a more "creole" identity, with Alyeskans embracing their unique cultural blend over Russian influences. This identity became integral to the Alyeska’s national lore.
== See also ==
Bureaucrats, rtl-contributors, Administrators


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