Lore Progress Tracker: Difference between revisions

(added the ideas discussed for NA)
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== North America ==
==== [[Alyeska]] ====
*'''1803''': Novo-Arkangelsk (soon-to-be-capital of Alyeska) was founded by the Kurile Island Company.
*'''1815'''-1816: Explorer A. Kolchak hired by the Russian Pacific company to explore the southernmost parts of Russian claims in Alyeska.
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*'''1865''': Russian Pacific Company, a state-sponsored company, was founded. 1870: Charter granted to the Russian Pacific company to administer Alyeska.
*'''1890''': Alyeskan gold rush: influx of immigrants from Russia to Alyeska.
[[Amerikaanse Free State|'''Amerikaanse Free State''']]
==== [[Amerikaanse Free State|Amerikaens Free State]] ====
* '''1840''': Treaty of Santa Maria, Voortrekker republics subjugated by Spain.
*'''1846''': Gold Rush, Tussenlanders, Frenchpeople, Englishfolk migrate, mostly in the southern Boer regions.
*'''1903''': Amerikaens Free State was created out of Kimoeenim and Westerzee.
*❌ '''(Blank Lore)''' 20th century AFS
==== [[Florida]] ====
'''Early Florida and Pirate Age'''
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*'''1927''': Historic port of Santa Cruz fell to the rebels. On April 12, the Spanish withdrew from Florida.
*'''1927''': Florida becomes independent.
==== [[Mexico]] ====
* '''1840:''' Treaty of Santa Maria, all boer republics subjugated as autonomous provinces
*'''1846''': Gold rush in southern Westerzee Republic. The south broke off as Goudlandt, a new boer republic.
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*'''1909''': Republicans seize Mexico city, old government flees to Monterrey This would be the official start of Republican Mexico but perhaps the brief two-government period would last until 1911.
*'''1911''': Juan Guillermo elected as first president of Mexico
'''[[New England]]'''
==== [[New England]] ====
* ❌ No lore yet, except during the 2nd Anglo-Dutch War (1660) where they lose their claims west of the connecticut river. Other than that, it's blank.
'''[[New France]]'''
==== [[New France]] ====
* ✔️ Becomes kingdom after monarch of France flees to New France (detailed lore for monarch's flight to New France is still on the Google doc, needs to be migrated to the Wiki)
* ❌ Figure out if they have a role in the Meerenland revolt arc. Would they have been involved?
* ✔️ We have some revolution in the 1870s that reduces the king to simply a figurehead See '''[[Talk:New France]].'''
* ❌ Post revolution new France still blank. Figure out how they would fit in the cold war arc.
'''[[New Netherland]]'''
==== [[New Netherland]] ====
* '''1795-1796''': Autumn War (against the British)
*'''1796''': Independence
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* ❌ '''(Needs more fleshing out)''' Involvement in the Florida Civil War.
* ❌ '''(Needs more fleshing out)''' Involvement in the Cuba War and Role as one of the founding nations of the ANAN).
==== [[Opdamsland]] ====
* ✅ Lore is written down on the wikie, including:
** Native Relocation, Spanish-Dutch War, Independence, Tribal Council Period, Opdamsland under John White Owl (Oukonunaka) and his rise to power (and failure of the ANAN to intervene), Military Junta.
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* ❌ '''(Needs more fleshing out)''' Their entry and role in the ANAN..
* ❌'''(Needs more fleshing out, and write-up on wiki page)''' Return to democracy lore is still blank (when/how/why?).
'''[[Rupert's Land]]'''
==== [[Rupert's Land]] ====
* ✅ Very early history.
* ✔️ '''(Needs writeup on wiki page)''' Sells a huge land area west of the Nelson river to Tussenland in 1871. The rump Rupert's Land is a british dominion until modern day and is heavily reliant on their neighbors.
* ✅ Modern-day government (needs review though if it fits)
'''[[South Tussenland]]'''
==== [[South Tussenland]] ====
* '''1812-1813''': Republic of Anahuac existed in west South Tussenland. Eventually annexed into South Tussenland in exchange for territory in the plains (Sabine swap).
*'''1817''': Colonial charter given to Royal Tussenland Company
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==== [[Tussenland]] ====
* '''1850-1855''': Dutch-Mexican War. In 1855, the Dutch lose North, South Mizoerie, & Opdamsland.
*'''1859-1861:''' Tussenland Upheavals.
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*'''1911:''' Crÿnssenlandt becomes a province.
*'''1912:''' Ruyterslandt becomes a province.
==== [[Virginia]] ====
* ✔️ '''(Needs writeup on wiki page)''' How they become one big blob: https://discord.com/channels/732391897259311104/742213023338463253/815466778788233236
* ✔️ '''(Needs writeup on wiki page)''' 19th Century Virginia Stuff: https://discord.com/channels/732391897259311104/742217224600944700/815298579647692831
=== <u>SW Timeline inof North America</u> ===
==== Pre-SW Context ====
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* '''1937:''' Mexico and NNL supports Cuban rebels
==== SW ProperPart 1 (1935-1965) ====
* '''1940''': Russia reorganizes Alyeska into a new Autonomous National Republic (protests ensure from Alyeskans who aren't happy with the more direct rule)
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* '''1949:''' More formal talks start on the creation of a permanent structure of American cooperation are accelerated when a British bases in Rupertsland is discovered to be outfitted with (Nuclear armed?) long distance bombers (maybe they perform exercises over Tussenland airspace?)
* '''1950:''' American leaders meet in Tussenland to start the formal negotiations of what would eventually become the ANAN
==== SW Part 2 (1965-1985) ====
== South America ==
==== Brazil and Break-up[[Brasil|Brazilian]] lore ====
*'''Mid-1835:''' Bahian revolt starts, motivated by the illuminist ideals, self determination and anti-monarchism. The rebels have an initial success in defeating the local forces and take the province, the '''[[Bahia Republic]]''' is proclaimed in Salvador.
*'''1836:''' Portuguese reinforcements arrive in Brazil. The imperial forces take control of the coastline, and the rebels are forced to flee to the interior.
*'''1836-1843:''' Guerilla warfare in Bahia.
*'''1843:''' the province of '''Rio Grande de São Pedro''', in southern Brazil, also started a rebellion, due to taxation, lack of representation of whites in Portugal. They ally with the Bahians. They are supported by Carolinos (Hispanic gauchos from Carolina).
*'''1845: Portugal recognized Bahian independence'''.
*'''1846: Portugal recognized [[Riograndense Republic|Riograndense Republi]]<nowiki/>c's indepnedence'''
*'''1847:''' Portuguese abolish slavery
*'''1875-1879:''' [[Equador|Equadorian]] revolt, as a reaction to Portuguese outlawing slavery. Portuguese recognize independence in 1879. The equadorian government is shaky and unstable, leading to a Pernambucan slave revolt in 1877.
*'''1877-1882:''' [[Pernambuco|Pernambucan]] slave revolt and independence war. Supported by some Zoekerists.
==== [[Palissandria]] ====
A race of building settlements occured in the 1600s-1700s between Tuscany and France. France eventually gets axed by Tuscany indirectly, with the help of the aggressive natives who Tuscany had somehow managed to get on their side.
==== [[Guyana]] ====
Becomes penal colony of Britain ittl.
==== [[Carolina]] ====
lore basics to about 1850 are complete, with the British buy the Rio de la plata territory from the Spanish after the great Silesian war and early British settlement of the region complete. Post 1850 a war between argentine successionists is planned but lore is vague (missing a flag though).
==== [[Peru]] ====
Independence basics exists as does vague lore for a Colombian-Peruvian war (or 2). Existing lore needs to be reformatted for the wiki.
==== [[Colombia]] ====
Independence lore is written in the form of discord messages abd needs to be edited and reformatted for the wiki. Involved in the race to the specific but lore is vague post independence.
==== Others[[Paraguay]] ====
Gains independence from viceroy of Perú when Perú gains independence but lore needs work.
*Palissandria: A race of building settlements occured in the 1600s-1700s between Tuscany and France. France eventually gets axed by Tuscany indirectly, with the help of the aggressive natives who Tuscany had somehow managed to get on their side.
* Guyana: Becomes penal colony of Britain ittl.
* '''Carolina''': lore basics to about 1850 are complete, with the British buy the Rio de la plata territory from the Spanish after the great Silesian war and early British settlement of the region complete. Post 1850 a war between argentine successionists is planned but lore is vague (missing a flag though).
* Peru: independence basics exists as does vague lore for a Colombian-Peruvian war (or 2). Existing lore needs to be reformatted for the wiki.
* Colombia: Independence lore is written in the form of discord messages abd needs to be edited and reformatted for the wiki. Involved in the race to the specific but lore is vague post independence.
* Paraguay: gains independence from viceroy of Perú when Perú gains independence but lore needs work.
== Europe ==
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*'''1980''': End of the Cold War, collapse of the Russian Nationalist Regime and the start of the British recession.
=== Royals of the U.K. ===
{{Main|United_Kingdom#List_of_leaders|l1 = List of British royals}}
* '''1667-1692:''' Queen Henrietta
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== East Asia ==
'''19th Century'''
=== 1800s ===
*'''1847:''' Unrest in Canton starts to brew.
*'''1850'''-'''1857''': The [[Canton War]] (Anglo-French-Cantonese Coalition vs Dutch-Qing)
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*'''1892:''' Great Game ends with the creation of Serindia as a buffer state.
*'''1889:''' Corean Empire proclaimed.
'''20th Century'''
=== 1900s ===
* '''1895-1910s:''' Multiple loosely related secret societies form throughout Canton, espousing republican ideals.
*'''1912:''' The secret societies form a united society/party called the National Reform Society (Kaikehui). They start to demand more democracy in Canton.
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== South East Asia (Indonesia and Indochina) ==
=== 18th Century1700s ===
* '''1760''': Failed Burmese incursion towards Ayutthaya (Siamese-Burmese War)
=== 19th Century1800s ===
* '''1820:''' The Sultanate of Johor allies with the Dutch East India Company and soon becomes a protectorate.
* '''1849:''' Burmese-Lannathai War. Burma invades and annexes the Lannathai Kingdom, and becomes part of the Burmese Empire.
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* '''1884''': Nguyễn Phúc Mạnh, ruler of Tonquin converts to Catholicism, and was baptized as ''Don'' Carlos. During the reign of Phúc Mạnh, the Spanish built churches and conducted missionary activity, leading to the sizeable Catholic minority in the northern parts of Vietnam in the modern day.
== [[Philippines|The Philippines]] ==
=== Aceh ===
• 1641-1699 reign of Four Queens
=== 1700s ===
• Monarchs lose absolute power around 1680s to the Panglima Sagis (Three Lords of the Corners) and the ulëebalangs (lesser Lords)
• Jamal-ul-Lail family from Mecca arrives in the 1680s (later to become the royal family of Perlis in the 1800s under Siam). Gain high judicial positions in Aceh
• 1699-1726, the Jamal-ul-Lail family rules Aceh
• 1726: Maharaja Lela Ahmad Shah of the Bugis dynasty (the Bugis area seafaring merchant ethnic group from south Celebes)
• 1735: unsuccessful Jamal-ul-Lail rebellion against Bugis dynasty
• Monarch served as more of a figurehead from here on, only directly ruling the capital
• 1815-1820: Britain tried to restore the Jamal-ul-Lail dynasty but failed
=== Johor ===
• Bendehara = PM
• Temenggong = G.Duke
• Yamtuan Muda = Bugis Prince (head of the Bugis comm)
Johor at this time IOTL
• An empire ruled by the Malaccan dynasty, descendants of the last Sultan of Malacca in 1511. Johor Sultan maintained right to rule based on Hindu and Muslim kingship
• Allied with the Dutch in 1606 and made a treaty: Johor stays independent and thrives on trade, Malacca is Dutch (conquered in 1641), and Aceh is kept at bay
• Dutch maintained Portuguese system of tolls, passes, and monopolies on certain trades. This put Malacca into decline, Johor became more prosperous
• Johor only allied with the Dutch because they kicked out the Portuguese, and used this to justify Dutch ownership of Malacca “they could have done much worse than just occupy Malacca”
• 1699: Last ruler of the Malaccan dynasty of Johor was killed, Prime Minister Abdul Jalil took over and ruled until 1717
• 1717-1722 war between Abdul Jalil and Malaccan dynasty heir claimant. Abdul Jalil won with the help of Bugis explorers
• In return, Bugis princes got mineral and mining rights within Johor territory, founding the Sultanate of Riau-Lingga under suzerainty of Johor
• Johor in 1700s decentralized and unstable, game of balance between local rulers
• Rivalry between the Bugis and the Malay intensified in the 1700s
• Bugis power weakened in 1746 when the Bugis Prince fucked up, but  restored by 1760 (brief interregnum in Riau)
• Pretender to the Malaccan dynasty throne still in Siak Sri Indrapura, threatening Johor, forcing them to keep the Bugis around
• 1760 several Johor sultans died in a row, so the Bugis took the opportunity to increase their power. Chose infant prince as the new Sultan Mahmud Riayat Shah as puppet ruler
• Sultan Mahmud made treaty of protection with VOC in 1784 to exploit Dutch-Bugis rivalry
• Raja Mohamad, mixed Malay-Bugis prince and son of the Grand Duke, viable candidate for throne challenged by Raja Ali
• 1800-1804 crisis, no one wins
=== Gowa-Tallo (AKA Makassar IOTL) ===
• Kingdom formed by Nine Clans coming together ~1300, Islamized 1605
• 1616-37 war with Dutch, forced to recognize interest in Spice Isles
• 1644 sub-kingdom of Bone rebellion
• 1654 Sultan refused to ratify Treaty, war again, another treaty in 1655, Dutch declared war again in 1660, made new treaty
• 1660 treaty: Dutch kept Gowan hostages in Batavia, forced them to kick out Portuguese from Sulawesi
• 1666-1669: Bugis-Dutch invasion of Gowa, led by Bugis Prince Arung Palakka of the Bone Kingdom. Gowa forced to accept Dutch domination of spice trade
• 1673: Fort Rotterdam est., turned into Makassar City
• 1776-1790 civil war “War of Batara”
• Early 1800s: war between Gowa and Bone again
== South East Asia ([[Philippines|The Philippines]]) ==
=== 18th Century ===
* '''1700''' - The Sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao fight for dominance and control of trade in the region.
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* '''1785''' - The Royal Company of the Philippines is established to promote economic development.
=== 19th Century1800s ===
* '''1803''' - A Royal decree orders the secularization of more parishes
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* '''1899''' - The Katipunan Rebels in Pangasinan are defeated, but an Anarchist organization called “Guardia de Honor” continues to terrorize the countryside. The Federal State of the Visayas was established in Iloilo by Bisayan Revolutionaries, but the revolutionary state disbands after a major defeat in the Battle of Iloilo City and most of its leadership captured, with the Cantonal Republic of Negros being immediately established as a successor state.
=== 20th Century1900s ===
* '''1900''' - The Negros Republic is defeated and disbanded after a disastrous defeat at Dumageuete. The remaining Katipunan rebels in the Mountains of Morong would establish the “Tagalog Republic<nowiki>''</nowiki> with Vicente Sakay as its first president. The Republic would only be put down in 1916.
