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|languages= {{unbulleted_list | Cantonese
| Mandarin | Various regional languages}}
|currency= Huaxia BiHuabi (華幣; HXB)
}}'''Huaxia''' (華夏), officially the '''Huaxia Republic''' (華夏民國; ''Hwahsia Minkwo'')'','' is a country in East Asia. Its capital and largest city is Kwangchow (廣州) located south of the country. Huaxia is dominated by the Han people, which built the world's first civilizations in the fertile basin of the Yellow River. For millenia, the region's political systems based around absolute hereditary monarchies and dynasties, most recent of which are the Qing 清朝(1644-1855) and Tenchyew 天朝 (1855-1931).
Bureaucrats, rtl-contributors, Administrators
