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(→‎Background: I made the lore less graphic)
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== Final Period of the War ==
1972 the 9th of march could be marked as the start of the final phase of the war, a phase that at the same time is considered to be the most destructive period in the war.
1972 the 9th of march marked the start of the final and most brutal phase of the war. Through the 5 years period of relative calm, yet still fighting was intense but no major offensives took place, the EILF had infiltrated and expanded their operations on Java the bastion of Dutch colonial control. This had in the 5 years resulted in several strikes, terrorist attacks, and small uprisings. These were all easily crushed but they were only small scale and thus on the whole Dutch forces were lulled in a sense of security when it came to Java. At the start of march 1972 around 83,000 Dutch soldiers both KNIL and the regular dutch army were stationed on the island. While on Borneo some 70,000 were stationed, on Celebs some 90,000 were stationed on Sumatra 120,000 were stationed and in Malaya 100,000 were station. With a total of 463,000 army personnel and some 80,000 air force and 50,000 naval personnel being stationed through the archipelago.
In the previous 5 years, there was a relative calm in the region. While fighting was still quite common and intensive in the guerilla war sense. There were however no major EILF offensive operations, this was in hindsight due to a large reorganization of the EILF military forces, in combination with a large effort to infiltrate Java the bastion of Dutch colonial control. All that had really taken place over the past 5 years were strikes throughout Java, terrorist attacks and small-scale uprisings, all of these were however crushed. All of these due to their scale lulled the Dutch forces on the island into a false sense of security.
In 1972 on the 9th of a march on the eastern side of the island of java this all changed when a large-scale uprising took place. Across the eastern side of the island in the countryside around major cities they rose up and slaughter took place in the first 48 hours. Dutch forces were engaged everywhere but there and chaos ensued as nobody had expected this. This chaos in the Dutch command structure and the sense of security that was on Java and the lack of troops in eastern java created a slaughter of Eurasian civilians, Dutch civilians, administrators, and everyone who was remotely associated with the Dutch when they took large parts of the cities, with only the harbor sections being defended by local Dutch soldiers.  This period that started on the 9th of March and lasted until the 11th of March is known in the Netherlands as “'''De Java moorden'''” or the Java killings, in total, it’s estimated some 11,000 civilians died. It was only on the 11th of March that the Dutch command structure had a good idea of what was going on. The uprising on eastern java was coordinated with large-scale conventional offensives on the Malayan peninsula and across Sumatra and Borneo and even an attack on Malakka.
In 1972 the Dutch forces throughout the archipelago were quite spread, with around 83,000 KNIl & Regular Dutch soldiers stationed on Java. While on Borneo 70,000 Dutch soldiers were stationed and actively engaged. On Celebs, some 90,000 men were stationed and were still fighting quite heavily on the island. With some 120,000 men bieng stationed on Sumatra and 100,000 men being stationed in the Malayan peninsula around Johor and Penang. With a total of 73,000 naval personal and 120,000 air force personal being stationed throughout the entire archipelico.
The Dutch response to all that was taking place in what was dubbed “'''Het maart offensief'''” was one that would set the tone of the remainder of the war. The counter-offensive took place in multiple theatres. The primary theatre and where the response was the quickest was that of eastern Java. Dutch armored forces and the by now famous “Lucht brigades” or air brigades came in hard and fast and started a full-on clearing operation across the countryside and eventually securing the city of Semarang, where brave Dutch defenders held out against the EILF insurgents. When the city was liberated on the 14th of March a large battle ensued that would say many of the insurgents not make it back home. At the same time, marines from de Korps Mariniers supported by the carrier “van Amstel” conduct an amphibious assault near the city of Surabaya, where Dutch soldiers were holding out while being surrounded by insurgents. The fighting around the city and eventually in the city was some of the most brutal fighting the war had seen so far.
On the 5th of march, in eastern Java in the Jember region, all of this queite on Java changed. A large scale coordinated uprising took place across the Jember region, from her countryside region to its major urban area’s the uprising was widescale. In this uprising hatred for the Dutch and their allies reached a boiling point and in the 48 hours after the uprising started a large scale slaughter of Dutch officials, chinese and Indo’s took place. This uprising his the Dutch by suprise and there was chaos across the Dutch command structure for Java and the security it was assumed it had meant that not enough troops where available. Thus delay in their operational ability resulted in in the wide slaughter of Eurasians civilians across eastern Java with only coastal towns being able to hold out due Dutch marines being present and defending the civilians.
At the end of what was called the Java uprising which officially according to Dutch history ended on the 28th of March 1972, some 11,000 Dutch civilians had died, 5400 soldiers were KIA, 617 were MIA, and 19,182 were wounded. While on the EILF side the numbers sometimes disputed were far higher. According to captured documents of the EILF a total of 43,019 men died in the first 3 days, while in the last 15 days a total of 111,179 casualties  (71,192 killed and 39,987 wounded).  It is said to be some of the most brutal fighting and highest casualty rates of the war and it would set the tone for the remainder of the conflict. In regards to civilian casualties caused by the Dutch counteroffensive to this day, it is disputed, however, all agree that the numbers reach into the millions.
this period known as the Java moorden, ended on the 9th of march when the local army forces where able to coordinate a large scale counter offensive and supression campaign. Yet when a large scale offensive was started across the peninsula on the 11th of march the supression campaign was deemed over and the major urban centers where once again under Dutch control. This did result in countless deaths across Java and would start the insurgency campaign in Java.
In response to the large scale offensive by the EILF the Dutch launched its own counter offensives. This is known as the Maart offensief, it was an offensive that would set the tone for the remainder of the war. The counter offensive took place in multiple area’s of operations, the primary theatre and where the response was the quickest was Java where the air mobile units where deployed in force to brutally supress any town. While on Sumatra and Malaya these air mobile units, in combination with armored forces pushed hard and fast and started a full clearing operation across the countryside. No more where towns exempt now the entire wrath of the Netherlands was brought to bare on the Malayan and Sumatran peninsula.
Semarang, where the Dutch held out against the EILF insurgents, was eventually liberated in a brutal campaign that left the cities filled with death and the EILF insurgents littered the countryside. It was a brutal campaign and would eventually lead to the stability of the entire front but at a great cost for the Dutch now no longer held anything back they made no more distinction between combatans and non combatans due to the java insurgency and murders having altereded their mindset.
At the end of what was called the Java uprising which officially according to Dutch history ended on the 28th of March 1972, some 11,000 Dutch civilians had died, 5400 soldiers were KIA, 617 were MIA, and 19,182 were wounded. While on the EILF side the numbers sometimes disputed were far higher. According to captured documents of the EILF a total of 43,019 men died in the first 3 days, while in the last 15 days a total of 111,179 casualties  (71,192 killed and 39,987 wounded).  It is said to be some of the most brutal fighting and highest casualty rates of the war and it would set the tone for the remainder of the conflict. In regards to civilian casualties caused by the Dutch counteroffensive to this day, it is disputed, however, all agree that the numbers reach into the millions.
=== The Bloodying ===
