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=== Colombian Revolution ===
=== Colombian Revolution ===
Starting in the early 1830's southern and central Europe erupted into a wave of revolutions based upon liberalism, republicanism and nationalism known as the [[Spring of Nations]]. Some of the earliest of these revolutions were in the Iberian peninsula with revolutionaries calling for the Spanish and Portuguese empires to reform their political systems with some revolutionaries going as far as to call for the abolition of the monarchies.
Starting in the early 1830's southern and central Europe erupted into a wave of revolutions based upon liberalism, republicanism and nationalism known as the [[Spring of Nations]]. Some of the earliest of these revolutions were in the Iberian peninsula with revolutionaries calling for the Spanish and Portuguese empires to reform their political systems with some revolutionaries going as far as to call for the abolition of the monarchies. The ideals of the Spring of Nations spread to the Spanish and Portuguese American colonies throughout the 1830's culminating in a series of (mostly unsuccessful) revolts in Puerto Rico, New Spain, Brazil and in New Granada. In the viceroy of New Granada, there was a growing dissatisfaction amongst local merchants and criollo elites as well as amongst the lower classes who've become limited in socio-political advancement due to the restrictive Spanish c''asta'' system.

The Colombian Revolution started in 1836 with a series of liberal revolts in Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla and Maracaibo. In March of 1838 the [[Colombian Revolutionary Congress]] organized a militia and occupied the city of Medellín. Over the year, the Colombian highlands erupted into armed revolt under the revolutionary congress; in November of 1839 the revolutionary congress decides on a platform of abolition of slavery which helped to spread the revolution to the Caribbean and Pacific coastal lowlands. By the end of the year, the revolutionary congress was in control of most of Venezuela, Trinidad, the Colombian Pacific coast and the Colombian highlands with Spanish royalist forces being limited to the Atlantic coasts and the Ecuadorian highlands. In October of 1842 Spanish forces retreated from their last strongholds in Barranquilla and Cartagena and in December Spanish and Colombian diplomatic signed the Treaty of Medellín (1842) in which the Spanish recognized the independence of New Granada but Spanish sovereignty and control over Ecuador was recognized (with the region being reorganized under the authority of the viceroy of Peru).
== Government and politics ==
== Government and politics ==