National republicanism: Difference between revisions

Schatvka > Lustrum
(Expanded introductory paragraphs)
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In the 1920s, the European Economic Crisis prompted [[Russian Civil War|a civil war in the Russian Empire]], leading to the victory of the Russian Republican Congress and the formation of the first explicit national republic. During the Great War, the ideology spread across Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, resulting in countries such as [[China]], [[Jambu]], [[Austria]], [[Kirignaga-Loloue]], and [[Equador]] adopting national republican forms of government. This resulted in the establishment of the [[International Republican Coalition]], standing in stark contrast to the liberal-minded [[Organization of Democratic Nations]].
The [[The Russian Power Struggle of 1973-1978Lustrum|''Schvatka''Lustrum]] of the 1970s and the subsequent [[Anglo-Russian Thaw]] saw Russian national republicanism become increasingly receptive to liberal concepts as well as socioeconomic collaboration with the [[United Kingdom|British Empire]]. As a result, the IRC splintered into several factions; the reformists led by Russia, the traditionalists led by China, as well as numerous national republics seeking to carve their own path.
== Core concepts ==
