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|motto=Simul ad future
|capital= NieuweNew HaagHague
|largest_city= {{unbulleted_listNew |Hague Nieuwe(metropolis) Haag |</br> Zeelandia}} (urban)
|population= 25 Million
|government_type= Republic
|area= 40.846.86≈41,000 km2km
|languages= {{unbulleted_list | Tauland Standard Dutch (Official)</br> |Tauaans Tauland</br> Colloquial Dutch (Tauaans)Banlam |</br> Others
|currency= Taulandse daalder (TLD)
Hokkien Chinese}}
|currency= {{unbulleted_list | Taulandse Guilder (TG), current | Taulandse Daalder (TLD), until 2003}}
|gdp=1.7 Trillion}}
'''Tauland''' (Dutch: ''Taulandt'', Chinese: ''桃國, tau-kuo,'' [[Corean]]: 도란 ''toran,'' Japanese: ''Tōgoku''), officially '''De Republiek van Taulandt''' and formerly '''Formosa''', is a country in East Asia. Neighboring countries include [[Wahhah Republic|China]] to the northwest, [[Japan]] to the northeast, and the [[Philippines]] to the south. New Hague is the capital and has the largest metropolitan area in the country. Other major cities include Zeelandia, Hoodstadt, Schuylerstadt, and Kustadt.
Austronesians settled the island of Formosa around 6,000 years ago. Tauland was first mentioned by Chinese scholars during the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Kingdoms Three Kingdoms era]. Chinese people began settling in Tauland in the 16th century. In the 17th century, the Dutch colonized the island. Three hundred years later, the islands gained independence as the sovereign nation of Tauland.
== Etymology ==
The name Tauland consists of two parts: ''tayw'' ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siraya_language Siraya]: ''people'') and ''landt'' (Dutch: ''land''). It was formerly called Dutch Formosa during its early colonial years, coming from the Portuguese name for the island - ''Ilha Formosa,'' or 'beautiful island'. It is unknown when the name was first used to refer to the island. The earliest mention the name Tauland was in 1739, when it was mentioned colloquially in a colonial document. However, it was not until the 19th century that 'Tauland' become a common name for the nation. The name was officially adopted in the Treaty of Batavia in 1891. Several renderings of the name Tauland exist in [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Min Banlam] (''thokok''), [[Corean]] (도란, ''toran),'' Japanese (''Tōgoku)'', and other languages.
Dating from at least 1635, the Chinese name Tayowan (臺灣) is used colloquially by Chinese speakers. The nation may also be referred to poetically as [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liuqiu_(medieval) Ljoetsjoe] (琉求), though in modern times the name almost exclusively refers to the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryukyu_Islands Ljoetsjoe Archipelago] within Tauland.
== Geography ==
Tauland is an island country in East Asia. The main island, known historically as Formosa or Tayowan, makes up 96% of the area controlled by Tauland, measuring 35,808 square kilometers (13,826 sq mi) and lying some 180 kilometers (112 mi) across the Tauland Strait from the southeastern coast of mainland China. The East China Sea lies to its north, the Philippine Sea to its east, the Luzon Strait directly to its south, and the South China Sea to its southwest. Smaller islands include a number in the Tauland[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penghu Strait includingPescadores], the Penghu[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryukyu_Islands archipelago, Ryukyu islandsLjoetsjoe chainArchipelago], the Kinmen and Matsu Islands near the Chinese coast, and someterritory of the South China SeaParacel Islands.
The main island is a tilted fault block, characterized by the contrast between the eastern two-thirds, consisting mostly of five rugged mountain ranges parallel to the east coast, and the flat to gently rolling plains of the western third, where the majority of Tauland's population reside. There are several peaks over 3,500 m, the highest being Yu Shan at 3,952 m (12,966 ft), making Tauland the world's fourth-highest island. The tectonic boundary that formed these ranges is still active, and the island experiences many earthquakes, a few of them highly destructive. There are also many active submarine volcanoes in the Tauland Straits.
The eastern mountains, known simply as the Tauland Bergen, are heavily forested and home to a diverse range of wildlife,. whileThere landare useseveral inpeaks over 3,500 m, the westernhighest andbeing northern[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yu_Shan lowlandsMount Jade] at 3,952 m. The tectonic boundary that formed these ranges is highlystill regulatedactive, and madethe useisland experiences many earthquakes, a few of asthem muchhighly asdestructive. isThere economicallyare possiblealso many active submarine volcanoes in the Tauland Strait.
=== Climate ===
Tauland lies on the Tropic of Cancer, and its general climate is marine tropical. The northern and central regions are subtropical, whereas the south is tropical and the mountainous regions are temperate. The average rainfall is 2,600 millimeters (100 inches) per year for the island proper; the rainy season is concurrent with the onset of the summer East Asian Monsoonmonsoon in May and June. The entire island experiences hot, humid weather from June through September. Typhoons are most common in July, August and September. During the winter (November to March), the northeast experiences steady rain, while the central and southern parts of the island are mostlyhave sunnysunshine.
== History ==
{{Main|History of Taulandt}}
== Government and Politics ==
Tauland is a constitutional republic, a decentralised unitary state with elements from a parliamentary representative democracy. The legislature is formed of two bodies; the lower house known as the '''<u>Huis van de Burghers'''<u>,</u> directly elected per popular vote. and the upper house or '''<u>Huis der Heeren'''</u>, which are appointed by provincial estates. These two bodies together form the '''Staten der Formosa'''. Tauland's executive branch is called the Raadspensionaris, which is elected by popular vote. The judiciary possesses the ability to keep the State in line with the country's constitution. Tauland's current system of government has been described as the evolution of the old Staten-Generaal with a strong centralized government.
Tauland's executive branch is called the <u>Raadspensionaris</u>, which is elected by popular vote. The judiciary possesses the ability to keep the State in line with the country's constitution. Tauland's current system of government has been described as the evolution of the old Staten-Generaal with a strong centralized government.
=== Administrative divisions ===
Tauland is divided into 9 administrative regions including one overseas region and one overseas territory: Haagland, Heuveland, Schuylerland, Tusschenland, Nieuw Zeeland, Oosvanberg, Bergen, the Paracel islandsIslands and the Loetsjoeautonomy islandsof (overseasthe territory)Loetsjoe Islands.
== Economy ==
== Culture & PeopleDemographics ==
== Culture ==
{{Main|Taulandt culture & People}}
=== Language ===
==== '''Tauland's Dutch dialects''' ====
    1.) '''Tauland Standard Dutch''' (TSD)''': Closestis toa Hollandicdialect Dutch,of butEuropean hasDutch somethat featurespossesses distinct to Tauland; most notablya unique vocabulary and a distinct phonology. There is no significant grammatical difference between Tauland Standard Dutch and HollandicEuropean Dutch with TSD being considered little more than a dialect of Hollandic. It is the language mostof commonly used in schooleducation and government and is considered the lingua franca of the nation.
A group of Dutch variants spoken in Tauland, composed of:
    1.) '''Tauland Standard Dutch (TSD)''': Closest to Hollandic Dutch, but has some features distinct to Tauland; most notably unique vocabulary and a distinct phonology. There is no significant grammatical difference between Tauland Standard Dutch and Hollandic Dutch with TSD being considered little more than a dialect of Hollandic. It is the language most commonly used in school and government and is considered the lingua franca of the nation.
    2.) '''Tauland Colloquial Dutch (TCD)''': More commonly known as "'''Tauaans'''" is an informal and unstandardized Dutch-based creole, infusing influences from Cantonese, Hokkien, Corean & Japanese. It is mostly spoken in urban areas, and particularly the strongest within the lesser educated groups, the youth and those descendent from recent immigrants. Tauaans is notable for it's simplification of Dutch grammar, fast-direct way of speaking and use of slang.
==== '''Chinese dialects''' ====
==== Rjoekjoe languages ====
==== Others ====
== Demographics ==
Tauland, according to the last census, has a population of 25,575,808 as of 31 May 2020. Most of Tauland's landscape is mountainous, thus over 80% of the population living in urban centers. It is the 12th most population-dense nation in the world with 691 inhabitants per square kilometer.
'''Tauland Colloquial Dutch''' (TCD), or Tauaans, is the indigenous [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creole_language creole] of Tauland and is used as a lingua franca.
=== '''Ethnicity''' ===
As of 2021 the population of Tauland consists of the following:
== See also ==
* 70% '''Taulanders'''; mixed race people of mainly Han Chinese, European, and Aboriginal ancestries
* 22% '''Chinese'''; descendants of Han immigrants, mainly from Hokkien and Lingnan regions. Little to no racial admixture
* 3% '''Dutch'''; descendants of European, mainly Dutch-speaking settlers. Little to no racial admixture
* 5% '''others'''; consists of Coreans, Japanese, Filipinos, Kinh Viet
{{ Nations of the World }}
