
History of Tussenland: Difference between revisions

From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
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==== Discovery of natural gas ====
[[File:Natural Gas Well Tussenland.jpg|thumb|235x235px|Natural gas well in Ruytersland (1912)]]
Tussenland's potential in the natural gas and petroleum industry was first realized by the Dutch in the 1820s, mainly in Meerenland, prompting them to utilize the resource and build the Great Pacific Railway in the 1860s. The energy sector of Tussenland was mostly eastern-oriented, until in the 1890s, the Dutch the first recorded natural gas find south of Fort Lubbertsen (now in present-day Lansinck Department, Ruytersland). However, it was not after the independence of Tussenland that the first well was drilled near the location. The Tussenland Land Agency oversaw the drilling of a well. This led to the discovery of the Lansinck Gas Sand in 1912. Further expeditions led to more gas, and eventually, oil finds in Ruytersland and ultimately the establishment of the Lansinck Natural Gas Company (now the present-day Tussenland National Energy Corporation).
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==== The Alyeskan Scheme Crisis and the national republican scare (1927-1929) ====
[[File:Tandem Leeuw Emden.jpg|thumb|210x210px|Jochem de Leeuw (L), Andries van Emden (R)]]
The republican government grew worried of the effects of the [[Russian Civil War]] (1925-1928) on Tussenland. President Jochem de Leeuw feared a possible rise of National-Republicanism in Alyeska, which might leak over to the Pacific Tussenland provinces. De Leeuw and the republicans devised the ''Alyeskan Scheme'', an ambitious attempt to pre-emptively invade Alyeska while the Russian Civil War was going on, in an attempt to grow Tussenlander influence in the region and prevent the rise of National-Republicanism in Alyeska. This proposal was very controversial and amongst the urban classes who all saw this as a power grab. This triggered a public backlash against the government.
President de Leeuw then tries to reinforce his power by going against the political norms and tried to form a new government even when they did not hold a clear majority. This angered the opposition party, the Federalists, who then consolidated support in the National Congress and ousted President de Leeuw and Prime Minister Andries Jansz van Emden in a vote of no confidence in 1929. This triggered a National Elections, where the republicans lost to a newly formed opposition coalition, the New Tussenland Alliance (NTA).
=== New Tussenland Alliance government'''administration''' (1929-1937) ===
[[File:Tandem Wynwycker deCuyper.jpg|left|thumb|208x208px|Matheeus de Wÿnwÿcker (L), Mette de Cuyper (R)]]
The New Tussenland Alliance (NTA), led by President Matheeus de Wÿnwÿcker, was a political coalition composed of members of the former opposition, which ousted President de Leeuw in 1929, and several members of the previous government who switched sides. Much of the NTA's popularity owed to their vocal opposition against the Republican government and their ambitious schemes. However, the public grew disillusioned with the ineffectiveness of the NTA government. President de Wÿnwÿcker's rule was marked by heavy corruption, triggering protests in many parts of Tussenland, calling for his resignation.
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== Turmoil and transformation (1937-1949) ==
=== '''Onhwendja-Souriz republican governmentadministration (1937-1943)''' ===
[[File:Tandem Onhwendja-Souriz.jpg|thumb|210x210px|Stoffel v'n-Onhwendja (L), Théodore Souriz (R)]]
The Republican Government of 1937-1943 was led by President Stoffel v'n-Onhwendja, a politician of Irokees and Amerikaner descent. Onhwendja appointed Théodore Souriz, leader of the Democratic Party, as Prime Minister. The new government's focus was to increase the autonomy and decision-making powers of individual provinces, which they saw as a right that that previous NTA government had trampled by pressuring provinces to participate in the Great War, even when some provinces were reluctant or indifferent.
==== New Irokees renaissance (late 1930s) ====
A new Irokees cultural revival took place during the late 1930s and early 1940s. Many new Irokees writers emerged, contributing literature that embraced a "purer" version of the Irokees language variant. Linguists of the time argued for the recognition of Irokees as a separate language, akin to its status as a creole prior to the 17th century rather than merely a dialect of Amerikaens.
As a result of this cultural revival, Irokees was officially introduced as a co-official language within the province. To this day, Irokees is being utilized in all governmental and formal functions, as well as in everyday signage and language usage.
==== Rise of the Asian Population in Westerzee: Immigration and Cultural Shifts ====
The impact of the [[Great War]] on Corea and China in the 1930s contributed to a growing number of Asian immigrants seeking better opportunities in Westerzee. The Onhwendja-Souriz government largely welcomed this increase in the Asian population, resulting in the establishment of numerous Asian communities throughout Westerzee. By the 1940s, Corean, Mandarin, and Cantonese were widely spoken in the province, and the government implemented various pro-Asian immigration policies, such as the Asiatic Migration Act (1940), which increased the quotas for Corean and Chinese immigration into Westerzee. Many Asian individuals were also appointed to government posts and administrative roles, reflecting the region's pro-Asian migration stance.
==== Start of the Westerzee Troubles (1941) ====
{{Main|Westerzee Troubles}}
[[File:Westerzee Shop destroyed.png|thumb|215x215px|Aftermath of a clothes shop being burnt down in Melenssel, [[Westerzee]]]]
The surge in the Asian population in [[Westerzee]] during this period resulted in a perceived disenfranchisement among the white Amerikaner community in Westerzee. Feeling culturally and politically outnumbered, some members of the white Amerikaner community expressed concerns about the influence of the growing Asian demographic. In response to these sentiments, pro-white parties like the Voor National Party (VNP) gained traction, advocating for the expulsion of Asian influence in Westerzee.
Tensions escalated between the Asian population and white nationalists. The Onhwendja-Souriz government faced criticism for what was seen as a slow response to the escalating troubles. The administration largely delegated the handling of the situation to the local Westerzee government. This perceived inaction contributed to the political downfall of the Onhwendja-Souriz government, losing in the 1943 election to the Federalists. The Federalists campaigned on a platform focused on increasing national security, resonating with a significant portion of the rest of the country in the context of the rising tensions.
=== '''Vragtelt-Aelders federalist governmentadministration (1943-1949)''' ===
[[File:Tandem Vragtelt-Aelders.jpg|left|thumb|210x210px|Sacharias Vragtelt (L), Gerrit Aelders (R)]]
==== Escalation of the Westerzee Troubles ====
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In the 1949 presidential elections, Pieter Kristiansen of the Coalition of National Reform and Unity secured a landslide victory.
=== Kristiansen-Wesselszoon governmentadministration (1949-1955) ===
[[File:Tandem Kristiansen-Wesselszoon.jpg|left|thumb|201x201px|Pieter Kristiansen (L), Sÿmün Wesselszoon (R)]]
==== Formation of ANAN and intervention in Westerzee ====
[[File:ANANMC.png|thumb|199x199px188x188px|Seal of ANAN]]
During Pieter Kristiansen's presidency within the Coalition of National Reform and Unity (CRNU), efforts to establish the [[Association of North American Nations|Association of North American Nations (ANAN)]] were expedited, with a significant focus on addressing the [[Westerzee Troubles]]. In 1951, ANAN was officially formed; one of its first international actions undertaken was support and intervention in Westerzee.
The ANAN identified the [[Amerikaens Free State]], situated southwest of Tussenland, as a key player fueling the Westerzee Troubles, allegedly with support from the National Republican Party of [[Russia]]. In response, an ANAN coalition intervention took place in 1953 within the Amerikaens Free State. This intervention successfully ousted the Goudpaerdt family dictatorship from power, establishing a new government aligned with ANAN interests in the region.
==== Expansion of the Tussenlander manufacturing industry ====
Due to the enactment of stricter labor laws in neighboring [[New Netherland]] in the late 1940s, Tussenland gained an economic advantage in manufacturing, with many New Netherlander companies outsourcing industrial and manufacturing work to the the central corridor region. This led to the high productivity of Tussenlander manufacturing and exporter companies, and created many jobs in Tussenland as a whole.
However, unlike New Netherlander companies, Tussenlander companies reinvested their earnings into expanding industry, and hiring more workers, instead of increasing wages. This led to a high increase of productivity, while household income grew slower but more steadily compared to New Netherland. This would prevent Tussenland from suffering the same wage-price spiral and high inflation New Netherland experienced throughout the 1950s-1960s.
== Growth and ascendance (1955-1979) ==
=== Woon-Wesselszoon administration (1955-1961) ===
[[File:Joop_Woon.png|thumb|312x312px|Joop Woon, the first Asian-Amerikaner president]]
In the 1955 elections, the Coalition of National Reform and Unity (CNRU) once again secured victory, leading to [[Joop Woon|Jacobus 'Joop' Woon]] becoming the first Asian-Amerikaner president. He reaffirmed Sÿmün Wesselszoon as Prime Minister. Woon was committed to Westerzee's reconstruction and the introduction of comprehensive economic policies to bolster Tussenland's service and export industries.
==== Economic Rejuvenation Act (1955) ====
In 1956, Woon's cabinet enacted the Economic Rejuvenation Act (1956), which sought to revitalize the service and industrial sectors through targeted investments and incentives. Infrastructure projects in Westerzee were prioritized, focusing on restoring areas affected by the [[Westerzee Troubles]] and creating new employment opportunities.
To further support economic expansion, the administration also introduced financial incentives for exporters, streamlined regulatory processes, and the negotiation of trade partnerships to boost the export of key commodities such as agriculture, oil, and natural gas. The program also prioritized the development of export-related infrastructure to enhance the efficiency of the Tussenland supply chain.
==== New labor laws (1959) and the rising middle class ====
New labor laws were introduced by Woon's cabinet to strike a balance between the demands of the workforce and the needs of businesses. Government representatives, employers, and labor unions, collaboratively set fair wage standards, working conditions, and dispute resolution mechanisms, intended to foster a cooperative environment. However, Woon's labor reforms were seen as milder than those of neighboring [[New Netherland]]'s reforms, preventing uncontrolled wage and price inflation.
=== Crueger-Lundgren republican administration (1961-1967) ===
[[File:Tandem Crueger-Lundgren.jpg|left|thumb|210x210px|Evert Crueger (L), Albinus Lundgren (R)]]
The 1961 elections resulted in the defeat of the Coalition of National Reform and Unity (CNRU), as incumbent President Jacobus Woon lost to the Republican coalition led by Evert Crueger. The nation was polarized, with a contentious and closely contested outcome. The election results were confirmed after a recount in 1962. The Republicans' victory was driven by a strong campaign for regional economic autonomy, notably in economically-booming regions like the Central Corridor. The discontent of the rising entrepreneurial middle class with CNRU labor policies further contributed to the Republicans' success.
The Crueger-Lundgren administration marked a change from the stringent labor laws implemented during the Woon administration. The government introduced measures such as tax incentives for businesses and deregulation, and Tussenland improved in ease to do businesses. Despite these initiatives, the administration faced significant criticism, especially from CNRU supporters, leading to perceptions of its legitimacy being questioned.
In the subsequent elections in 1967, the Republicans were defeated by the CNRU, leading to the return of CNRU governance with the election of [[Anssem Sjestakow]] as the new president.
== The New Golden Years (1967-1985) ==
=== Sjestakow-Coeymans administration (1967-1979) ===
Upon his ascension to the presidency, [[Anssem Sjestakow]], a politician of Russian-Amerikaner descent hailing from Kaetsheuvel, championed federalist ideals and aimed for a stronger and more centralized government. Sjestakow's presidency marked the beginning of Tussenland's more proactive international role and [[ANAN]]'s global prominence. Sjestakow was a key figure in the heightening of tensions between ANAN and [[Russia]].
==== ANAN Ascendancy ====
===== City of Eloheh =====
Under Sjestakow's direction, Tussenland successfully lobbied for the relocation of ANAN headquarters from New Amsterdam to a new planned city close to the center of North America, near the quadripoint of Florida, Tussenland, Mexico, and South Tussenland. A site was chosen for the new city, named [[Eloheh]], in late 1968, its name derived from the Tsjalacki word for ''unity''.
The city of Eloheh features an extensive park, trail, and levee system along its riverbanks to prevent flooding. At its center is a government plaza surrounded by ANAN administrative offices. The city's layout comprises four quadrants of mid-rise buildings connected by wide boulevards leading to the central government district.
[[Eloheh]]'s development was expedited. Local officials reported being under pressure or duress during the rushed land acquisition process. Tussenland's large profits from oil extraction royalties during the [[1970s Global Oil Crisis]] led to a rapid pace of construction and development. By 1972, the new ANAN headquarters was completed, with many of ANAN's offices already moving to their new offices. Infrastructure development continued in Eloheh throughout 1972-1980, with ongoing efforts to refine and expand the city's infrastructure and services, attracting migration to the new city.
===== Aggression towards Russia =====
Sjestakow was a known critic of [[national republicanism]] and [[Russia]], partly owing to his family's background being emigrants from the Russian Civil War in the 1920s. One of his goals was improving its national security, especially as [[Russia]] and [[United Kingdom|Britain]] had developed fully-operational transatmospheric rockets, which he saw as an existential threat ANAN and the American world. This led to the push for ANAN fostering their own indigenous rocketry program, which culminated in the creation of the American Rocketry Comission (ARC), and eventually the launch of ANAN's first transatmospheric rocket, the Atahensic, along with the world's first man-made satellite, the Quetzalcoatl.
==== Expansion of Tussenland's electronics sector ====
Following the invention of the transistron in 1965 at the University of Peoria, Meerenland, the electronics industry experienced significant growth, backed by government support. Électronique Mirelandais emerged as a leading electronics maker, gaining international recognition for producing inexpensive transistronized computers, particularly popular in the North American and Asian markets. Several semiconductor firms were also established in Tussenland, making electronics one of the nation's major industrial exports throughout the 1970s to 1980s.
== See also ==
Bureaucrats, rtl-contributors, Administrators


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