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===== Return of Piet de Kotter to South Tussenland (1871) =====
Piet de Kotter, who was still in Virginia at the time, had learned of the events that spiraled out of control in South Tussenland and had decided to return home. Upon arriving in South Tussenland, he was greeted by a crowd elated to see his return. The crowd was made up of radical salvationists, Zoekerists disillusioned with the government, and elite members. Piet de Kotter had written in his private journals that he was "disgusted" with the mob's actions but did not reveal his true sentiments as that would turn public opinion against him. Instead, he lauded the efforts of the mob, saying they were "justified." On August 29, 1871, Piet de Kotter was proclaimed the new Protector of South Tussenland. Piet de Kotter had established reforms that made him popular with the public, such as establishing the Assembly of the People, which served as an advisory board to the church government. The elders of the six provinces eventually switched allegiance to Piet de Kotter, afraid that they might lose their power and influence otherwise.
Throughout the 1870s and onwards, the Zoekerist Church (Church of the Second Ascension) as led by Piet de Kotter would eventually shift from its exclusionist nature to a more evangelical one. The churches that split off from the Church of the Second Ascension, like the Church of Holy Salvation, also saw some reforms, but never reunited with the Zoekerist Church. Although the Church of the Second Ascension was still the official church of the state, the new government was not as repressive as the previous ones were.
After Mexico's independence in 1881, both Mexico and Spain fought over influence in South Tussenland. When Spain's power in the Americas waned in the late 19th century, South Tussenland started to lean to Mexico for support, and later in the 1890s, Britain, who had just recently established a presence in Cuba after helping the Cubans defeat the Spanish in the 1894 Cuban War of Independence. In 1906, the newly independent Federation of Tussenland established ties with the theocratic government of Tussenland. Despite having established basic diplomatic ties, the Emperor of Mexico warned South Tussenland to be wary of Tussenland's intentions, as they were on a position geographically strategic to Tussenland (mouth of the Mississippi River). Despite this, Tussenland and South Tussenland signed a pact of non-aggression.
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