Western Turkish: Difference between revisions

Redid infobox, introduction, orthography section, orthography table, and added Selimiya script.
m (Fixed error.)
(Redid infobox, introduction, orthography section, orthography table, and added Selimiya script.)
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{{Infobox language|boxsize=250px|name=Western Turkish|stateboxsize=250px|states=[[Ottoman Empire]]|nation= <br> [[OttomanRumelia]] Sultanate<br> [[Russia]] </br> [[RumeliaPersia]]|fam1=Turkic|fam2=Ohus|ethnicity=[[Turkish people]]|standards=Ottoman </br> Rumelian|script=Perso-Arabic </br> Cyrillic </br> Latin}}
'''Western Turkish''' (''Bati TuerkisiTürktšesi'', orبَتۡ ''Tuerki-eتٰرك۬سِ) Garp'', also known as ''Баты'Common ТꙟркисиOhus''' (ٯ۟وز), تركیis باتیسی‎;a /bɑˈtɯ.ˈtyɾcisi/)language isor andialect Ohuscontinuum of the Turkic language family spoken in western Asia,throughout eastern Europe, Anatolia, and northernthe Near AfricaEast. It is thea primary officialpluricentric language of the [[Ottoman Sultanate]] and [[Rumelia]], with each having established theirtwo ownstandard standardizedregisters varietyknown namedas '''Ottoman''' (''Osmanlidša,Osmânlidša'', عثمانلوجهعثمانلۡچَ) and '''Rumelian''' (''Rumelidša,'' Румелиџа) respectively. Both varieties, thoughunder withthe theirinfluence ownof characteristicsmodern [[Orkhonism|Orkhonist]] language policies, are basedversions onof the19th-century ConstantinopleImperial dialectOttoman that had underwent significant de-Persianisation, simplification, and other reform processes.
As a member of the Ohus family, Western Turkish is remarkably similar to its sister languages in [[Persia]], southern [[Russia]], and southwestern [[Turkestan]]. Due to [[Orkhonism|Orkhonist]] rule in the Ottoman Empire during the early 20th century, the language underwent partial de-Persianization, leading to its modern form more closely resembling Turkic languages further east.
== History ==
== Geographic distribution ==
== Phonology ==
== VarietiesOrthography ==
From medieval times to the early 19th century, Anatolian Turkish and related Ohus varieties were mostly written with the traditional Perso-Arabic script, though the practice of writing the language in Cyrillic, Greek, or Armenian became increasingly common. After the [[Augustine Wars]], heightened levels of literacy and cultural exchange with foreign powers led to the proliferation of Turkish written in alternative orthographies, weakening the position of traditional Perso-Arabic, which was criticized due to its superfluous letters and lack of proper vowel representation.
== Script ==
There are three distinct scripts used to write Western Turkish; Perso-Arabic, Latin, and Cyrillic.
Perso-Arabic script has been used to write Turkic languages since medieval times and has been the chief script of the Ottoman state since its establishment in the 13th century. It is often considered to have several issues representing the Turkish language, with its low orthographic transperancy being comparable to that of French. The script was outlawed in Rumelia in 1945 under the rule of Azize Halilkizi Schumnulu, but remains the dominant script of the Ottoman Sultanate to this day.
The Latin script, also known as the [https://rosestulipsandliberty.com/lang/turkish.html Manastir romanization], was created in 1923 by a group of [[Austria|Austrian]] and [[Ottoman Sultanate|Ottoman]] linguists for Ottoman Turkish. It draws heavily from German and Slavic orthography. While originally beginning as a romanization system, it was eventually adapted as a script by several Ohus communities across Eurasia. In the 1930s, it was adapted in order to write related languages in Persia, Turkestan, and [[Serindia]]. It may also be called the Zhamakowić system, after Rumelian linguist and scholar Celal Zhamakowić.
The early 20th century brought with it a renewed interest in the reformation of Western Turkish. In 1924, the [https://rosestulipsandliberty.com/lang/turkish.html Žamakowić romanization system] devised by a team of [[Austria|Austrian]] and Ottoman linguists gained official status in the Ottoman Empire. From 1939–1945, the creation of an [[Rumelia|independent Rumelian state]] saw the adoption of Cyrillic as an official script alongside Latin; all forms of Perso-Arabic were heavily censored.
Cyrillic has been formally used to write Western Turkish since the early 20th century, when Rumelia adopted the writing system in the early 1940s. The letters used in Rumelian's Cyrillic alphabet are based upon those of [[Illyria]], the Greek script, and the 19th century Cyrillic scripts which had been briefly used in Russian-occupied Turkestan and Serindia.
Deeply concerned for the position of Perso-Arabic script in Ottoman society, [[Osman IV]] established an orthographic commission in 1957 seeking to reform the script. The Selimiya script (''Skrittura Selimije'', سكرِتُّرَ س۬لِيمایگه‎), announced publicly in 1960, though based off the Perso-Arabic writing system, included several new letters and diacritics in order to accurately represent the phonology of Western Turkish.
==== Consonants ====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
!Letter name
|<small>/k/, /c/</small>
|ب م
| '''m'''
| m
|و غ
|ط ت
|ث س ص
|ظ ذ ز ض
|غ گ
|ح خ
|ق ك
! rowspan="2" |Latin
| rowspan="2" |b
| rowspan="2" |p
| rowspan="2" |d
| rowspan="2" |t
| colspan="2" rowspan="2" |s
| rowspan="2" |g
| rowspan="4" |h
| rowspan="2" |r
| rowspan="2" |f
| rowspan="2" |k
| rowspan="2" |l
| rowspan="2" |ng
| rowspan="2" |m
| rowspan="2" |n
| rowspan="2" |j
|'''w / v'''
|'''tš / tsch'''
|'''dš / dsch'''
|'''š / sch'''
|'''ž / zh'''
==== Vowels ====
{| class="wikitable"
| colspan="3" |ا ه
| colspan="2" |ى
| colspan="4" |و
| rowspan="3" |a
|'''u / h / j'''
| colspan="2" |e
| colspan="2" |i
|∅, ◌ː, j
! colspan="4" |<small>Vowels</small>
|ِ◌ / ی
|'''i / j'''
|и / я
|◌/ وٰ
|'''ü / ue'''
|◌۬ / ى۬
|ٖ◌ / وٖ
|'''ö / oe'''
|◌ۡ / ىۡ
|ُ◌ / و
|َ◌ / ا
| colspan="2" |e
|ْ◌ / وْ
== See also ==
* [https://rosestulipsandliberty.com/lang/turkish.html Latin script converter]
