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(First and second Colombian-Peruvian Wars added to wikipage)
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=== Wars with Colombia ===
=== Wars with Colombia ===

==== First Colombian-Peruvian War (1890) ====
After the Colombian independence from Spain, the Real Audiência of Quito, which was part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada, became a disputed area between Colombia and the Viceroyalty of Peru, Once Peru gained independence, the newly formed Kingdom of Peru kept the claim over the region.

Throughout the 19th century, Colombia tried many times to be recognized as the owner of Quito, all the previous attempts were made through diplomatic channels, but none of them resulted in a satisfactory result, so the dispute went on to the end of the century, when, in 1890, war broke out between Peru and Colombia over the acquisition of the area under litigation.
==Government and politics==

The war was mostly a political move from the Colombian Conservative Party, which used a skirmish on the border, a fairly common occurrence, since Peruvian and Colombian forces built outposts in the region on a regular basis. But this time, the encounter ended up with two Colombian soldiers dead. To gain support in the coming 1889 election, the conservatives engaged in patriotic electoral propaganda, promising avenge the two men deaths. The results were satisfactory to the party, as they won the presidential election and most of the parliament. In January 1890, the war was declared.

The war came in a bad moment for Peru. The country recently waged war with Paraguay and Spain, so the armed forces weren’t in the best shape. Operations were poorly coordinated and executed due to disagreement among the Peruvian generals. Due to the lack of resources, the Peruvian army regularly faced shortages of guns, ammo, and artillery, which made Colombia have a decisive victory. The war lasted until November 1890. Peru suffered a humiliating defeat, but didn’t stop claiming Quito until years later.

==== Second Colombian-Peruvian War (1917-1919) ====
In 1915, South America suffered a drop in European investments, this move was responsible for a rapid increase of unemployment rate, business closure and overproduction of certain products, which decreased the value of the exports and devaluation of the currency. Falling in facing this economic issue, the Peruvian government's popularity and morale fell in a vertiginous drop. To Raise its acceptance among the people, the country started to use patriotism, and bring back the territorial dispute over Quito.

It was believed among the political class that a victory over Colombia would solve their problems, and rise their popularity, but it was known that waging war alone could result in a similar way as the first war with the northern neighbor, so Peruvian officials, in secret talks with Equador, decided to put in practice a joint invasion of Colombia.

On July 10, 1917, Colombia suffered a surprise attack from Peruvian-Equadorian forces. Due to the nature of the conflict, Colombia wasn’t capable of having a quick response, so lost territory rapidly to the advancing Peruvian and Equadorian forces. By the end of 1917, most of Quito was under control of Peru. Equador occupied areas along upper Rio Negro.

By 1918, the tides started to change on Colombia’s behalf. Britain started to support the Colombian army, and after the initial shock, Colombian forces stopped losing ground, and started to advance over occupied territory. In the fall of 1918, Chileans started a revolt in southern Peru. Britain and Colombia soon began to aid the rebels, thus making the unrest last longer, and forcing Peru to wage a two front war.

By the end of the year, Peru fully retreated from Quito, so the conflict became more stationary, with little advance from both sides. In May 1919, Equador sued for peace. In July, Peru signed an armistice, ending the combat in the north. Although peace was reestablished in the Amazon, Chile and the Chaco were still under disarray.

On November 5, 1919, the Treaty of Leonabelle was signed. In the treaty, Peru was obligated to recognize Quito as part of Colombia, and give Chile independence. Once again, Peru suffered a defeat, but this time, it was even more humiliating, and the country fell into a heavy economic and political crisis.

== Government and politics ==
Peru is a constitutional monarchy with a hereditary monarch and a unicameral parliament and a multi-party system. Since the 1950's the country has maintained a democratic unitary government with a prime minister acting as chief executive with the monarch of Peru acting as head of state, having legislative veto power and appointing one minister of the 14 member executive council of ministers.
Peru is a constitutional monarchy with a hereditary monarch and a unicameral parliament and a multi-party system. Since the 1950's the country has maintained a democratic unitary government with a prime minister acting as chief executive with the monarch of Peru acting as head of state, having legislative veto power and appointing one minister of the 14 member executive council of ministers.