Colombia: Difference between revisions

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Colombia had a direct role in the Peruvian Civil War from 1944 to 1963. Started by a rebellion of National Republican character inside the military of Peru in Lima, it soon turned into a bloody conflict. Colombia, fearing the consequences of another National Republican regime along Equador's borders, assembled with Brasil, Carolina, and Paraguay in Quito to organize a coalition in support of the Peruvian Monarchy. The Quito Coalition lasted through the totality of the conflict and was the root of the creation of the Organization Of The Southern Cross as a way to integrate more of the nations of South America.
===== Amazonic Skirmishes (19481953-1962) =====
In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Colombia experienced rapid economic and population growth. Large-scale agriculture became more common and started advancing more on the country savannas and part of the Amazon, which at the time was very much untouched land only inhabited by traditional communities and native tribes. This advance was encouraged by eastern departments to accelerate their economic development, received the nickname "march to the east," and soon started to threaten the way of life of the rural traditional population.
Conflituous interests soon became skirmishes due to the advancing deforestation. At first, not so much attention was paid to the situation by the government, but in 1956, aerial photos showed signs of an Equadorian presence near the border with Roraima and traces of improvised paths through the jungle for supplies. After the discovery, the Colombian government started a more aggressive approach to end the hostilities once and for all, as a National Republican rebellion was feared. From 1957 to 1962, the Colombian National Guard and Army conducted several pacification operations. But peace only came after the San Felipe Compromise in 1962 between the federal government and the traditional leaders. The compromise vows to protect traditional and native communities way of life and the creation of several full environmental protection and semi-protection territories in the east of the country. Most of them are located in Cundinamarca and Orinocco. This move made Colombia one of the first South American nations to develop a strong environmental policy.
===== Annexation of Genoese territories (1953) =====
