Krÿsmagt van Nieuw-Nederlandt

From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty

De Krÿsmagt van Nieuw-Nederlandt (English: Armed Forces of New Netherland) are the military forces of New Netherlands. It consists of the Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, and Cyber Command. The Raadpesnionaris together with the “Raad der Defensie” is the Commander in chief of the Armed Forces and forms military policy with the Schouterij der Defensie (SDD). The Raad der Defensie consists of the Raadpensioaris Schout der Defensie, Schout der buitenlandse relaties, and the chief of the military general staff. Together these institutions for the principal organ around which military policy is formulated.

De Krÿsmagt its origins lay in the colonial garrisons stationed in Nieuw-Nederlandt before its independence. These garrisons came directly from the Staatse Leger and by 1730 recruited mainly from the colonies. This laid down a solid military tradition within Nieuw Nederlandt as by 1780 The Nieuw Amsterdamse Militaire Academie had been created to train local officers. When Nieuw Nederlandt declared its independence in 1795 the military forces, that nominally were loyal to the old Dutch republic had received the orders to enforce the orders of the last Stadhouder. Yet outside of a few high-ranking officers who tried and failed to carry it out the orders were largely ignored. Thus in 1795 by order of the newly formed state of Nieuw Nederlandt, the Krygsmagt was formed. It proved vital in proving the nations right to exist as in 1800 it was first employed during skirmishes around New England and later punitive expeditions through the Caribbean and Africa to combat piracy. Throughout its history it remained a high degree of independence, it weathered the formation of the kingdom and then the formation of the Patroon republic relatively safely only being involved in some cases and retaining its independence as an institution. The modern form of De Krÿsmagt was created in 1905/6 after the Revolution and the formation of a republic, during that revolution the military had long since felt that the old goverment did not serve the state but rather itself supported it. This early involvement allowed it to gain more independence, less oversight and aided in the solidification, especially after the Tussenlandt expedition in 1906 of NNL her military culture. Through the early 20th century it modernized rapidly focusing on its army and eventually on its navy becoming a premier power on the continent.

De Krÿsmagt is one of the largest military forces in terms of personnel. It draws its personnel from a large pool of paid volunteers. Although its reserves mainly come from a large pool of conscripts, with mandatory conscription for all males and females aged 18 - 25 for a period of 20 months. These conscripts mainly serve in secondary units and are intended not as a standing military, which relies upon the paid volunteers but rather having a large able and trained reserve force ready to be deployed. These factors combined with the status de Krÿsmagt has within society make its recruitment rather easy and make its soldiers highly motivated.

De krÿsmagt is one of the world’s most effective and powerful militaries. Its military budget is around 120 Billion Guilders, not including off-the-books funding. This large budget allowed it to develop significant combat capabilities and power projection capabilities as well. It is also said that de Krÿsmagt her greatest strength is its ability to process and learn from its mistakes and from others due to its institutionalized educational culture. All these factors as well as its behavior in the Mexican expedition have given de Krÿsmagt a reputation abroad of being cold and calculated and in some cases even ruthless in how it executes operations.


Branches and a quick overview

Command structure

Relationship with civilian goverment

Conscription & Kommando


