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==== Governance ====
In 1889, King Tedjo moved the capital of Corea to [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyongyang Pjangjang] due to it being closer to [[Poeja]] and its reputation as the ancient capital of Ko-korjo. He mandated the construction of a new palace based on the designs of [https://www.google.com/search?q=anhak+palace&rlz=1C1GCEA_enIE949IE949&oq=anhak+palace&aqs=chrome..69i57j46i175i199i512j69i57j69i60.2621j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Anhak Palace], which was finished in 1897.
==== Death ====
Living in Pjangjang, an industrializing city polluted with coal smoke, lung diseases were common. The King's habitual long-term use of cigars and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thuja_plicata#Chemistry toxic red cedar oil] also contributed to his ill health. It was also confirmed that the King was suffering from liver disease due to consumption of strong alcohols and unsafe herbal treatments.
In 1919, it was confirmed that he was suffering from bronchitis. It lasted for several months and disappeared by the end of the year. In 1920, it reappeared during a state visit to Canton, causing him to collapse and lose consciousness for several hours. Returning to Corea, he spent a few weeks in the coastal town of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeosu Jasoe]. It became apparent his bronchitis was chronic. In January of 1921, he contracted pneumonia. Consequentially, he spent the last days of his life bedridden on the seafront struggling to breathe. The government in Pjangjang was notified of his poor condition and preparations for the coronation of Crown Prince Ki Oeng [웅].
On January 17, the King experienced cirrhosis of the liver, causing a major flare in his pneumonia. He spoke only few words the whole day, merely watching boats pass by and reading his own publications. At around 21:00, his nurse noted that 'his lips turned as blue as [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_pottery_and_porcelain#Joseon celadon] and his face the hue of sunset'. Half an hour later, he muttered in a raspy voice: "Will my mother be vexed at me? I never got baptized as she wanted...". The King's official time of death was recorded as 21:46.
He is buried in the town of Damjang in Tsjalla province. A memorial to him had been erected in Pjangjang in 1933.
== Family ==
* Father: [https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EA%B8%B0%EC%A0%95%EC%A7%84 Ki Tsjandjin] (1798-1881)
* Mother: Unnamed Catholic woman of the Andong Kwan clan
* Wife: Pak Mjanghwa (m. 1872-1883), posthumously honored as Empress
** Crown Prince Ki Oeng, the future King Hjodjo (1875-1941)
* Consorts and their respective issue:
** Noble Consort Soe of the Tsjandju Yi clan (1858-1944)
*** Princess Ki Hwan (1883-1961)
*** Prince Ki Tsjam (1886-1955)
** Noble Consort Hobin of the Andong Kim clan (1849-1902)
*** Princess Mjang (1902-1987)
** Noble Consort Goei-in of the Bjangjang Nam clan (1850-1923)
*** Prince Ki Yoe (1886-1906)
== Legacy ==
==== In arts and media ====
King Tedjo of Sjakwang is depicted in the 1993 series ''Fox of Tsjosan'' [조선의 여우]. He is also a playable character in the New Netherlandish video game ''Kronne van Öst-Indië'', released in 2007.
