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== Background ==
== Background ==
It is often said by many modern Batavosphere historians, that the routes of the conflict lay in the Indische opstand van 1943 (Indian uprising of 1943). It was a conflict that orginated due to the effects of the Great war, as the Netherlands in 1940 was in tatters it needed more natural resources to rebuilt. This meant that Batavia would start to become more involved in the adminsitration of lands outside of Java. This was a stark departer from the prior Dutch colonial policy of indirect rule where everyone was left to their own devices as long as the tributes where paid. It was a system that was inefficient and riddled with corruption, something would not work for the Dutch, considering that they in their view needed all the wealth they could get to rebuilt their home.
The conflict emerged from the “''Indische opstand van 1943''” or Indian uprising of 1943, which was fought between Dutch colonial forces mainly the KNIL (Koninklijk Nederlandsch-Indisch Leger), and rebelling sultanates their militia’s and revolutionaries across the archipelago. It in turn happened as a direct result of a change in the Dutch rule which before 1942 was indirect with the sultans retaining a large degree of autonomy in their sultanates/Kingdoms. Dutch colonial administration was concerned with turning a profit and economic exploitation and thus their presence outside of Java was often relegated to administration or a military garrison if it was a major city. Yet the system was inefficient and riddled with corruption and thus in late 1941 from the Netherlands an order was given to reform the system and centralize it. This move an unpopular one and the Sultans did protests but it was ignored and thus in 1943 the sultans lost their official government power and were relegated to ceremonial roles. This was not taken lightly and what followed where a series of uprisings across Sumatra, Malaya, and Celebs. These uprisings or revolutions were possible due to the influx of arms from the great war, yet despite the relative nature of the opposition Dutch colonial forces KNIL brutally suppressed and crushed the rebelling sultanates and factions. Through 1943 entire rebel sultanates were put to the torch, royal families that ruled for centuries were extinguished and only those that surrendered or remained loyal would retain some form of wealth and status. It was this brutal suppression that laid the groundwork for the uprising in 1960, as a new generation of revolutionary had been born from it, trained and equipped by the Russians they would slowly be built up through the 1950s and spread themselves waiting for the moment to strike. In February of 1960, it was their moment when in the north of Sumatra near the border with British Aceh several towns killed their Dutch administrators promoting the KNIL to respond and it was there that the conflict in many people their eyes started.

This led to the “Hervormingen van koloniaal bestuur” in 1941, these reforms centralised colonial adminsitration, appointing governors to the kingdoms that prior to these reforms enjoyed an enourmes amount of autonomy. This move was very unpopular with the sultans, who where now nothing more then ceremonial puppets. While they did make formal protests to the government in Batavia these protests where flat out ignored due to the need of the Dutch to get as much resources as they could.

These actions by the Dutch eventually led to a series of uprisings in early 1943s in the Celebs and Malaya, carried out by sultans, who where armed by the influx of Corean weapons, Russian weapons and even Dutch weapons from the end of the great war. These revolts, centered around Johor in the Malayan peninsula where brutally crushed by the KNIL. In an act that by some contemporary critics was called excessive, the entire rebelling sultanates where put to the tourch, their entire families simply executed and burned in their palace.  This eventually led to a wider uprising through the entire peninsula by the sultanates, these uprisings where however unorganised, ill equiped and in the end where crushed. The KNIL following the same policy set as before thus ended in a single year entire dynasty’s and their allies in what some in modern day archipelico simply call the “The cleaning”. It is these actions that showed the nacent revolutionaries that where not sultans that the Dutch where not the once’s that would negotiate and that armed struggle was their only way.

They found a home in Russia where they wher eeducated and trained in the methods they needed to succesfully launch a large scale insurection. When they returned in 1953 they went to work laying the foundations through the former lands of the sultans focusing on Celebs, Sumatra and Johor preparing for what they knew would be a hard fight.

== Start of the revolt ==
== Start of the revolt ==