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m (Edited intro, terminology, and geography sections to rephrase and add new lore (language, info, etc))
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== History ==
{{Main|History of Tauland}}
== Government and Politics ==
{{Infobox government|government_name=Government of Tauland|nativename=<small>''Regering van Tauland''|government_form=Constitutional republic|date=1891|legislature=States-General|leader_title=Raadspensionaris|headquarters=[[New Hague]]}}
Tauland is a unitary constitutional republic with a parliamentary system, having evolved from the colonial administration of the Dutch East India Company and the dominion government. It takes heavy inspiration from the Dutch political system with some slight adjustments accounting for local traditions and realities. In general tho, it can be said that the political system
Tauland is a unitary, parliamentary constitutional republic. Its government evolved from the 17th century colonial administration of the Dutch East India Company, morphing into a semi-independent constitutional monarchy under the Netherlands in the 19th century. In 1891, Tauland achieved its final governmental form as a sovereign parliamentarian democracy modeled on the revolutionary [[Amerikaener|Amerikaener republics]].
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The TDF is technologically sophisticated but relatively small, compared to its neighbours. Although the 120,000 full-time active-duty personnel look impressive. Compared to its neighbours Tauland her military is small, to offset this it focuses on quality. This has created a situation where even the conscripts are better trained than most full-time soldiers in the region. The TDF is supported by a significant budget by worldwide standards and can deploy forces around the regions and support independent operations.
== Demographics ==
=== Ethnicity ===
Tauland is a multiethnic society. Composed of several different ethnic groups most notably:
'''Taulanders:''' Miscegenation (Inter marriage) is commonplace and has resulted in the formation of an ethnic group known simply as the Taulanders, who make up around two-thirds of the total national population. Most have Han Chinese, Dutch, and Aboriginal ancestries. Taulanders are usually trilingual in Dutch, Tauaans, and a third non-Germanic language. They are mainly Protestant Christians but also practice Buddhism and Daoism.
'''Chinese:''' Chinese Taulanders are descendants of immigrants from mainland China from the 16th century to the 19th century. Most are from the Banlam region and the Leunggwong region and thus speak Banlam or Cantonese along with the two official languages. Most have syncretic practices combining Buddhism, Christianity, and Chinese salvationist religions. They make up one-fifth of the population.
'''Aboriginals:''' Taulander aboriginals make up around 2.5-5% of the country and are descendants of Malayo-Polynesians. They often speak a Formosan language such as Tayal, Paywan, or Pangtsja. Since the 18th century, aboriginals have been staunchly Christian, specifically adhering to the Calvinist tradition. Animism is also common amongst rural aboriginal communities. A few aboriginals have Ljoetsjoean ancestry from 19th century intermarriages.
'''Coreans:''' Coreans have been living in Tauland since the 17th century, specifically since the Battle of Chiangtung Bridge in 1652 when several soldiers settled around Hollandia. As a separate community they make up around 3%, while 10% of Taulanders have some kind of Corean ancestry. Corean spoken on Tauland is heavily influenced by the Tsjalla dialect and the Chinese languages. Most Taulander Coreans practice Catholicism or Protestantism, while a fraction are Buddhist.
'''Ljoetsjoeans:''' Ljoetsjoeans make up 4-5% of the country and mostly live in the Ljoetsjoean Archipelago. They usually speak one of the Ljoetsjoean dialects and Tauaans. Buddhism is the majority religion and is syncretised with indigenous shamanism.
'''Maynillamannen:''' A small minority from the Philippines exists along the southern shore and in urban areas, most of them descendants of late-19th century emigrants due to the Philippine Revolution. Maynillamen - as they are called - speak Tauaans and Dutch usually along with Spanish, Ilocano, Tagalog, or Pangasinan. Roman Catholicism is their dominant religion while a few adhere to the Protestant churches.
=== Population size ===
== Culture ==
{{Main|Culture of Tauland}}Tauland's society is primarily built upon the Hokkien, Dutch, Loetsjaan, and Formosan cultures with influences from surrounding peoples such as the Hakka, Cantonese, and Giangnam peoples of China, the Ilocano and Tagalog of the Philippines, as well as the Coreans and the Japanese. Due to its diversity and unique status as a Eurasian creole culture, it is locally referred to as the ''Tong-Si kultuur'' (東西文, 'East–West culture').
{{Main|Culture of Tauland}}
=== Language ===
==== DutchEthnicity dialectsand race ====
Like [[New Batavia]] and [[Macau]], Taulanders are perceived by its own citizens and by foreigners as a Eurasian population. Around two-thirds of Taulanders are of mixed ancestry, primarily Germanic, Chinese, and Formosan, with lesser admixture from Corea, Japan, and surrounding nations. One of their defining features is their multilingualism and their historic affiliation with Protestantism, particularly the Reformed Church. The remaining one-third of Tauland's residents consist of mainly Chinese, Formosan, Corean, Loetsjaan, Viet, and Indonesian peoples.
1.) '''Tauland Standard Dutch (TSD)''': Closest to Hollandic Dutch, but has some features distinct to Tauland; most notably unique vocabulary and a distinct phonology. There is no significant grammatical difference between Tauland Standard Dutch and Hollandic Dutch with TSD being considered little more than a dialect of Hollandic. It is the language most commonly used in school and government and is considered prestige language of the nation.
==== EthnicityLanguage ====
2.) '''Tauland Colloquial Dutch (TCD)''': More commonly known as "'''Tauaans'''" is an informal and unstandardized Dutch-based creole, infusing influences from Cantonese, Hokkien, Corean & Japanese. It is mostly spoken in urban areas, and particularly the strongest within the lesser educated groups, the youth and those descendent from recent immigrants. Tauaans is notable for it's simplification of Dutch grammar, fast-direct way of speaking and use of slang.
Two distinct languages dominate the Republic of Tauland — Dutch and [[Tauaans]]. The official form of Dutch used in Tauland is considered akin to the language spoken in the Netherlands, with only a handful of features unique to the island. It is the primary language of government, education, law, diplomacy, and the media. On the other hand, Tauaans, a Sino–Dutch creole, is the lingua franca of Tauland and is spoken by the vast majority of the population. As a creole, Tauaans has a number of sociolects and registers which may vary based on the speaker's background and social circumstance.
==See also==
