
Netherlands: Difference between revisions

From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
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== History ==
(Post 1900s history WIP)
Grote Depressie
A period of turbulence following the east indies crisis lasting from 1976 to 2001
After the East Indies crisis and the rapid and sudden influx of nearly 2 million Indo’s, Chinese, and Malayans, combined with the loss of the colony, the death that has been caused to it, and the damage that had been done to the youth of the nation and then eventually it all being for nothing, this resulted in a large so-called great national depression for the Netherlands. This period lasting from 1976 until 2001 could best be described as a period of great, social, economic, cultural, and even physical change for the Netherlands, it was a period of reform, of descent, of the political instability of even in some cases armed conflict yet it was a period in which the Netherlands and what it meant to be Dutch was redefined. It was a period that for many looking back on it while it was far from stable it was a period that was in some cases needed to reshape a nation so lost of purpose and give it new life.  
Will see a rewrite:
Political opposition backlash WIP
The Indo question
The interesting this I think is politics and the political implications. You will probably see a push back as you said the rural and more "forgotten" east provinces to immigrants likely creating a right-wing anti-immigration, anti-interventionist, and maybe federation-skeptic (read doesn't like the KotNL federation) voting bloc and in contrast on the other side a pro-federation, a cosmopolitan voting bloc made up of a coalition of former vets and assimilated refugees.
Additionally, another group that might form is a young social movement maybe up of 2nd generation immigrants who are big into social-liberalism, anti-racism, and college activism.
With the east indies crisis, or the “Indiesche oorlog” dwindling down in 1976, the Netherlands who had fought for 16 years, send 3.5 million men to fight there, has lost over half a million of its own young men, found itself in a turbulent position, while the Haverman goverment won the reelection of 1978, they had lost seats. They still held a majority but their handling of the evacuation and the fact that the war still took away many conscripts that could not vote lost them 6 seats, as well as due to the economic situation becoming rapidly. Thus the Netherlands while politically stable enough, was economically unstable which combined with the scaling down of the military and people losing jobs in related war industries. Another major issue was of course the 2,190,102 Chinese, Malayan and Eurasian refugees that had come to the nation.
Housing was provided but it was haphazard and sometimes straight-up not sufficient, the use of army barracks, empty houses, large camps all were used to house this unprecedented number of people. There was a major issue in that legally all of these people were Dutch citizens and could vote thus they could not be sent back and thus a long-term permanent solution had to be found. This was however harder than initially suspected, originally plans were thrown around to expand some cities in the Eastern provinces a bit to house them and that was it. Yet after a commission had been created it became clear that such an action was not sustainable. In fact, it was clear that the current Dutch economy simply put was not sustainable nor was the current construction culture, urban planning culture, and even land usage, all were found to be not sustainable in a timeframe of 40 years. It was clear something needed to change and for that reason, another commission was created by the Haverman cabinet in 1979. This commission had a simple goal, find a long-term solution to the Netherlands her current problem of housing people and how to integrate it properly with a long-term sustainable economy & housing policy.
Yet before the plan was even done, political trouble started to arise in the provinces of Drenthe, Overijssel, and Gelderland. This was as a journalist uncovered the initially thrown around ideas, of expanding the cities in those provinces at the expense of the Farmers. This seemed to lit a fuse on a tinderbox. This had been coming with hindsight for some time, as those farmers and townspeople were opposite to those in Holland that supported the refugees, as they, in fact, saw it as reverse colonialization and a start of the end of the Dutch identity. While it was not more than some resentment in those three provinces on January 7th, 1980 it became apparent just how serious those people thought it was.
Siege of Lemele
The start of the great change and great troubles
Lemelle was a small town in Overijssel and had nothing of note before the siege, yet on the 7th of January after weeks of political agitations and seemingly being ignored farmers, local people and conservatives made a move unthought of just a week prior. During a convention in the small sleepy town, which was rumored to be turned into a so-called “Indo hub” rumors were later found to be untrue but it did not matter. These people numbering some 1200 total many of them farmers who feared their land to be taken away, stormed the town because it was in fact a weapons dump for the Landmacht. They stormed the town overwhelmed the small security garrison and then, in fact, took it hostage, these members were extremists by all accounts yet their actions signified something of that time, a lack of communication between the government and the people.
What followed was that the extremist known as the “Nederlandse Volks Bescherming” or NVB, fortified the town and ransomed the 450 or so people living in it. Yet the problem was that they were dealing with the government and a security apparatus that came out of a brutal conflict and had long since lost any humanity, according to journalists at least. All of the NVB attempts to negotiate failed, yet their cause gained a mass following as many did not agree with the cosmopolitan view of many of those in Holland, the veterans, and seemingly the goverment.
The NVB tried to negotiate yet failed at every turn and by the 10th of January, the entire town was surrounded by the Marchausee, armed to the teeth with tanks, armored vehicles, and all their soldiers fully equipped as those one could see in the news from the East Indies Crisis. By the 12th of January, it was quite clear that the government was not going to negotiate and that the Marchausee was going to end it.
Battle of Lemele
On the 13th of January 1980, the Marchausee stormed the town and what followed was a short but brutal purge in some way. the Marchaussee having seen combat in the East Indies Crisis, had many combat veterans in its service during the besieging, veterans that were used to killing and only killing. Thus when the siege ended 370 people were dead and 900 were arrested, of which 400 were in critical conditions. This sends a shockwave through the Netherlands made it clear that reform would be needed, but also that some form of open discussion between all parties involved was needed if the Netherlands was to survive this situation they found themselves in.
The talks of 1980
Through 1980 the year was marked with a worsening economic situation yet for the first time open talks between all parties involved on what the future of the Netherlands would mean. These talks led everybody talked and while the NVB continued in erratic actions sometimes hostages and strikes, they never had the steam again that they first enjoyed. These talks lasting a year and eventually, through long talks a compromise was reached a consent would be eventually be seen as the most important thing in modern Dutch history.
De  Compromis van 1980
De Compromis van 1980 was a detailed plan presented by the Haverman government to the house of parliament and to the people, it detailed the draining of the Zuiderzee, Waddenzee, the rebuilding and restructuring of the Dutch housing construction policy, redevelopment of infrastructure the economy, and all other things all with the aim of making it long term sustainable.
This would eventually see cities redeveloped, agriculture redeveloped, the Dutch skyline changing forever, and the rise of the new cities and new urban area’s known for their high rises, carless almost layouts, public transport clean energy, and the image of an almost never-ending skyline in some areas of the nation and it would mark the beginning of the changing of Dutch culture forever.
Esteblishment of de Lands ontwikkelings commisie
== Geography ==


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