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Added a section for the Philippines
(Added a section for the Philippines)
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* '''1869:''' France invades and protectorizes the Kingdom of Kampuchea (Cambodge).
* '''1873''': British-Acehnese War. In the midst of the Communard forces rising to power in France, Britain invades and secures Aceh to prevent it from falling to French Influence.
== South East Asia (The Philippines) ==
=== 18th Century ===
* '''1700''' - The Sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao fight for dominance and control of trade in the region.
* '''1719''' - The Zamboanga Garrison is reoccupied, A Friar-led mob executes the reformist Governor-General Francisco Bustamante
* '''1737''' - Peace Treaty signed between Spain and Sulu
* '''1739''' - The first viable road system from Manila to Northern Luzon opens
* '''1743''' - British attacks on the Galleon Trade between Acapulco and Manila increased.
* '''1744''' - Francisco Dagohoy’s rebellion starts in Bohol when his brother is refused to be given a Christian Burial by the Catholic Church. The Revolt would only be quelled in 1829.
* '''1745''' - The Agrarian Revolt starts in Cavite and Batangas over control and access to Hacienda Lands.
* '''1747 - 1756''' - The Spanish Bombardment of Jolo in 1752 led to Sulu’s defeat and the imprisonment of the Sultan. A peace treaty was signed and the Sultan is exiled from Jolo until 1764
* '''1750''' - The Great Silesian War starts. Some Filipino sharpshooters were used by Spain in North America during the Prince Maurice War.
* '''1754''' - King Ferdinand VI Decrees the compulsory teaching of Spanish in all schools to Boys and Girls.
* '''1768''' - The Jesuits are expelled, The Archbishop of Manila supports the secularization of parishes (transfer from religious orders to diocesan control) and the ordination of indio priests. The Ordinances of Good Government are issued by Madrid.
* '''1771''' - Governor-General Simon de Anda encounters resistance from the religious orders and uses troops to enforce secularization
* '''1774''' - King Charles III reaffirms secularization policy by a royal decree ordering the secularization of parishes as they fall vacant
* '''1777''' - A Royal decree orders indios to participate in the production of cotton and other fibers
* '''1781''' - Governor-General Basco y Vargas implements the tobacco monopoly, limiting productions to areas designated by the government.
* '''1785''' - The Royal Company of the Philippines is established to promote economic development.
=== 19th Century ===
* '''1803''' - A Royal decree orders the secularization of more parishes
* '''1805''' - The Governor of Zamboanga signs a peace treaty with the Sultan of Sulu, giving the governor the right to vet foreign residents in the archipelago.
* '''1807''' - Spanish Deserters revolt in Ilocos to protest the government’s wine monopoly and prohibition of the production of Basi (Rice wine)
* '''1811''' - Del Superior Gobierno, the colony’s first newspaper, begins publication.
* '''1815''' - The Galleon Trade ends as the Spanish crown allows the use of registered ships or navíos de registro in the Pacific that traveled solo outside of the convoy system of the galleons.
* '''1826''' - A Monarchist counteroffensive ends further secularization of the parishes
* '''1827''' - A Spanish attack on Jolo is repulsed
* '''1829''' - Spanish raiding parties establish a presence in the Gran Cordilleras
* '''1830s''' - In Response to the "Spring of Nations", The Philippine Colonial Administration is reformed as the natives are given more representation in the Cortez.
* '''1834''' - A royal decree declared Manila and other Port Cities open to international trade.
* '''1835''' - The Philippines sends four delegates as representation in the Cortes. Economic Monopolies on Tobacco, Sugar, and other produce are abolished
* '''1836''' - Spain signs a commercial treaty with the Sultan of Sulu
* '''1837''' - Tariff Regulations are lessened in the islands.
* '''1840 - 1841''' - Hermano De la Cruz began his infamous religious revolt against Spain in response to the abuse of Filipino priests by the Catholic Church and in response created his own religious order called “Confradia de San José”. Because of this, the Spanish government sent in troops to forcibly break up the order, forcing De la Cruz and his followers to rise in armed revolt in self-defense. Many bloody battles were fought with the order's last stand in Mount San Cristobal, near Mount Banahaw, in October 1841. The Spaniards eventually won, and Hermano de la Cruz was executed on November 4, 1841.
* '''1848 - 1851''' - The Spanish attack Balangigi in the Sulu Archipelago to free 300 captives. The Sulu Sultanate signs an agreement recognizing Spanish Authority
* '''1850''' - The Second Spanish-Dutch War starts, Governor-General Narciso Claveria decrees that Indios be given Spanish Surnames, The first steam warship arrives in Manila.
* '''1853''' - The British Company ''Smith, Bell and Company'' is established in Manila and becomes a major trader of sugar and hemp. A Dutch Naval attack is repulsed once more outside of Manila.
* '''1855''' - The Second Spanish-Dutch War ends, Spain gains Northern Maluku and the Dutch are forced to recognize Spain's sovereignty over New Guinea.
* '''1856''' - A British Consul arrives in Iloilo and Negros, with his 13-year residence helping transform the islands into a major sugar plantation
* '''1859''' - The Jesuits return to the Philippines and accept missions to the Muslim areas.
* '''1861''' - Separation of Executive and Judicial Functions is mandated at the alcalde mayor and governor-general levels
* '''1863''' - The Educational Decree mandates the establishment of a Public school system
* '''1864''' - Father Jose Burgos publishes a “Manifesto addressed by the loyal Filipinos to the Noble Spanish nation” criticizing the Spanish discrimination of Secular Priests
* '''1865''' - The Jesuits establish the Escuela Normal (Normal School) and the Secondary School called Ateneo Municipal De Manila
* '''1868''' - The Guardia Civil is established to suppress crime and insurgencies
* '''1872''' - The Philippines is re-established as its own Viceroyalty as Spain’s dependencies in Southeast Asia becomes too many to efficiently govern through New Spain. José Malcampo y Monje, the 3rd Marquess of San Rafael, becomes its first Viceroy.
* '''1873''' - More Philippine ports are opened to world trade
* '''1876''' - Combined Spanish and Indio forces overrun Jolo
* '''1877''' - The 1877 Agreement was signed, with France, England, and the Netherlands recognizing Spain and the Philippines, Sovereignty over the Sulu Archipelago and North Borneo.
* '''1877 - 1878''' - The Spanish Communard Revolution began when French and Spanish radicals overthrew the Monarchy, only to be defeated a year later with the support of the British. The aftermath of the Communard Revolutions in Spain is directly linked to the Independence of Mexico in 1881, the independence of Peru, and the Communard inspired Katipunan Revolutionary Organization.
* '''1878''' - Sultan Jamal ul-Azam of Sulu signs a treaty of peace and capitulation with the Philippines, the last treaty signed between the two.
* '''1883''' - Spanish Forces invade Sulu and set up a naval station and garrison. Sultan Bada ud-Din II sends a letter of protest to the French, calling the invasion a violation of the 1877 agreement
* '''1887''' - Crisostomo Ibarra published Noli Me Tangere. A three-man committee reports to the archbishop of Manila that the novel be banned due to being “Heretical and offensive to the Government of Spain”, especially after the breakaway and Independence of Mexico a few years prior.
* '''1888''' - France, The Netherlands, and Spain sign a new protocol reiterating recognition of Spanish and Philippine Sovereignty over Sulu and North Borneo. Filipino expatriates in Spain establishes La Liga Filipinas and issue their first fortnightly newspaper the following year
* '''1891''' - Ibarra published El Filibusterismo. His family is removed from the Friar estates they lease. The Sultanate of Maguindanao fractures and collapses into several factions vying for the vacant throne. Spain takes advantage of the situation and launches an expedition to pacify the Cotabato and Lanao areas.
* '''1892''' - A railroad line is established that connects Manila to Pangasinan. Ibarra returns to Manila, establishes La Solidaridad, and is exiled to Northern Mindanao. Inspired by the Mexican revolt, A Filipino nationalist named Mayo Pag-Asa establishes the pro-independence Katipunan.
* '''1894''' - Municipal Government is reorganized, separating executive and judicial functions.
* '''1895''' - With funding and support from both Corea and Mexico, the Katipunan’s network expands not only in the Philippines but also Maluku and even Nueva Guinea.
* '''1896''' - the Katipunan plot was discovered by the authorities and  Pag-Asa’s revolt began a few days after. Ibarra and his Family flees to Cuba to escape prosecution.
* '''1897''' - Balderama Jacinto replaced Pag-Asa when the latter was captured and executed by Spanish Forces. Katipunan forces in Maluku and Nueva Guinea are defeated by the year’s end.
* '''1898''' - Vietnamese buddhists revolt in Annam. Jacinto and his leadership go into voluntary exile to Kwongchou after the signing of the Treaty of Malolos, but some katipunan factions in Pangasinan, Ilocos, Morong, Negros, Panay, Bicol and Cebu continue fighting on. At the same time, Moro insurgents in Cotabato rebel against the Spanish authorities.
* '''1899''' - The Katipunan Rebels in Pangasinan are defeated, but an Anarchist organization called “Guardia de Honor” continues to terrorize the countryside. The Federal State of the Visayas was established in Iloilo by Bisayan Revolutionaries, but the revolutionary state disbands after a major defeat in the Battle of Iloilo City and most of its leadership captured, with the Cantonal Republic of Negros being immediately established as a successor state.
=== 20th Century ===
* '''1900''' - The Negros Republic is defeated and disbanded after a disastrous defeat at Dumageuete. The remaining Katipunan rebels in the Mountains of Morong would establish the “Tagalog Republic<nowiki>''</nowiki> with Vicente Sakay as its first president. The Republic would only be put down in 1916.
== Central and South Asia ==
