History of Tussenland: Difference between revisions

Sjestakow-Coeymans administration: Eloheh, Agression towards Russia, and the electronics industry
(Cruger-Lundgren republican administration (1961-1967))
(Sjestakow-Coeymans administration: Eloheh, Agression towards Russia, and the electronics industry)
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=== Sjestakow-Coeymans administration (1967-1979) ===
Upon his ascension to the presidency, [[Anssem Sjestakow]], a politician of Russian-Amerikaner descent hailing from Kaetsheuvel, championed federalist ideals and aimed for a stronger and more centralized government. Sjestakow's presidency marked the beginning of Tussenland's more proactive international role and [[ANAN]]'s global prominence. Sjestakow was a key figure in the heightening of tensions between ANAN and [[Russia]].
==== ANAN Ascendancy ====
===== City of Eloheh =====
Under Sjestakow's direction, Tussenland successfully lobbied for the relocation of ANAN headquarters from New Amsterdam to a new planned city close to the center of North America. A site was chosen for the new city, named [[Eloheh]], in late 1968, its name derived from the Tsjalacki word for ''unity''.
[[Eloheh]]'s development was expedited. Local officials reported being under pressure or duress during the rushed land acquisition process. Tussenland's large profits from oil extraction royalties during the [[1970s Global Oil Crisis]] led to a rapid pace of construction and development. By 1972, the new ANAN headquarters was completed, with many of ANAN's offices already moving to their new offices. Infrastructure development continued in Eloheh throughout 1972-1980, with ongoing efforts to refine and expand the city's infrastructure and services, attracting migration to the new city.
===== Aggression towards Russia =====
Sjestakow was a known critic of [[national republicanism]] and [[Russia]], partly owing to his family's background being emigrants from the Russian Civil War in the 1920s. One of his goals was improving its national security, especially as [[Russia]] and [[United Kingdom|Britain]] had developed fully-operational transatmospheric rockets, which he saw as an existential threat ANAN and the American world. This led to the push for ANAN fostering their own indigenous rocketry program, which culminated in the creation of the American Rocketry Comission (ARC), and eventually the launch of ANAN's first transatmospheric rocket, the Atahensic, along with the world's first man-made satellite, the Quetzalcoatl.
==== Expansion of Tussenland's electronics sector ====
Following the invention of the transistron in 1965 at the University of Peoria, Meerenland, the electronics industry experienced significant growth, backed by government support. Électronique Mirelandais emerged as a leading electronics maker, gaining international recognition for producing inexpensive transistronized computers, particularly popular in the North American and Asian markets. Several semiconductor firms were also established in Tussenland, making electronics one of the nation's major industrial exports throughout the 1970s to 1980s.
== See also ==
Bureaucrats, rtl-contributors, Administrators
