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* 1814: RTLPoleon is defeated. New German states are created. Austria, Russia, and the Ottomans become large powers.
* 1830's: Spring of Nations originating in Spain and spreads throughout central and southern Europe. Eventually spreads to Latin America resulting in the independence of Colombia, Paraguay, Bahia & the Riograndense Republic and failed revolutions in Mexico & Puerto Rico. After the revolution is put down, many revolutionaries are shipped to the Americas and the Spanish empire abolishes slavery.
* 1840: Beginning of the Great Game between Russia and Britain over influence in Central Asia
* 1850-1853: Spanish victory in the Dutch-Spanish War, led to the independence of South Tussenland and reinforced Spanish suzerainship of the Boer republics.
* 1872-1878: Communard revolution in France ignites, and spreads to Spain. Spain is ruled by communards and results in the independence of the Mexican Empire and Peru. The Communard attempts to spread to central Europe and the Italian states but is stopped by an alliance of European powers led by Austria and Britain. Eventually the radical Communard faction is kicked out of power by a moderate Communard faction that sought peaceful coexistence with the British and other European powers. This leads to a mending of relations between the British and France.
* 1850-1857: Anglo- French victory in the Canton War, creates the Kingdom of Canton in Southern China; dramatically weakens the Qing and gives France and Britain a series of treaty ports in China.
* 1864-1866: Swedish victory in the Scandinavian Wars which leads to the rise of Sweden as a regional power in the Baltic Sea. Sweden takes part of Sealand from Denmark to control the trade, Swedish-allied Hannover takes southern portion of Denmark and Norway becomes independent.
* 1872-1874: Anglo-Pomeranian victory in the Saxony-Pomeranian War. Saxony, who is landlocked through history, wants Pomeranian coast. They are backed by Sweden, who believe that having more German naval powers meant that no single German power would dominate the Baltic. Sweden-Saxony has great success in the war initially, but in a turn of surprise Britain, who is scared of the growing Swedish naval power, assists Pomerania. Pomerania-British alliance wins, and Pomerania takes a little land from Saxony.
* 1872-1878: Communard revolution in France ignites, and spreads to Spain. Spain is ruled by communards and results in the independence of the Mexican Empire and Peru. A separate Belgique communard revolution occurs and leads to unification with France (in 1874). The Communard attempts to spread to central Europe and the Italian states but is stopped by an alliance of European powers led by Austria and Britain. Eventually the radical Communard faction is kicked out of power by a moderate Communard faction that sought peaceful coexistence with the British and other European powers. This leads to a mending of relations between the British and France.
* 1870s-1880s: Russia strengthens its colonial efforts on the Pacific, leading to a more settled Pacific, and Alaska. There is also a short arc of a Dutch king in Russia, which could help them have a more extensive naval outlook on the pacific.
* 1877: Russia becomes suzerain of the Kingdom of Hawaii
* 1885: Russian victory in the Russo-Ottoman War (also known as the Balkan Wars). During the late 19th century Russia slowly strengthen it's economic and military power and after a series of revolts in the Balkans were put down harshly by Ottoman forces, Russia pledged support for independence movements in Serbia and Romania. This led to Russia retaking Crimea, Wallachia, Moldavia, Serbia gaining independence. Austria, who joined the war late, also annexes the upper left tip of the ottoman territory (but were promised more but didn't receive it from Russia).
* 1893: End of the Great Game between Russia and Britain in Central Asia, with the creation of Serindia, a buffer state between Russia and the British Raj.
=== 1900s ===
== East Asia ==
