Jonkman Enterprises: Difference between revisions

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==== First stages of development ====
The company continued to expand its operations and wealth slowly throughout the 1700s, outlasting several other local corporations which went bankrupt. Petrus Jonkman, the third-generationson ownerof Cornelis Jonkman, took over in 1743the 1720s. He was contrasted with the elite and power-hungry Patroon families who ran the colony of New Netherland.
In 1789, being one of the largest trading companies of New Netherland already, sought to diversify. It bought out many minor companies and trading outposts, giving it a foothold in Latin America and Asia immediately after [[History of New Netherland#New Netherland Independence (1795-1796)|New Netherland gained its independence]]. They participated in forming economic ties between New Netherland and countries such as [[Mexico]], [[Florida]], and [[Tauland]].
