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{{Nation|common_name=Portugal|full_name=Kingdom of Portugal|local_name=Reino de Portugal|capital=Lisbon|largest_city=Lisbon|population=10 million|government_type=Constitutional Monarchy|flag=Portugal flag.png|map=Portugal location.png}}
'''Portugal''', officially the '''Kingdom of Portugal''' ('''''Portuguese: ''Reino de Portugal'''''), is a country located in the westernmost region of the Iberian Peninsula. The majority of the country is located in continental Europe, where it only borders Spain. The kingdom is composed of six continental provinces and two overseas provinces in the Atlantic: Madeira and Azores (Açores).
== History ==
=== EarlyPremodern Historyhistory ===
Portugal was established in 1143, after the signature of the Treaty of Zamora, but the kingdom was only recognized by the papacy in 1179. The nation developed to its modern borders during the process of the Reconquista, a series of wars among the christianChristian kingdoms of Europe and the Muslim caliphates in the Iberian peninsula. Since the conquest of Algarve in 1249, Portuguese territory didn’t suffer significant changes, thus making the country borders one of the most stable in Europe.
Portugal was the first medieval European nation to start sailing across the Atlantic in the search of resources in distant lands. The many voyages of Portuguese ships started what is called the Age of Discoveries. Portuguese caravels crossed the seas, making use of the best scientific and practical knowledge of the time. During the centuries XIV, XV and XVI sailed to Africa, to the far East and to the depths of the South American continent. In 1500, Pedro Álvares Cabral reached the coast of Brazil, a thing that changed the history of the tiny Iberian nation, and put the kingdom among the powers of Europe for centuries.
=== Portugal in theLong 18th century conflicts and French Revolution ===
==== Portuguese role in the Great Silesian War (1750-1755) ====
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Around half way on the conflict, in 1807, fearing at some moment in the future the French would invade through Spain, the counselors of king Dom Afonso VII proposed to move the kingdom capital to Rio de Janeiro temporarily, so if the Portuguese territories in Europe fall, the king and the court would take refugee in Brazil. The idea was thrown away later and never got out of paper.
=== EndRise of absolutism in Portugalconstitutionalism ===
==== Spring of Nations in Portugal: ====
In the early 1830s, revolutionaries inspired by the French Revolution decades prior started a rebellion in Spain. Motivated by the liberal, nationalist and republican ideals, those revolutionaries advocated the reform of the Spanish monarchy and the end of absolutism. Soon these revolutions reached Portugal.
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After months of discussion, the main articles of the constitution were: Abolishment of absolutism; creation of the independent executive, legislative and judicial powers; political representativity for the literated, male and over 20 years old population; the church would still has voice in nationwide decisions; the monarch would have the role to keep the harmony among the other three powers. The 1834 constitution wasn’t as liberal as the French revolutionary one, the Church and the Estate were still united, the monarch could still have voice in decisions and dissolve the parliament in cases of crisis. These small characteristics of the Ancien Regime were considered to gain support from the catholic Portuguese society and have harmony among the institutions of the nation.
=== End of the American colonial empire in South America ===
==== Independence of Bahia and the Riograndense Republic ====
