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==== The International Republican Coalition (IRC) ====
{{Main|International Republican Coalition}}
By 1941, only two years after the war, there were 13 nations that declared themselves National-Republican, including China. In the same year, an alliance between the national republican nations was formalized with the creation of the '''International Republican Coalition''' (Международная республиканская коалиция; ''Meždunarodnaja Respublikanskaja Koalicija''). The organization guarantees the mutual defense of all member states in case of attack by foreign powers. Initially, Great Britain was indifferent to the new organization, busy fighting against [[Jambudweep]] revolutionaries (who were clandestinely supported by Russia). However, after Russian involvement was discovered in 1942, British Prime Minister William Cavendish lambasted Russia and the doctrine of National-Republicanism. In response, Russian delegates proposed an amendment to the constitution of the IRC: that part of the coalition's responsibilities to "export National-Republicanism" abroad and to "free peoples around the world." This amendment was an indirect jab at the British Empire. The amendment was unanimously passed by all members of the coalition. This put immense pressure against the British Empire.
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