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==Fall of Batavia (1976)==
The“De marchlaaste towardsronde” BataviaDe Bataafse evacuatie” or the fall of Batavia as it’sits sometimes called is the name given to the final months of fighting of the eastEast indies crisis and. the war its final period. Theis periodoften camesaid to anhave endended onat exactly 23:48 11 November 1976, when the last Dutch ship left the port of Batavia and when the EILFSoendanese finallyrebels took all ofover the city after a brutal siege.
Historians mark the start of the march“De towardslaaste Bataviaronde” when prime minister HavermanHaberman accepted the Krijgmacht her so-called Vetrek“vertrek” operation. The operation in detail laid out the withdrawal of Dutch & KNIL forces from the various theatres of operations in the archipelago., Itit was not a fullcomplete withdrawal but rather a slow methodical withdrawal thattoward wouldstrategic seeand adefensible pull-outpositions. andIt relocationwould overtimebe tofrom strategicthere locations while increasingthat the airfinal anddeparture navalwould attacks,be inorganized. theDuring end,this ittime wasthe plannedDutch outwould thatmaintain fromfull-on thoseair finaland holdoutsnaval theysupremacy wouldand pullkeep outraids entirelyat to safea zonesmaximum. While onOn paper itthis plan was a good plan in practice tho once implemented it became a bloody affair as the fighting withdrawalwithdrawals waswere intense and the. Dutch soldiers showedhad nofought mercyin andan inarchipelago somefor cases16 brutal years, indoctrinated by over a decade of propaganda were unwilling to just let go without a fight. the numerousfinal KNILbattles unitsand wentoperations rogue,were creatingthus casesoften whereconsidered Dutchbrutal soldiersas foughtentire againststockpiles KNILof forcesmunitions were emptied.
==== Rogue KNIL units ====
This period of the war is considered one of the more brutal periods of the war in regards to the sheer amount of death and destruction that was carried out by both sides.
De Koninlijke Nederlands Indisch Leger had been turned into an elite, effective military force in the past 16 years and was not about to give up the region they conquered. It was thus the case that many units went rogue, as seen in Pinang and in some cases like the massacre of Metro, southern Sumatra, Dutch and KNIL units were actively engaged in fighting. These finals months were chaotic and it is said that many KNIL units eventually centralised around Pinang.
This period of the war is considered one of the more brutal periods of the war in regardsregard to the sheer amount of death and destruction that was carried out by both sides.
==== March on Batavia ====
On the 17th of October, Soendanese rebels insisted upon a large-scale uprising throughout Dutch-controlled Java. This eventually led to heavy fighting across the island leading many more people to die. The dutch at this point were not holding back anything and many of the soldiers fighting where battle-hardened veterans, that effectively had been people that spent their early adult lives just fighting. It is said that during this period of the conflict in these final months some 1.2 million people died.
Soendanese forces using a combination of regular forces and guerrilla forces, combined with the Dutch fighting capacity being reduced due to the withdrawals, fighting with the rogue KNIL units, were able to push towards Batavia. This eventually started a massive siege and intense street fighting between the Dutch and Soendanese that saw much of the city be destroyed, as chemical weapons where used to hold back the incoming rebels. All of this fighting was done to evacuate the remaining civilian population, it is said that during these final days chaos reigned but some of NL her future prime ministers made themselves known as they led counter attacks or rescued numerous children.
====Withdrawal from Celebes====
==== Operatie Retributie ====
==Aftermath ==
