Lore Progress Tracker: Difference between revisions

Added Omar's middle east lore to lore progress tracker as well as India doc to google doc list
(Added Omar's middle east lore to lore progress tracker as well as India doc to google doc list)
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* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11AgwQNF0aKMseQlUeNQLziFBATAzJy8EUKIXSDHNHus/edit#gid=0 Tussenland legislative elections]
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yBe0gU2E1_y21WWAfcQyTXkK4NoDFZRIpwI6ccs-ghk/edit Philippines history]
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1abusiWw2OcGvvv2HZrehEjbAT7tT57OfHVU8RyD6Ysw/edit Sultanate of India]
== North America ==
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*Genoa: Basically what I said earlier, Genoa uses their base in Panama city to expand into the Pacific starting with buying islands from Colombia and Spain (Galapagos y Rapa Nui) , finding uninhabited islands (in the case of Pitcairns) and then,slipping under the nose of the British, getting Tonga to become a protectorate of theirs while other powers were busy elsewhere.
*the Netherlands: So we talked a bit about the idea of a Dutch Norfolk but I think I came up with some lore (also maybe re-purposing BigSchwartz Mijnclara name) for the island. Basically the French colonize the islands (which would be uninhabited at the time) first while they set up their first colony in Australia but abandon the island soon after and focus on Australia and then New Zealand. Then shortly after Dutch sailors (some from NL proper, others from east indies and Taulandt) start using the island as a whaling base and in late 1850s after the loss in the Spanish-Dutch war decide to annex the island (as kinda of a PR move to show "hey things aren't that bad", maybe also it's a personal project of the Crown to regain some popularity amongst the people).
== Mesopotamia & the Middle East ==
''lore from [[User:Tomartino|Tomar]]''
=== Lebanon ===
The last Ma'an dynasty emir of Lebanon, Ahmed bin Mulhim (r. 1659-1704), would die in 1704. After that, a civil war between the Qaysite and Yemenite factions of the Druze would ensue, and the Qaysite leaders, the Kurdish-Druze Dschanbolats (IOTL ''Jumblatts/Janbulats''), would emerge victorious at the Battle of Sughbin (1714). They would buy their way back into the Ottomans' good graces, since Ali Pascha Dschanbolat (executed 1610) was the Governor of Aleppo who allied with the Medicis to overthrow the Ottomans. There would be a total of 9 emirs from 1714 to 1868. Over time, 3 of these would convert to Sunni Islam to gain the favor of the Ottomans. The family would eventually be deposed in 1868 after the Mount Lebanon Civil War (where the Druze eventually won against the Maronites) as part of an Ottoman centralization program. Into the 20th century, the Dschanbolats and other Lebanese political dynasties would still dominate the politics of the area, and would amass more wealth and power after the Great War, during the military clique period.
=== Basara ===
Also for the Basra/Muntafiq state, I'm thinking that maybe this could happen: Traditionally, the ruling family of the majority-Shi'a Muntafiq confederacy was the Sadun family, who are Sunni. During the early 20th century, perhaps a large number of Muntafiq tribes try and overthrow the Sadun, based on the Sadun 1.) increasing taxes, 2.) appearing to be more loyal to Constantinople than their own confederacy, and 3.) instigating conflict with Shi'i clerics in Karbala and Najaf. The Kashif al-Ghita family, a Muntafiq clan which migrated to Najaf in the early 18th century and became Shi'i clerics, could start a coup d'etat along with other clans like the Rumeid. In the 1930s, the Emirate of the Muntafiq is formed with its capital in Basrah. This Emirate would kind of be structured like Iran IOTL, with the highest-ranking al-Ghita being the Grand Ayatollah, the head of state and highest Shi'i religious authority in the Emirate, and Mesopotamia in general. The position of Prime Minister, the head of government, would be occupied by families like the Rumeidh.
=== Babans of Kirkuk ===
They originally ruled a Kurdish principality. ITTL, they would be suppressed by the Ottomans in the 19th century as part of centralization efforts. After that, they would most likely stay on the down-low until the discovery of the Kirkuk oil field in 1924 by an Austrian oil baron. In 1927, the Austrians and Ottomans would build a pipeline from Kirkuk to Haifa in Palestine, so that the oil could be easily exported to Austria. During the GW, the Babans would begin a rebellion and try to sabotage the pipeline. After the Congress of Amsterdam, they re-established their principality with their capital in Kirkuk. They would be the most tense of the Mesopotamian states, as they are the only majority-Kurdish one and have the largest oil reserves.
=== Jarba Shammars of Deira Zor ===
A Shammar (same tribe that the Al Rashidis of Ha'il come from) clan that migrated to the north in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. They are of sharifian descent and are considered to be 'full Shammaris'. During Ottoman rule, they would have had a lot of conflicts with them, especially with the Kurdish tribes (like the Milan) that the Ottomans tried to move into Shammar/Anizzah territories. After the GW, the Jarba clan would expel the sedentary Kurds from the area and defeat the Anizzah and other minor tribes with the help of the Rashidis.
=== Jalilis of Mosul ===
Descendants of Abd al-Jalili, an Arab/Assyrian merchant from Amid. His son Ismail Pasha. After [''a war in the early 1700s, against the Persians or some tribes or smth''], Ismail's son Yunus Pasha was made ''wali'' of Mosul in 1751. They soon eroded the power of the Umari family, which eventually became their rivals. Struggles for power within the Jalili family occured in 1769, 1785, and 1818. They were dismissed from power in 1890 by the Ottomans, who feared their growth. In 1938, in exile in Aleppo, Salih Pasha Jalili joined the Jarba Shammar rebellion, and with their support would reconquer Mosul and establish an independent principality.
=== Keylanis of Baghdad ===
Their family has held the position of ''naqib-al ashraf'' ('leader of the descendants of Prophet Muhammad' since the 1550s. They're affiliated with the Sufi Qadiri Order, which was founded by their ancestor Abdul Qadir Keylani (they are also custodians of his mausoleum). The holder of this office during the POD was ''Shaikh Nūr al-Dīn ibn Walī al-Dīn ibn Shams al-Dīn al-Gailani'' (died 1664). They are kind of the obvious choice for leadership if Baghdad becomes independent, IOTL the ''naqib'' also became Prime Minister of Iraq. They would be supported by other aristocratic Baghdadi families like the Alusi, Haydari, Jamil, etc.
== Cold War Timeline ==
