Russia: Difference between revisions

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Add info for the ANRs and Sister Republics, and conflict in central Asia
(Add map and flag)
(Add info for the ANRs and Sister Republics, and conflict in central Asia)
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On December 3rd, the winter palace was surrounded by a bread riot that swept through Moscow, and after 6 hours of rioting, the protestors stormed the Winter Palace. The nobility left the previous day to St. Petersburg (but upon hearing of the storming of the palace, left for Britain). After two days of further agitation and the breakdown of imperial civil control in Russia, the Russian Republican Congress declared the first Russian Republic and the end of imperial rule. After a week of tension with the new government, the imperial military reluctantly agreed to back the new government.
For the first month of its existence, the new Republic was stuck in a deadlock between the two major factions in government, the liberal republicans and the nationalist republicans (more commonly known as the Vosstanists (from Russian восстановление, vosstanovlenie) . Additionally, after the Tsar fled, many non-Russian regions of the empire declared independence, while the Russian military acted mostly autonomously from the Republics congress. In February of 1926, after the first wave of elections was marred with controversy. The Nationalist RepublicansVosstanists walked out of congress and started to conspire to overthrow the liberal-republican-dominated congress. The following week after a series of negotiations with the military (led by General Mikhail Orlov) and the leaders of the Cossacks, the newly reformed Nationalist Republican / Vosstanist faction now known as the 'Russian National Congress' declared the Russian Republican Congress illegitimate.
==== Russian Civil War ====
The Russian Republican Congress reacted harshly to the National Congresses declaration and raised militias from loyalist cities and regions. By March of 1926, the Liberal Russian Republic relied only on a decentralized system of militias with dubious loyalties and often recruited from rebellious national interest groups who feared that the Russian NationalistsVosstanists would destroy the local autonomy given to them by the Tsar's Viceroy system. This faction was often known collectively on the battlefield as the Tricolor Army due to their use of the Russian white, blue & red tricolor flag. Initially, the Tricolor Army was able to hold on to land in southern Russian, the Baltics and regions in Northern Russia.
In contrast, the NationalistsVosstanists were able to rapidly take control of the core of Russian ethnic and industrial land in the Muscovite region. They consolidated their rule with a variety of social and work programs, which alleviated the worst of the effects of the famines and economic crisis and the use of harsh authoritarian crackdowns on dissenters. The Russian NationalistsVosstanists were able to push the Tricolor Republic Army out of North Russia by the summer of 1926. They then slowly turned their attention to their core region of support in south Russia. Throughout 1927, opponents from the Liberal Republic would try desperately to gain a foreign backer, first from the British and then the Ottomans, but as the European Economic Crisis raged, there was little desire from the other powers of Europe to get involved in a civil war that seemed to be already lost. However, they were able to find an ally in the Finnish Nationalist Republican insurgents that launched the Finnish revolution a year prior (1925).
By the winter of 1927, the Liberals realized their plight was doomed and so used their resources to provide an exodus route for the leaders, military, and businesspeople of the ill-fated republic. By February of 1928, there were only pockets of isolated fighting as the NationalistsVosstanists swept into Southern Russia and gained control. By March, the last battle of the Russian Civil War was over.
=== Russian National Union ===
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==== Reforming the State ====
===== Autonomous National Republics and Sister Republics =====
==== Russo-Corean War ====
As part of the reforms of the new Russian National Republic, the Vosstanists set up two new administrative classifications for the former Imperial Russian territories.
# '''Autonomous National Republics (ANRs)''': ANRs are semi-autonomous nationalist republics modeled after the Russian National Republic. ANRs were not sovereign and independent nations, and therefore had no international representation and recognition, and was instead part of the Russian National Republic. Examples of ANRs are Circassia and Transcaucasia.
# '''Sister Republics (SRs)''': Sister republics were nominally independent and sovereign states. They had their own government modeled after the Russian National Republic. However, unlike ANRs, they were not politically bound to the Russian National Republic. Most of the SRs created maintained close economic, military, and diplomatic ties with the Russian Nationalist Government. Examples of SRs include the Ainu National Republic, Kazaqstan, Tadjikistan.
Outside of the former Russian Empire's territories, the definition of a "Sister Republic" was loosely defined. Some states that describe themselves as Nationalist-Republican consider themselves as sister republics of Russia, while others refrained the use of the term as it implies Russian suzerainty.
===== Conflict in Central Asia =====
Pan-Turkic ideas had already proliferated in Central Asia since the dawn of the 20th century. However, with the Russian Empire faltering and support from the Ottoman Empire and Serindia, the self-proclaimed Republic of Turkestan declared its independence from Russia in the 1924. Both the Vosstanists and the Liberals fought against Turkestan, and even when the civil war had already ended in 1928, the victorious Vosstanists were still unable to subdue the rebellion. The Vosstanists attempted to negotiate with the Turkic rebels, but they refused to cooperate. This forced the new Russian National Republican government to launch a large-scale war against Turkestan in 1930. This was briefly interrupted during the Russo-Corean War in 1932-1936 and resumed in 1937. During the period of peace, infighting between the leaders of Turkestan finally made it susceptible to Russian diplomatic strong-arming. By 1938, Russia negotiated with the various leaders of the rebellion separately. In the Treaty of Almaty (1938), peace was made in Central Asia; five nominally independent sister republics were created under the auspices of the Russians: Kirghizstan, Kazaqstan, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan.
==== Russo-Corean War (1932-1936) ====
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