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(Add middle east lore for the british protectorates in Arabia)
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* 1814: End of the Augustine Wars. After the End of the War of the fourth coalition (1810-1814) In the Treaty of Vienna (1814) the Kingdom of the Netherlands was formed (with same borders as OTL Congress of Vienna),Turkey retains Crimea (and gains Malta) and gains some land from Austria, France is contained to its natural borders, Brandenburg is punished and their entire territory gets partitioned between the restored duchies of Hanover, Pomerania, and Saxony, An independent Confederation of minor German states is formed as a buffer between France and Austria, Russia forced to return territories gained from Poland. Austria, Russia, and the Ottomans become large powers after the war.
* 1830's: Spring of Nations originating in Spain and spreads throughout central and southern Europe. Eventually spreads to Latin America resulting in the independence of Colombia, Paraguay, Bahia & the Riograndense Republic and failed revolutions in Mexico & Puerto Rico. After the revolution is put down, many revolutionaries are shipped to the Americas and the Spanish empire abolishes slavery.
*1840's: Reform of Spanish colonial administration- After the spring of nations and the successful independence of Colombia & Paraguay the Spanish crown decided that in order to maintain power in Latin America the colonies needed to be reformed. This led to a series of policy changes whereas each colonial viceroy was given the task of creating a council of stakeholders for the region that were to act as a pseudo-legislative body drafting policies to confirm to the specific needs of the colony. During this time, there was additionally a reordering of the colonial administration of viceroys and captaincy generals and a general redrawing of colonial borders. Additionally in order to win over the lower classes of the colonies, the crown created a program that reduced the tax burden on the lower classes in exchange for military service.
* 1830's: Partial Partition of Poland; with Russia, Pomerania, Saxony and Austria gaining territory.
* 1840: Beginning of the Great Game between Russia and Britain over influence in Central Asia
