History of Russia: Difference between revisions

expanded Russian history (wip)
(add nat rep history (needs to be fleshed out though))
(expanded Russian history (wip))
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In February of 1926, the first elections were marred with controversy. The Vosstanists walked out of Parliament, declaring their formal opposition to the liberal republicans. After a series of negotiations with military and Cossack leaders, including General [[Mikhail Orlov]], the national republicans formed the Russian National Congress, accusing the Parliament of being an illegitimate institution. On the nineteenth, the Congress elected the revolutionary author and politician [[Ozero|Anastaze 'Ozero' Muromsky]] as Chairman of the National Republic.
In response, Parliament gathered their sparse military regiments and militias into what became known as the TricolourTricolor Army. Several regional leaders sided with Parliament, fearing that Congress would centralisecentralize the state and deprievedeprive the former viceroyalties of their autonomy. The Black Sea region, the Baltics, and several other regions populated by ethnic and religious minorities provided men for the TricolourTricolor Army.
The Vossatanists consolidated their power by enacting several social, martial, and economic programs, alleviating the worst effects of the famine and the economic crisis. Using authoritarian methods against dissenters and insurgents, they managed to confine the Parliamentarians to southern Russia by the summer of 1926. The Parliamentarians appealed to the Ottomans and the United Kingdom for assistance, but were given no response except for Finnish revolutionaries in the far north. By the winter of 1927, notable figures of Parliament left the country. By March of 1928, all major insurgencies had ceased.
== National-Republican era (19281926-19xx) ==
==== Russia in the Great War ====
{{Main|The Great War}}
In 1932, Russia, along with [[Japan]] and [[China]], [[Russo-Corean War|declared war]] against the burgeoning empire of Corea. Ending in 1935, the war resulted in the annexation of [[Poeja]] and an assertion of Russian influence in northeast Asia. The same year, Russia entered the [[Great War]] in the spring of 1935 when the [[Ottoman Empire]] declared war against them. Russia joined the [[United Kingdom]], [[Portugal]], and others in forming the [[Factions of the Great War#Cordial%20League|Cordial League]]. In 1936, Tripartite League forces laid siege to the city of Kiev for months. Chairman Ozero was forced to sign the Treaty of Akmolinsk in 1937, granting independence to the new Orkhonist state of [[Turkestan]]. Also in 1937, the Russo-Ottoman Compromise created the [[Rumelia|Rumelian National Republic]] and made Constantinople a Russo-Rumelian condominium. Russia's claims were formally acknowledged in the [[The Great War#Aftermath|Congress of Amsterdam]].
==== Ozero Murmsky administration (1926-1943) ====
Ozero, leader of the country for nearly two decades, dies in 1943 and is temporarily succeeded by pragmatist [[Mikhail Orlov]].
After the establishment of the national republic, the government was officially led by the chairman, Ozero Murmsky.
Ozero, leader of the country for nearly two decades, dies in 1943 and is temporarily succeeded by pragmatist [[Mikhail Orlov]] as an interim leader.
==== Semyon Kiselev administration (1947-1958) ====
Bureaucrats, rtl-contributors, Administrators
