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== Background ==
== Background ==
In the aftermath of the great war, the Netherlands suffered greatly in a short time. The lowlands campaign, combined with the eventual grinding down of the French advance along the Rhine and the push back had exhausted the Netherlands. Its factories in the south were either destroyed or badly damaged, its production centers in the north working overtime to provide the goods needed to rebuild the south. All of this required raw natural resources, it was thus that more pressure was put upon the Dutch East Indies, the crown jewel in the Dutch empire to deliver the resources to rebuild the Netherlands. Most shocking for many of the local monarchies that enjoyed autonomy under Dutch rule was the fact that the Netherlands decided to centralize everything. Governors would now be appointed that answered to Batavia directly and the ancient rulers would be nothing more than wealthy ceremonial rulers.
In the aftermath of the great war, the Netherlands suffered greatly in a short time. The lowlands campaign, combined with the eventual grinding down of the French advance along the Rhine and the push back had exhausted the Netherlands. Its factories in the south were either destroyed or badly damaged, its production centers in the north working overtime to provide the goods needed to rebuild the south. All of this required raw natural resources, thus that more pressure was put upon the Dutch East Indies, the crown jewel in the Dutch empire to deliver the resources to rebuild the Netherlands.
The demands of the home nation, led to the hervormingen va het koloniaal bestuur in 1941. These reforms had a simple goal to make the resource extraction more effective and increase productivity, it led to the mechanization of the agricultural sector, centralization of power modernization of mining operations and a rapid expansion of existing resource extraction sites. All of this while on the surface things that could be argued as good in reality led to an upheaval in the traditional lifestyle and hundredths of thousands of now poor peasants flocked to the urban centers, swelling the cities and straining their resources. Poverty & crime became common in many of the cities and the living standard deteriorated to a point that even within the Netherlands many questioned it.

This pressure led to a series of reforms that would change how the east indies were governed. The first of the reforms, de hervormingen van 1941, would see a large-scale centralization of governance in the east indies. Former client states and protectorates were now made nothing more than ceremonial puppets, any power they left was taken away. Now governors would be appointed directly from Batavia with full control over their regions of governance.
This went on for nearly a decade causing severe social and economic changes, until the sultan of Johor, once a powerful sultan that enjoyed a great deal of prestige had enough of it. He could see that in this current state of affairs being aligned with the Dutch was no longer beneficial to his family or his interests. It was then that he was approached by members of the National Republican party.

All of these reforms had a simple goal, to make the extraction of resources from the east indies more effective and increase productivity. It would see the mass mechanization of the agricultural sector, which would lead to many of the farmer's traditional lifestyles being destroyed with tens of thousands if not more being forced to move into the cities. Swelling the city's populations massively to a point that many of the local cities simply did not have the resources to deal with this massive surge of people. This led to a rise in crime and poverty and resentment towards the Dutch colonial authorities that did not do anything to counter this rise in crime and poverty and create a prime recruiting ground for the various rebel groups.
They argued that this with the Netherlands weakened that now was the time to take control of the situation. Convinced by their words the sultan using the amount of social influence he still had pushed his people in the direction of the National Republicanists, all of this (due to a lack of records not much is known about how it was done) led to a radicalization of the Johor population, a population that had in the past 5 years almost quadrupled as the poor entered the city looking for a better job. Eventually, after 1 year of preparations, the national republicans felt confident enough that with their allies on the other islands it was time to launch the revolution, its starting point in Johor.

With this situation continuing for nearly a decade, it having severe social and economic changes. It was in the Sultan of Johor that a once-powerful sultan who had in the reforms lost a great deal of prestige. While at the same time seeing the city his family built to become a hub of crime and villainy. A city where the local national republican party has gained a great deal of support. Support that was slowly building up into an open rebellion, as eventually, the national republicans of Djohor managed to convince the sultan to launch a rebellion that would free him and his realm from the Dutch colonial rule. They argued that with the Netherlands being weak, due to internal political upheaval, the effects of the great war and a refocus of its military towards Europe due to the silent war. He was eventually convinced and after a year of preparations in secret, gathering arms and setting up groups planning it all out they decided to strike.
On the 4th of may 1952 in the early hours, the local Dutch administrators were killed in their beds and Dutch loyalist police forces were arrested and killed. This was the start of what would become known as the Johor uprising, or as it's known in Sunda “'''The butchering of Johor'''”.

On the 4th of may 1952 in the early hours, the local Dutch administrators were killed in their beds and Dutch loyalist police forces were arrested and killed. This was the start of what would become known as the Johor uprising, or as it's known in Sunda “The butchering of Johor”.
==== A response in force ====
The National republicans had severely underestimated the ability and willingness of the Netherlands to respond. They had suspected that with their focus on rebuilding their home nation, political upheaval at home, and a general downturn in the economy they would not be to mount an effective response, they would be open to negotiation.

It was thus on the 4th of May 1952 that across the Johor sultanate, the Dutch administrators, policemen and KNIL garrisons were all ambushed and killed. Marking the start of what would become known as the Johor rebellion.
In reality, all of these reasons made the Netherlands more reactionary, fearing that if Johor was allowed to succeed if they showed leniency if they showed mercy that their primary source of resources would slip through their fingers, they responded in a way not counted on by the rebels. It was thus that on the 5th of May when it became apparent what had transpired in Johor. the governor-general of the DEI Martien van der Goot in an infamous order to the KNIL;

'''Devastation of Johor'''
''“Make an example out of these rebels.”''

With the success of the neutralization of KNIL & DEI government forces in the sultanate, it was hoped that this would at first provide them with a strong position. It was the belief that the Netherlands would not be able to deploy the forces needed to deal with them. In that belief they were wrong. When news reached Batavia that Djohor had rebelled and neutralized all the DEI her ability to quell the rebellion in the region. Yet Batavia was under a great deal of pressure from the Netherlands, with the DEI being the primary source of raw cheap natural resources the Hague could not tolerate any form of rebellion, for otherwise, it might be the spark that would hinder the rebuilding of the mother country.
With these orders, the KNIL was under command of hardened veteran Lieutenant-Generaal J.A. Vetter, who had lost his son while commanding the regiment that broke the French lines around Lille, and was a man who had gained a reputation for his ruthlessness. He first ordered local KNIL garrisons to start a campaign to push the rebels into a contained area, supported by overwhelming airpower this happened within a short period of time, resulting in many of the rebels being pushed back into the capital area within just 2 weeks of fighting.

Governor-General Martien van der Goot in the early hours of the 5th of May only had his point of view one option. To crush the rebellion in any way necessary for it should not become the first of a wider rebellion. As shown from recently released documents Governor-General Martiem van der Goot thus ordered, the commander of the KNIL Lieutenant-Generaal J.A. Vetter, the following:
With the rebels contained to the city, a 5-day-long shelling of the city was started, destroying much of the old city and killing countless civilians. After the shelling KNIL troops were led lose upon the city and it was here that what modern-day Sunda historians call the Butchering of Johor started. KNIL soldiers started wide-scale executions against anyone who could pose a threat, they set fire to the parts of the city not destroyed and eventually headed towards the sultan's palace.

“Make an example out of these rebels.”
In the palace what happened is not clear but what is clear is on that day that the Johor lineage ended.

It was an order that the veteran commander, a veteran of the Corean expedition, and the great war and a hardened man, would follow to the letter. It must be understood that the KNIL of 1941 was an organization that was different from itself in 1935. Experience in the Corean war, the great war all had created a battle-hardened organization that was more brutal in the way it carried out its operations than what was the norm in the regular military.
To this day this remains a highly controversial topic.

The KNIL send with immediate haste the 9th Batavian regiment that landed on the old island in front of Johor. There they fought with the local National Republicans for around 6 days, it was slow but steady but eventually, the island was fully secured. It was then that the city was further surrounded by the lands and a combined push was made leading to the slow but steady degradation of the fighting capabilities of Johor. What is seen as a mistake by the rebels is that they attempted to mee the KNIL in open battle, which led to heavy losses on their side. Eventually, at the end of the month, the city had been breached and the rebellion was quickly turning to urban warfare leading to the destruction of the city.
It was thus that at the end of may 1952 the rebellion was crushed and an example had been set. This forced the national republicans to go to the countryside and eventually to Russia, this created heavy anti dutch feelings in the more religious communities of the region and would lay the foundations of what would become the east indies crisis.

It is here that rumours are about because it was during the destruction of the city that the term “Butchering of Johor” came to be. KNIL soldiers showed little mercy and did not care and saw all locals as rebels resulting in wide-scale destruction. It was also here that, to this day is a controversial topic, it is said KNIL death squats moved into the palace and eliminated the royal family in its entirety.

While this remains disputed this is the principal event that is seen as the precursor to the EIC. As this led the National republicans to flee to Russia and to train become better organised and spread their movement.

== Start of the revolt ==
== Start of the revolt ==